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Author Topic: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(  (Read 7629 times)


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2016, 03:44:38 PM »

Hi Taz2 thanks for the reply. I'm starting on 1 mg to try for a month. I still want to talk to my GP I just find it odd to have a discussion about one brand not yo then be prescribed it!
I'll see how I get on. I'm told I have to measure if the HRT is working by h hot sweats! No probs there.


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2016, 06:35:39 PM »

Sometimes there is a shortage of a particular type of HRT and you are given one which contains the same ingredients but is marketed under a different name.

Pill HRT can take a little longer to kick in re hot sweats compared to patch or gel HRT. You should see results fairly quickly though. It's the emotional side of things which can take longer to improve - or so I've found anyway!

Taz x


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2016, 01:19:38 PM »

Hi Catspelle - it's certainly a journey! Im taking Climavelle 1mg and it is doing the job with the flushes - sorted the day time and its getting better of a night so Im pleased with it so far. The wobbliness and light headed-ness is still the same and I am in a fog (husband is befuddled with me as I am usually very in control)  I was trying to tell him which way to drive home the other night and couldn't remember the name of the village we needed to head for - we drive through it frequently but the name was just not in my head!

Re the side effects of HRT and a bit personal but will I ever have a sex drive again?? I love my other half to pieces but at the moment I couldn't even contemplate letting him near me  ??? I know its early days in terms of my op recovery and would not be something I was considering doing at the minute but I don't even seem to have any inklings of wanting him near me :D Or am I just looking for problems ???

Apologies if this is not an appropriate question but it is playing on my mind.


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2016, 02:21:03 PM »

Apologies if this is not an appropriate question but it is playing on my mind.

All questions are appropriate on MM!  :)
However, it might be an idea to start a new thread within the Private Lives section which can only be viewed by members.


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2016, 02:19:14 PM »

Next question (will I ever know all of the answers???)
Been taking the HRT for nearly three weeks now and not having any of the flushes that over whelmed me but at night I am just roasting hot - to the point its stopping me sleeping. It not a flush that creeps up and then tails off its just constant being hot!!!
 I am usually a freezing cold person - heating up high and fire on full blast. My husband is loving it (although being sympathetic at the same time) because he has the whole duvet to himself  ;D- something he hasn't had even the corner of for the last 29 years!!



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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2016, 02:50:16 PM »

Ask for the rub on oestrogel, and there are plenty women here taking it well into the 50's and 60's so get rubbing your body needs it you are far too young to be without oestrogen, a patch is also good if you prefer, trans dermal is always the better option in my opinion, with less side effects, he should have given it to you on discharge from hosp....all the best with the healing.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 02:54:29 PM by Cassie »


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2016, 04:10:24 PM »

Hi mothership - it's still quite early on for a tablet HRT to have stopped all of your flushing. I am sure that the night hotness(!) will soon begin to fade too. It's a good sign that your daytime flushes have disappeared as it shows your oestrogen levels are rising. Patch and gel HRT's do lessen symptoms faster than pill types in most women.

Taz x


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2016, 04:51:26 PM »

Thanks for the swift replies - sounds like im heading the right direction.  Just been out today and bought a summer weight duvet for my half (well two thirds) of the bed see if that helps.  Have never in my life owned a summer duvet - something else new in my world!

Was at the Docs on Friday and he has given me a note for another five weeks off work and has told me to ring the hospital Monday as I still have loads of internal stitches and they shouldn't still be there.  He thinks that's probably why I am still having the dragging sensations - so that could be an answer to another of my frustrations.

Just got to tell work Im not going back this week - that should be an interesting conversation  ::) They are less than sympathetic so Im debating the cowards way and sending an e mail.

Its my birthday tomorrow and Im feeling really positive that this year is going to be brilliant.  No more bleeding, no more buying new clothes when Im out shopping because there has been a flood and I have ruined my outfit, booking a holiday without wondering if there will be a toilet on the beach and best of all being able to do aqua aerobics without a friend watching for my 'slip stream' leak (yes this has happened)  :o  I feel that with the help and advice of you lot on here I will deal with this menopause business and start to live my life.

Here's to being a new woman.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2016, 05:32:32 PM »

Here's to YOU  :foryou:

How long is it since your op? I had twelve weeks off work in the end and even that was tiring!

Taz x



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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2016, 10:27:02 PM »

Hi Taz - 4 and a half weeks since the Big H !!!  Seems like a life time so much has gone on in that short time!!

My son got married 9 days after the op, my daughter who had been home visiting for two months went back to her paradise home on an island in  Thailand 10 days after the op, Christmas came and went and I discovered what a hot flush was  :o

I don't feel ready for work just yet - have just dropped youngest son off at the pub only ten minutes from home and driving is really not on my agenda yet either.  But I am feeling better every day - very very tired still even though Im not doing much.

Feel better without the pressure of going back to work next week so can relax a little more and concentrate on getting ready for this new life  :D :D



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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2016, 11:35:10 PM »

I was told 6 weeks before I could go back. Was nearer 10. My work had me in questioning my need for extended absence! I worked in a supermarket at the time on checkouts. Some items are very heavy to drag across & scan. HR didn't appreciate that, despite many operators going off sick with bad backs.

It's not worth going back too soon. Take all the time you need.


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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2016, 12:41:06 AM »

Hi again mothership. I would say that if it is only four weeks since your op and you are doing so much then the dragging sensation is likely to be because you have done too much and put a lot of pressure on your pelvic floor. The guidelines I was given are these

Most insurance companies don't permit you to drive until at least six weeks after hysterectomy. Mine was eight weeks due to not being signed off as fit by a consultant by the six week mark. Make sure that you are covered to drive although, in my opinion, four weeks is too early to be doing all of that pedal work which again puts pressure on the pelvic floor and you don't want to risk prolapses! You only have one go at healing properly - take it easy - it's a major operation! HRT will help with the pelvic floor strength by the way plus make sure you do the exercises recommended to you by your consultant although it's probably a bit soon to start them properly yet.

It sounds as if you have had an interesting few weeks!!

Taz x  :)



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Re: Newbie - hysterectomy two weeks ago - what is happeneing to me ;(
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2016, 01:34:23 AM »

Hi mothership
It's a big big thing and you should take plenty of time for recovery. It takes some months for your body to get back to normal and even with HRT hormone levels take a while to settle.

I do agree with Taz that patches seem to work more quickly and effectively but again it takes time. As far as stopping HRT goes though, you can really stay on it for as long as you want to - my 82 year old Mum is still using a little bit! Her dose decreased ever so gradually over a period of years. I'm 2.5 years post op and still using lots but hot flushes are minimal now (although I do overheat easily in general). Moods are better, but I think sometimes stuff just gets you down, it can't all be blamed on hormones!

Good luck with your recovery. It sounds like you're doing really well.
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