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Author Topic: Utrogestan nausea tiredness  (Read 11308 times)


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Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« on: January 02, 2016, 11:05:13 AM »

Hi so this is my 2nd month on utro im prog intolerant so just taking 100 mg for 7 days. This month im trying it v route, I took orally last month and had a few side effects.  Last night was my first dose and today I feel like early pregnancy waves of awful sickness limbs like lead groggy tired 😝 I feel like this is a bit worse than orally! Just wondered if anyone else had the same? Should I try v route for a few more days to see if it subsides as maybe it's just because of the sudden hit!? Although I read it can be stronger this way so maybe orally better for me.... Thanks x


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2016, 11:35:21 AM »

I used my first utrogestan tablet vaginally last night as well.
I don't have any nausea but I feel the need for several strong coffees to wake me up, don't know if that is the utrogestan or because I kept waking up with quite vivid dreams!
Hope your nausea settles soon.


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2016, 12:40:19 PM »

Yes ive had the morning grogginess!! Coffee did help sickness eased abut for now but I'm off to wedding 😁 my sleep is all over the place anyway tbh I defknately woke a few times last night but slept better than the last week which has been dire!


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2016, 01:58:48 PM »

Utrogeston usually causes tiredness grogginess unfortunately. Think you just have to endure it for the seven days but it should in theory help with sleep.


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2016, 02:50:05 PM »

I've never had nausea with utrogestan although the French leaflet recommends vaginal use for those who suffer these side effects such as dizziness through oral route.

I agree that the effects are often felt immediately due to the sudden increase in progesterone - wheareas endogenous progesterone produced by the ovaries during the menstrual cycle will increase more gradually. Side effects do often settle, although for some women some undesirable effects only become manifest after a few days as it builds up in the system. I get vivid dreams on it too, although having said that I had very vivid dreams last night!

If groggy/tired is the only side effect - then that's great because one can generally cope with that! It's some of the other sdie effects and especially from the synthetic progestogens (headache, very low mood etc) that can be challenging.

It's a mistake to think that the search for the perfect HRT means having no side effects at all - after all we have lived through hundreds of menstrual cycles and so as long as the side effects through HRT are no worse than this (or not so bad for those who suffered terrible pms) - then that is the best we can hope for - as long as we feel better overall for most of the time compared to when not taking it :)

Absolutely! Seven days is a very short time to take it - so just take each day one day at a time and you'll be there in no time :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2016, 05:31:17 PM »

My grogginess lifted about 12 hours after using the utrogestan, just a bit concerned about it as I am on the 25 day route!

foreign body

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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2016, 02:18:52 AM »

i sympathize. I too am progesterone intolerant and take Utrogestan 100mg vaginally for 7 days a month. I always feel fluy, nauseous, achy that week. I have no energy, especially in the morning, foggy brain, slow digestion and constipation, a few acne spots.
I wonder if i could cut the utrogestan in a half and start on 50 mg just to ease my body into the progesterone phase.
It's as if my body had an allergic reaction to this hormone.
I did suffer from PMS in the past but not as bad.


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2016, 07:47:21 PM »

foreign body - in your position I would only half the progesterone and ease yourself into it by taking the reduced amount in addition to the 7 days at the full dose - you are on a very short cycle  and low dose anyway so I would not have thought it advisable to reduce the amount further than this. Some years ago I remember someone on here asking about freezing the tab and then cutting it in two - but I don't know what effect freezing has on the progesterone molecule nor whether taking an opened (cut) tablet would mean that the progesterone suspension passed thorugh the body too quickly to be absorbed sufficiently.

Hurdity x


foreign body

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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2016, 01:53:15 AM »

thanks, Hurdity.
i will try a low dose of progesterone for a couple of days to ease my body into it and see if it makes any difference. The first few days are always the worst. I don't mind taking it for 10 days instead of 7 if the side effects are more tolerable.


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2016, 10:07:10 AM »

I have the opposite effect, it gives me insominia for 12 nights per month and I often wake up gagging with nausea yes, that is def one of the downsides of taking it, and I dont use it orally oh and sore aching boobs....:(

Mary G

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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2016, 05:58:04 PM »

I wish someone could come up with a better way of disabling the womb and stopping the lining building up when taking HRT because no form of progesterone is ideal.  That is why I constantly find myself considering a hysterectomy so that I can be rid of this problem once and for all!

I wonder why Utrogestan does not come in a lower dose i.e. 50mg?  This could help those of us who are progesterone intolerant and we could simply take a lower dose for longer. 

I find I sleep very well while taking Utrogestan but I have to be very careful to split my dose of Oestrogen gel (1 pump every 12 hours) in order to avoid the dip which, in my case, triggers silent migraines.  I have now been on this regime for two months and so far so good so it could be worth trying this method if you are suffering from Utrogestan side effects.

Foreign body, please let us know how your trial goes, it would be great it if works.


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2016, 06:23:37 PM »

Thanks ladies some really useful advice and experiences. I'm pleased to say I'm on day 5 and the nausea only lasted til after lunch on day 1, I still feel groggy in the morning but it doesn't last long and my sleep is ok I do tend to wake and slso have quite vivid dreams and it's a bit restless!! However bearing in mind im prog intolerant and my pmt was horrific this is bliss for me :). Oh I'm a bit cranky too but again nothing like I used to be. The next bit for me is coming off it as last month I felt horrific for a good week praying this month is better as im used v route and reduced my ostrogel to 2 pumps as felt mad on 3 😁x


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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2016, 06:27:57 PM »

I agree Mary G - especially re the lower dose of progesterone which would enable more targeted doses for HRT and for women on lower oestrogen doses too.

There is one product developed in US which combines a Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulator with oestrogen but there are limited studies - and unfortunately is only available in tablet form and the oestrogen is conjugated equine oestrogen! Here is some info about it: I remember when it came out and started to get interested until I heard about the oestrogen.

Hurdity x

Mary G

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Re: Utrogestan nausea tiredness
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2016, 06:43:46 PM »

Thanks for that link Hurdity, what a pity about the oestrogen type and delivery method. 

Perhaps someone can come up with something similar using transdermal, bio identical oestrogen or how about a "miracle" Mirena type coil that never leaves the confines of the womb?