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Author Topic: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?  (Read 18536 times)


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2016, 05:06:05 PM »

Oh bless you ive looked for your posts to see how you're doing :) bet you can't wait for your appointment....I stopped the utro on the 7th so now 3 days off it no bleed yet but no dip slept well last night feel great today :) Honestly 100mg 7 days used vaginally for ladies like us I think is the best option...I felt really sick on day 1 like morning sickness but it had gone by lunchtime then the worst side effect was really just groggy in the morning slightly restless vivid dreams/sleep etc but not awake for hours and no horrid mood or anxiety :)

I'll definately post as in my eyes Prof Studd has given me my life back he's a miracle worker, I found a picture of myself a year ago I tbink at my lowest in terms of weight, exhaustion, PND and pmt omg I look awful and I compare it to now, a different women and so much better for my kids and hubbie...

I'm pleased things aren't too bad for you and 7 weeks will fly then you know you're in expert hands :) x



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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2016, 07:44:09 PM »

Well it sounds like a very positive step forward to you. Keeping fingers crossed that you don't get another nasty dip this month. If you do, you could ask Prof. Studd if you could just up your gel on those days?

I am do glad I have this appointment with Annie Evans. I am banking on her to really help me out of this quagmire of mood swings.



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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2016, 07:55:22 PM »

Weirdly it was me dropping my gel from 3 to 2 which got me out of the last dip, confusing...I'll definitely be asking about it though! It seems im sensitive to everything!

I'm sure you'll be sorted soon 😃x



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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2016, 09:05:51 PM »

Same here. I have felt very good these last 10 days, just on Femoston 1/10, so a low dose. But my own oestrogen was rising too. It's only now a couple of days after ovulating, and now starting the combined section of my HRT that my problems start.

Generally speaking I am always fine for these 10 days of my cycle, HRT or no HRT. It's like I only really need any treatment for half of each month. But the very thing, HRT, which should help me also contains the very thing, progesterone, which I can't tolerate.

So unfair.


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2016, 11:14:21 PM »

Is it very expensive to see a Prof Studd? And do you then have to purchase your HRT privately too?


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2016, 10:11:59 AM »

He is very expensive and yes I pay for the hrt privately. He was £300 for initial consultation and he did full bloods and bone scan my bill was close to £1,000 😬 I see him Rhursday for my first follow up which is £200 my prescription was close to £100. BUT I believe he's the best and a close friend has seen him for years, he's changed my life and so it's worth every penny. My big sister has helped me out a bit too x

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2016, 01:22:43 PM »

Professor Studd is expensive but worth every penny.  The point is, he really knows his stuff and has made hormones his life's work and if he says something is OK, you know it is.  In my opinion, his philosopy should be compulsory learning for all trainee doctors and his factsheet should be given to all GPs who should be using his guidelines when prescribing HRT.  Too many GPs are still dishing out the wrong medication or no medication for menopausal women.  This man changes women's lives and his reputation is such that he has a worldwide patient list. 

His prescriptions are private but if you want to save money, you can buy Oestrogel, patches and Utrogestan OTC in Spain for about half the price in the UK. 


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2016, 01:33:24 PM »

So agree Mary:) amazing man feel like giving him a hug on Thursday but don't know what he'd make of that 😂....I have some niggles to iron out but I know he'll know the answers id never get this from my GP you know you're dealing with probably one of if not the world leading expert in this area, just don't want him to retire!x
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 01:34:57 PM by Niamh »


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2016, 05:05:33 PM »

Yes he is a great pioneer! Remember also Nick Panay who worked with him and is also eminent - and not forgetting the many other expert gynaecologists who prescribe similarly - in different areas and are equally eminent but perhpas not so well known. Maybe women should let us all know their gynaes (if private) on here so that others can see who else is around too.

But - you can get oestrogel and progesterone on the NHS at only the cost of a prescription!  Girls - please don't despair if you haven't got this sort of money to spend - but you might have to be assertive depending on your practice :)

Hurdity x

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2016, 05:19:52 PM »

Good idea Hurdity.  We need a section on here for HRT friendly gynaecologists who know their stuff and are singing from the same hymn sheet as Professor Studd and willing to prescribe the right type of HRT.  Hopefully some members will come on here and share their personal experiences of Dr. Nick Panay and Dr. Annie Evans and give some indication of cost etc. 

It does cost money to seek private treatment so it might be worth being more assertive when visiting your GP and literally insisting that they prescribe the right medication.  If they refuse, you could insist on seeing the practice manager immediately and quoting the new NICE guidelines. 

Professor Studd will write a letter to your doctor to help you get an NHS  prescription if necessary. 


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2016, 06:17:08 PM »

My appointment with Annie Evans is costing £195 for an initial 45 minute consultation and this includes her writing you a prescription + writing directly to your GP to advise on treatment. Further appointments, if necessary, are £95.

I think this is actually very reasonable for private medicine. The irony is that considering my numerous trips to see my GP + my 4 trips to the Meno Clinic, I will have cost the NHS far more than Annie Evans will charge me.

If the NHS could only get HRT right, sooner, for more women, it would save them millions. Even if Prof. Studd could, say, issue a 2 page idiot guide on hormonal depression/anxiety and other Meno symptoms (and the best treatment there of), to be circulated to all GP surgeries.

It would save so much of the GP's time, surgery hours, save women from months/years of misery, save the cost of endless AD prescription.

Last week, I correctly diagnosed my friend as menopausal. Her GP refused to countenance her being Menopausal, as she is still in her 40s. But her periods are now closer together, she often has to change her PJs during the night because she has swested so much, has had 4 urine infections in the last 6 months, she suffers with constant exhaustion, and feels dreadfully low and hopeless during the week before her period.

She then saw a different GP who also diagnosed her as menopausal and she started HRT at the weekend.

It scares me how oblivious some GPs are.

Mary G

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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2016, 06:50:48 PM »

Well said GPL, I think it is outrageous that GPs are so ill-informed about a relatively easy to understand part of medicine.  If I can get to grips with it then they should find it a doddle. 

There are literally millions of miserable women out there who are in the same situation as your friend and not being treated which will cost them years of their lives not to mention millions of pounds in NHS money in later life.  I wonder how many hip replacements, bladder problems and cases of osteoporosis could be avoided if these women could be treated properly?  I thought it had been well established now that women need to start hormone treatment as soon as their oestrogen levels drop in their forties in order to avoid these problems. 

Good idea about Professor Studd sending out an idiot guide to GPs about HRT, it could help so many women.


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Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once?
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2016, 09:05:11 AM »

Agree totally, it shouldn't be we have to pay privately to get the right treatments!

I am using oestrogel as I said to my GP that is what I wanted to try, the progesterone part being the mirena coil, still worries me a bit, but from what I understand from you lovely ladies, it's safer than oral progestin so with regard to it being in utro and less systemically absorbed.

Testosterone isn't mentioned by GPs

I too have a friend 43, who is waking up drenched st night, struggling to concentrate, feeling low and depressed and peeing frequently, all things I suffered for almost 10 years before plucking up courage to try HRT, I dint know if she will go to her male GP to discuss,Mandy if she does, I question how informed he will be and what he will offer
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