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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: A little rant & change of HRT  (Read 1985 times)


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A little rant & change of HRT
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:10:45 PM »

Well today I went to my GP & asked to change my HRT from Evorel conti to Femseven conti,  I've  been on Evorel almost the 3 months & just had enough, I don't think the Norethisterone is suiting me, I've began to get very weepy & emotional again aswell as sore boobs and irritable rather like PMT. Not to mention I'm fed up with the bleeding (9 days on & 6 or 7 off the whole time), now I know there's a chance I could still have bleeding with the Femseven but I'm hoping that in general I might feel a whole lot better so didn't want to persevere any longer with the Evorel, though in the first few early weeks the Evorel was great & really seemed to suit me but I'm guessing that as the Norethisterone has built up it has had adverse effects on me?? Not sure, but cross fingers the Femseven works and sticks.....!!!!!!
What I really wanted to say though was, I am actually quite shocked at how clueless my lady GP who is of menopausal age herself actually was (this was why I chose to see this particular one because of her age)  :( When I asked about changing onto another conti patch she had to get her sheets of paper out & start looking it up  :o it was then that I said "It's called Femseven" to which she replied "Oh you've been doing your research!", she actually wasn't really interested in my symptoms, she seemed more concerned about  looking through her sheets of paper & taking my BP 4 times as it was slightly I thought maybe I'll push my luck and ask about the Gel since she's not taking much notice of what I'm talking about....she didn't have a clue...she said "If you want that it's something I'd have to ask about as I don't know".
I'm so glad I have this site as without it I would be clueless as I certainly couldn't rely on my Dr for information/help/advice  :(. It's really sad that in this day and age the GP's are not clued up on HRT, it did actually make me wonder what & if she was using/doing and how she's coping with menopause  ??? To be honest the young Junior Dr that first put me on HRT 3 months ago had more of a clue than this menopausal one  ::) but unfortunately she has left now that is why I thought the next best one would be the one of similar age to myself  :(.
Anyway, this is my little rant which i thought I would share  ;) Wish me luck on Femseven!


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Re: A little rant & change of HRT
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 07:19:09 PM »

Hello Goosieloosie and may I be the first to wish you good luck with Femseven!

I am also amazed at how little knowledge some GPs have regarding HRT. It makes you wonder how they are advising all the menopausal women who come to see them. It's the menopause for goodness sake, half of humanity experiences it and the only escape is if you are unfortunate enough to die young so it's hardly a rarity!

See what you did there,  you got me ranting as well. It's a good job we have this forum or things could get messy!

Wishing you well and take care.
