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Author Topic: Anxiety and happiness  (Read 12329 times)


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2016, 05:49:16 PM »

I wish I could stop worrying about what might/could happen - ie health stuff ...I find when I am stressed my mind seems to gravitate towards negative thoughts & I can convince myself that only bad stuff and all I worry/think about is going to happen... I loathe the way my mind works & all the anx - sometimes I just don't what it feels like to really relax and not be/feel fearful..

I think it really is just a case of putting one foot in front of the other some days and just getting through it. I find if I have a good few hours that I can then relax a bit more so that I get another good few hours, if that makes sense. I know what you mean about worrying and thinking about all the negative things - we never think that good things can happen or believe that our thoughts have any basis in reality when it's something good, so why do we assume that every bad thing has to to be true? I have no magic wand other than to say we just have to keep plugging away at saying so what or whatever to all the anxious thoughts we get until they diminish. They won't vanish as it is human to worry but we can make them less prominent by how we respond to them. Some days we will be better at it than others so don't feel that you aren't winning if you have a setback.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2016, 06:29:54 PM »

It makes absolute sense Coldethyl …….. but once anxiety hits I can't put 1 foot in front of the other >sigh<.  Once the gut feelings kick in …….

I need to do more 'googling' stuff about seretonin  :-\ ………. to get my head round it all  ;)

I doubt if after 6 weeks your gut will be reacting to your AD.  Maybe a reaction to the counselling.  Don't stop either!


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2016, 08:13:53 PM »


I can relate to what you say - re putting one foot in front of the other, some days tho it takes so much mental/emotional strength its exhausting ...So many fears seem to have manifested with meno - mine all seem to focus more on health concerns & I don't classify myself as a hypochondriac ... Just worry about what might/could happen because of this or that that happened in the past... I know worrying does not serve any positive purpose and what will be and all that etc ..... I am trying to investigate " Mindfulness" and see if that has any positive effect.....


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2016, 08:18:12 PM »

'wading through treacle'


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2016, 12:47:23 PM »

 :-\ in the early hours I went through this thread in my head …….. not making a lot of sense am I  ::) in that when depressed it is mental and physical in that I ache ……..

Still can't explain myself  :-X

This morning: not ecstatic but I found myself feeling happy  :) - a good morning without anxiety!


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2016, 03:13:30 PM »

I was inspired by yesterdays discussion to take my AD with food.  I also decided to try cutting it in half and having half morning and evening, with food.
Took half this morning with my breakfast and, so far,less queasiness and tummy churning.  Will take the other half with dinner and make mental notes to discuss with GP when I go.

thanks for the helpful input so far.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2016, 03:15:41 PM »

Hello Friends

There have been a lot of threads on the subject of anxiety recently, in particular health anxiety. It is something that I suffer from, so I have been following the posts with interest. One thing that has just occurred to me is that often you don't realise how bad your were/ are until you are starting to come out of it.

On and off I have had HA for about three years and peri symptoms for the same length of time. I've recently had a very bad patch and was on the verge of asking for ADs at the Drs ( I think I might have posted about it). In addition to the constant (every three minutes - I timed them) black, negative thoughts, I had pains everywhere, joints, muscles, stomach, IBS, you know the score. I was unable to go shopping or out for a meal in case I needed the toilet and could not find one. Although I appeared to be working (I work from home) in fact I was just staring at the computer or looking up illnesses on Google. I felt I could not plan anything for the future.

In a last ditch attempt to avoid the Dr (OH threatened to get her to come round to house as I was refusing to go) I decided to try a mindfulness app and also do some reading/research. I was very sceptical that anything could help as I had read some anxiety books in the summer and tried some suggested techniques like labelling thoughts but it just didn't work. So I read a book about a success story in recovering from HA (by a male writer) and also some extracts of more serious books (via Kindle samples), also I read the Ruby Wax book Sane New World. I downloaded the Headspace app onto my phone and began to do it every day. Just the free trial at first, but I have carried on and done the full paid for 30 days, plus the sleep app part every night and now I am working through the anxiety unit.

It's very very early days at the moment and I have only been shopping a couple of times and for a McDo (sad I know I love them). I know that everything could relapse BUT I have just noticed that 90% of the pains have gone. I did get a bad ovarian pain the other day, but instead of sitting in front of the computer looking up cancer I took an ibuprofen and carried on working. I've also noticed that the 'chattering' in my head has reduced - it's not gone, but I don't 'hear' it as much. I've also noticed that I am getting more proper work done. It could just be a coincidence but I wonder if there may be something in this mindfulness after all.

Thank you meno friends for being here, as others have said, there have been times when only the existence of the forum has kept me from total melt-down.




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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2016, 03:58:06 PM »

BB, what an inspiring post. It takes courage for us to admit that we are suffering from HA as people assume it's something we can just control or pull ourselves out of at the drop of a hat when in fact, it's a living hell. As you will have seen, there's a few threads on the subject at the moment and it really helps me to read them and digest them as I am having a really bad bout again, centred around my heart this time. Been through breast, kidneys and bowels...all okay but convinced it's the real thing this time. Have gone from coping to completely not coping within the space of a week. Have been worse since I plucked up courage to go to Drs about chest discomfort but she knew I had anxiety and depression and my ECG was ok when I went to a&e in August so have got ADs again with some diazepam. I too have read the RubyWax book and most of the rest but can't believe that I am not I'll with angina etc. I know I will end up having tests that I don't want but I am panicking that it will be missed and too late. Read a Daily Mail story recently that said of a woman going through meno with chest pains, told her all ok but then she changed her diet, did some exercise and promptly dropped dead one night on the bathroom floor!! So, I can't get that image out of my head no matter what I try to distract it with. I know I am my own worst enemy. Just done some tidying away, sorting laundry etc and chest ache came on so now in meltdown thinking I was just coping today. It's ridiculous...think I need to just sit outside a&e ever day! Family think I am stupid and a bit of a joke.

Your post is so good. I need to be where you are and get a grip.


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2016, 04:05:39 PM »

How many don't drop dead  :-\ ……… I could tell some tales but won't  ;).  We have health anxiety thread here but being forgetful, I can't remember where  :D

I haven't been anxious 2-day.  I have been quite happy ….


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2016, 04:11:15 PM »

Sorry BB, just hijacked a completely positive, rational thread by being a panicking numpty.

Think the HA threads are a bit here, there and everywhere on the forum...maybe an idea to have a separate lone thread as there seems to be a few with it maybe?


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2016, 04:12:28 PM »

lone or loon?  ::)


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2016, 04:24:24 PM »

Definitely 'Loon' in my case  ::)


Ju Ju

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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2016, 04:43:23 PM »

Loons are wonderful birds ( called Great Northern  Divers over here.) A family of them live on the lake where my son stays for most of the summer in the USA. They make a ghostly sound day and night. So I would opt for loon! You're in good company! Oh in Canada they have coins called loons, after the birds......just a bit of loony trivia!  ::)


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2016, 04:54:11 PM »

Ha ha JuJu, just a Great Northern Nutter' here.... :-\


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Re: Anxiety and happiness
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2016, 05:24:52 PM »

Feel like one though Sparkle to be honest. Have had good spells in between but they seem so long ago. My Mum and I were going on cruises till 18 months ago when this got bad again but since then she's not really up to it either...happy days. X
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