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Author Topic: AD's and HRT advice needed please!  (Read 3302 times)


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AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« on: January 03, 2016, 02:31:11 PM »

Hello - I haven't posted in a while but have been reading how everyone is doing.

I am now 3 months into Duloxetine, it's not been a miracle cure by any means but it has enabled me to get back to work after being off sick for 4 months. I still get morning anxiety and worry whether I will ever be the old me, but I think that's the depression talking.

I have been having cbt, physcotherapy, trying my best at practising mindfulness and read Ruby Wax's Sane New World book.  In addition I am taking 200 mg of iron and 400 iu of Vitamin D which I discovered I had a defiency in 3 weeks ago.

In respect of HRT, I stepped off Femoston 1/10 just over 7 weeks ago because I was worrying that the progesterone part was making my anxiety worse. Also a consultant had prescribed me everol sequi which I had read was a rubbish progesterone.
Anyway, I haven't had a period since, apart from 1 day of spotting yesterday.  However I haven't had a period in winter since 2009!

Although I know I have improved, I've still got a long way to go and I am wondering whether re-starting HRT may help.  I was okay on F1/10 but never liked the grey tablets but F2/10 gave me 3 periods each month and caused my ferritin levels to be 6.  Really don't fancy increasing my AD's as I don't want to feel to numbed out.  I'm also worried about the long term damage of not having enough oestrogen. I'm 44.


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2016, 03:07:57 PM »

I think you could be someone who would do well on Oestrogel with Utrogestan or Provera.  The Oestrogel is transdermal and a good way to give oestrogen - you could start with just one pump per day which could be enough to protect you at your age. Provera and Utrogestan are the kinder progesterones and you just take these as pills for 12 days each month to produce a bleed.
I get a feeling of general well-being when taking Utrogestan and I think this is quite common with many women because it is a natural progesterone and not testosterone based as the others are - worth giving it a try. Dg x


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2016, 09:44:56 PM »

Hi - thank you for the reply.

I think I will email my consultant to ask if he will do me a prescription. The progesterone part, is this also transdermal or taken vaginally? For some reason, it expected the Vitamin D tablets to help my depression and anxiety but it hasn't yet!


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2016, 10:07:16 PM »

Utrogestan can be used orally or vaginally but I find I feel better using it orally while others find the vaginal route better - It's trial and error I'm afraid.  At 44 you might feel well better with some HRT so it's worth persevering to find the right HRT combo for you. Many women need HRT and ADS together to deal with all the meno symptoms.
Vitamin D is good for many things and can help with SAD and fatigue but won't specifically help with depression.
You are doing all the right things to get yourself back on track so be patient and hopefully you will find the balance. DG x


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2016, 10:20:17 PM »

Yes you're right, I'm really impatient! Also find myself ruminating sometimes over getting better and quicker.....anyway back at work this week so that should take my mind off things a bit.
I've just been reading some of my old posts from November time and it's made me realise how far I have come.
My Dad went to visit an aunt in hospital over Christmas and he'd said that out of 6 female patients in her ward, that 4 of them had broken hips.  I suppose it got me thinking about my bones and my lack of HRT.
I suppose now I'm making progress mentally, albeit slowly, the HRT could be the icing on the cake 🎂
 Thanks for listening xx


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2016, 11:33:52 AM »

Yes, for the sake of your bones, if nothing else, some HRT would give you some long term health benefits.  DGx


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2016, 12:38:59 PM »

400iu of D3 is low for deficiency.  I was told to take 25ug/1000iu.  My husband is on 2 calcichew per day.  Some people advise much more!

I read somewhere that vit D is needed in the last part of the thyroid pathway - after the thyroxin has entered the cell, the D3 is needed so that it can interact with the nucleus.  If you are low, you may have symptoms of low thyroid, like fatigue and depression.

I found that after 6 weeks, I suddenly felt better - I lost the feeling of 'can't be bothered with anything'.  Now, I still get nothing done, but at least I am bothered  ::)  I take 1000iu over winter and 400 in the summer, and try and eat sardines on toast regularly.  If I stop for a couple of weeks, my joints in my neck hurt.


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2016, 07:51:32 PM »

Hi Mis71Mum

I agree with Dancgingirl - at your young age you should be taking HRT to protect your heart and bones and not increasing the ADs yet as you may find these symptoms you are experiencing are partly due to menopause. If after taking the HRT for 6 months these other symptoms are not improved and turn out not to be hormonal/cyclical then maybe reconsider.

Hurdity x


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2016, 09:34:08 PM »

Hello - thanks for the replies.

Yes Dahliagirl, I think I've made a mistake with the doseage. My GP told me to go to Holland and Barrett and get a vitamin D3 supplement. When I spoke to him today, he said I should be on at least 800 iu for my defiency. My level was 35 when I think it should be a minimum of 50.

Hurdity - the anxiety makes me analyse how I am doing and makes me want to be better quicker/sooner.  I think I'll give myself a few weeks to wait for my cycle to restart and then try a new regime.

My CBT counsellor today said that Vit d defiency plays a massive part in lowering of mood. Also I know anaemia causes depression too.  Just remembered reading a post from a lady before Christmas who was also struggling, and she also had low ferritin levels and vit d. Hope she's managed to take her supplements and got herself back on an even keel.


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2016, 03:35:47 PM »


There has just been a trial done by the vit D Council that has proved that it is safe to take up to 10.000ius  without harm or side effects I am on 5,000ius as I have ms, if I was you I would have another word with your doctor and see if he agrees with you taking a simular dose to quickly get your levels up, so you don't suffer unnecessary mine are now 95 .

Ann x


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2016, 01:07:51 PM »

Hi Smokey - thank you for your reply.  Yes I'll ask my GP about the level I should be taking.  Just out of interest, how long did it take for your levels to increase or get where they needed to be?


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Re: AD's and HRT advice needed please!
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2016, 05:27:04 PM »

Hi His71Mum

That's hard to say as I never actually had them tested before taking the vit d, just decided to take them after researching the benefits I initially took 1000ius after developing the ms, but it still took a further two years for my neurologist to say I should start taking 2,000ius, and they wouldn't do vit d test as they thought it was unnecessary (probably cost) then they were increased to 5.000ius
Last May and I then managed to get tested and was found to be adequate at 96. I did suffer tiredness and thyroid was also out of sink too.

The vit D is meant to benefit most people agains diseases, and to reduce relapses with ms.

Hope you start to feel better soon.