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Author Topic: Prozac - Reassurance please  (Read 3639 times)


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Prozac - Reassurance please
« on: December 30, 2015, 11:10:53 AM »


I'm just looking for a little bit of reassurance from you lovely members, as I've now started on my course of Prozac (see New Members – Am I going Slightly Mad) and feeling more anxious at the moment.  I've only been taking them for 8 days and they do say they can make you feel slightly worse before making you better, so I'm going to persevere with it and see how I go.  The doc has given me a 28 day course and I'm seeing her again on 12th January so she can see how I am and either adjust the medication or stay with the course I'm on.

I do hope that these bring a change in my mood, as I really don't like how I feel at the moment.  I seemed to have lost my get up and go in the mornings and can find it very difficult to face the day ahead. My husband leaves for work at 6:00 am and if it wasn't for my two wonderful kids being there (my 13 year old boy has been really good with how I am at the moment and my 8 year old daughter just tries her best to make me laugh) I'm not quite too sure how I would be feeling.

I'm trying to stay positive but unfortunately my unhappy thoughts seem to win through.



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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2015, 11:31:23 AM »

Hi Jules, it is early days yet.  I was given an SSRI, Citalopram, 8 weeks ago and the first 2 weeks the anxiety was worse. I was changed to Escitalopram 4 weeks ago and over the last 2 weeks I have noticed a definite improvement. Try to take each day at a time, or even each hour and if it gets intolerable speak to your surgery as we need close monitoring when adjusting to these medications.
Good luck to you.


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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 11:46:23 AM »

ADS do take time to adjust to,hang on in there. Hope you pick up soon.


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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2015, 11:57:16 AM »

Hi Jules, I remember your post.

I started on Sertraline nearly 4 weeks ago, only symptoms I had was nausea for the first week.  Not doing a happy dance yet but starting to control 'those thoughts' a bit better now and seem to be having less slumps, not expecting great things for another good few weeks, but hopefully going the right way now.

Do persevere I feel it is well worth it to start feeling better at long last - like you I could not go on how I was.


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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2015, 12:27:25 PM »

Hello I'm on Prozac - just n erased to 30 from 20 mg.  they do take a while to work so stick with it.  My husband was also started on setraline 6 weeks ago - he was horrendous for the first two weeks but is now much much better.  All these tabs take a while to work so hope y feel better soon xx
Horrible when black thoughts take over - I still have very bad days despite being on Prozac but goodness knows what I would be like without them xx


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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2015, 03:17:24 PM »

Hi JulesB

I must say I agree with Teresa - having looked at your other post I don't know why the doctor has given you Prozac if you are obviously peri-menopausal, with irregular periods and menopausal symptoms of which anxiety is just one. Personally I would not take the Prozac if your anxeity is hormonal and the recent NICE Guidelines say that ADs should not be prescribed for this purpose. You are young to be peri-menopausal and if you are heading for an early menopause (under 45) then it is HRT you should be taking to help protect your future health (heart and bones) which will hopefully also help with the anxiety if you have the right dose/preparation.

Unfortunately peri-menopause is the time for hormonal fluctuations and your moods will swing up and down irrespective of what else is going on in your life. Do read this article about the peri-menopause here and all you can about menopause and mood and I suggest you go back to the doc and ask to try HRT before you consider ADs. There are all sorts of "mindfulness" etc techniques that can be helpful at this stage instead of medication.

Your doc is not up to date if ADs are being prescribed at this stage. Have you suffered from hot flushes/sweats at all and how have your periods been doing over the past 12 months? Is there a particular stage in your cycle that you find your mood worsening?

If you can cope I would stop the ADs before you get too dependent on them and go back to the doc and ask to consider HRT - and in the meantime read as much as you can from this website using the menu tabs above!

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Prozac - Reassurance please
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2015, 10:47:08 AM »

Hello JulesB

So sorry you are having a tough time.  I think you doctor has given you sound advice considering your family worries, and that you suffer from SAD.  Prozac worked well for me at about your age and luckily I only had to take it for a few months, then my moods had balance and I felt normal again. 

I would say try the prozac first as not all anxiety and depression is due to the meno.  Obviously if it does not help, you and your doctor will have to rethink.  HRT works well for some, but it is a long term thing.  It would be a shame to start that if a short while on prozac would get you back on track.

Remember, we are not doctors, on the forum, so you must balance whatever advice you get on here with what your doctor advises.

Best of luck ;)