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Author Topic: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb  (Read 5594 times)


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New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« on: December 22, 2015, 03:25:42 PM »

Hi everyone, been lurking for a while but now I find myself in the unpleasant (and undignified) position of waiting for a hysteroscopy and biopsy on New Years Eve.
6 months ago my scan showed an endometrial thickness of 4mm, but three weeks ago it had grown to 16mm. This alarmed the gyno and she slapped in a referral to the rapid access clinic. She says that whatever the result it is likely that the consultant will want to do a hysterectomy.
I'm 54 and still having irregular and erratic periods.
My question is, has anyone else had this thickness of uterine lining and what was the outcome? I'd prefer not to have any treatment but I'm also aware that I am running out of time for menopause to occur naturally, and the longer I have high oestrogen the more likely cancer becomes.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2015, 04:52:07 PM »

Hi lizjane - welcome.

There are a few members on here who are still having periods at your age - and a couple in their late fifties so it's not that unusual. What was the reason that you were scanned recently and have you ever used any HRT? Also, how long after your last period were you scanned as this can make a real difference obviously to the womb lining.

There are many members too who have had hysteroscopies so I'm sure they will be along soon with their own experiences.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 07:10:02 PM »

I have been having scans for nearly two years, because the gyno thought I had a "bulky uterus" when I went for removal of a cervical polyp. The first scan showed fibroids and ovarian cysts, which have since shrunk or vanished, but the thick lining still comes and goes.
My last scan was about 7 days before my last period, which was very light.
I think she thinks that my "periods" are not periods at all, but bleeds from hyperplasia. I am fairly sure they are periods, because they follow ovulation-type mucus and PMT symptoms. As I said to her, I've been having periods for 42 years, I know what they are like! But she seems really worried about mis-diagnosing, and insists on this referral.
I'm just reluctant to have any treatment unless it's really necessary, and I'd like to know if other women have been in this position.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 08:10:04 PM »

Hopefully someone will be along soon with some answers for you.

I know that you are reluctant to have treatment but at least the hysteroscopy will tell you whether you have any changes to the lining or not. If there are no atypical changes then the treatment seems to be a course of progesterone to thin the lining which doesn't sound too invasive and would lessen the risk of endometrial cancer developing.

Taz x

Mary G

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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2015, 08:36:38 PM »

Lizjane, welcome to MM!

Sorry to hear about your problem, it is very common and many of the MM members have experienced it one way or another.

You are not on HRT so that will not be the reason but it is common and I believe it is easily treated with progesterone.  If it does result in a hysterectomy it may be of some consolation to know that I have never personally met a woman who has not felt much better after they have fully recovered from the operation.  I know how you feel because I might have to face the possibility of a hysterectomy myself eventually due to my intolerance to progesterone and I know it is difficult to face. 

Please let us know how your consultation goes.



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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2015, 04:29:30 PM »

I have been scanned twice in the last 3 years for breakthrough bleeding and discovered I have thickening of the womb.  After hysteroscopies and biopsys I was told my womb is healthy and had a Mirena coil fitted to release progesterone directly into the womb to thin the lining. My breakthrough bleeding has now stopped. I hope a hysteroscopy gives you good news too but if you do need a hysterectomy they seem to be much less if a trauma now. Good luck

Ju Ju

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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2015, 06:16:30 PM »

Yes, I had a hysterectomy, along with a posterior repair just 3 and 1/2 weeks ago. I was in hospital for only one night and recovering well, so if that was necessary, don't worry. I went in for the repair because of prolapse, but gave permission for the hysterectomy. They were aware of my very much thickened lining and sensitivity to progesterone, so I am sure that influence the surgeons decision. I shall find out at my follow up appointment.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2015, 09:15:11 PM »

Hi LizJane I have not had any experience but it is my understanding, as others have said, that the first line approach would be progesterone therapy - it seems fairly black and white to be saying to you at this stage that a hysterectomy is a likely outcome.  If you are referred, it is because a consultants opinion is needed, I hope you can take this step by step and see what the situation is by talking to the consultant and having the hysteroscopy which will give you more information to base choices on.

I have to say, I am not entirely sure I understand how anyone can tell whether a bleed is breakthrough bleeding or a 'real' period, wouldn't that depend on knowing if you ovulated, what your hormone levels are etc.  As you say, I always thought that if you had PMT type situations it was likely the bleed was due to hormone activity and not just the lining getting heavy etc and coming away (which is what I understand a breakthrough bleed to be). 

It sounds like you feel your doctor isn't really listening and I hope the appointment with the consultant helps you feel a bit better about things.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2015, 11:39:24 AM »

So sorry you are having to go through this. I am 55 and still having very light irregular periods. I think I lack progesterone, but I have periods that follow mucus and PMT as you also do. At 54 you are not too old for peri, but the thick lining may be due to high oestrogen without progesterone. Periods in late peri can be due to oestrogen build up but not necessarily ovulation, which means progesterone is not made by the corpus luteum. At least after the procedure this can be corrected if that is all it is. I feel I am heading for the same if things don't stop next year.x


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2015, 02:15:34 PM »

Thank you everyone, your replies are in line with what I have been thinking myself, and it's nice to know that I am not the unique freak that the gyno made me out to be - "There must be something wrong, it's not normal at your age"!!
Not looking forward to the hysteroscopy, but at least I will know what I am dealing with and be able to make some informed decisions instead of playing "guess what the ultrasound showed". So far the reports have been:  two medium fibroids, one small fibroid, no fibroids. Only one ovary in the wrong place, two normal ovaries, ovarian cysts, no cysts. Hmm.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2015, 06:15:42 PM »

I meant to ask are your periods heavy or prolonged or infrequent and light or have you got random spotting? Mine used to be heavy but have dwindled to brown spotting mainly now. I am sure all this will soon be over for you and you will get some answers. If you are still having PMT you must still have active hormonal activity. Were you regular until recently? I had fairly normal cycles until I was 53.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 06:47:14 PM by Machair »


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2015, 07:12:25 PM »

Machair, it sounds as if we are in the same boat! I had about three years of extremely heavy periods, some days I didn't dare go out. But the last couple have been barely there, and 14 weeks between them. I'm hoping it's a sign that the end is near.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2016, 06:17:25 PM »

How did you get on? Hope all was good news.


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Re: New member here with a question about thick lining to womb
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2016, 08:34:53 PM »

I had similar 2 years ago - was having very heavy periods about 8 weeks apart. After a flooding one for 3 weeks doctor sent me for an ultrasound in order to rule out uterine cancer.  Ultrasound showed irregular thickened lining and a small fibroid.  Had another scan about 6 weeks later and while more regular it was still far thicker than it should have been.  Referred to gynae dept at hospital for another scan and that consultant decided rather than try a pipelle biopsy that I should have an appt for a hysteroscopy as she thought I might have a cyst also.  Hysteroscopy showed all was well and the thickening had just been down to the erratic hormones. 

My periods went back to normal for another few months and then went to 8 weeks apart again. I had a scan recently after another 3 week long period and lining was fine beyond the fibroid which they think is what causes the occasional heavy period, also had my hormone levels tested this time and I'm getting through it so plan is to leave alone as dwindling hormones will hopefully shrink/shrivel the fibroid.  I'm almost 10-12 weeks without a period this time so the gaps are increasing and hopefully they will all be done with soon :) I am 53 (just).

My hysteroscopy was fine and a painless procedure - like you a bit worried but I was awake for it and only took the painkillers they recommended about an hour before the appt time. 