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Author Topic: first time poster - question about HRT  (Read 3674 times)


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first time poster - question about HRT
« on: December 22, 2015, 02:22:41 PM »

I am 50 years old and peri and started having the whole range of symptoms about 11 months ago. A blood test was inconclusive but as my periods were erratic my doctor prescribed Elleste Duet 2mg.
I have been on them for 3-4 months and apart from the second lot of tablets (the white ones) which tend to exacerbate my insomnia, my symptoms have died down.

BUT, I have just gone through a VERY stressful period over the last 4 weeks, a severe illness in my elderly mother, a friend's 16 year old son committing suicide and a young teenage daughter struggling to cope with both of the above. I feel I am actually at breaking point. I am sobbing uncontrollably, my insomnia is off the scale and I am having the odd panic attack. Not to mention all the indigestion feelings, joint aches and muscle pains...

To cap it all, for some bizarre reason I forgot I had two remaining tablets in the pack and started a new pack two days early.
So my question is this...could the return of symptoms be due to the tablets or would that have had no impact?

I really really don't want to go onto antidepressants. I've been on them before and for my own reasons, don't want to go on to them again. If I could pinpoint these symptoms down to my own stupidity that would help me to ride them out but if they are unlikely to be related, then I need to re-think things.

All these symptoms could be down to peri or/and stress so I'm just looking to understand specifically whether my missing the last two tablets could have thrown my hormones into disarray again

If someone could answer, I'd be so grateful


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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2015, 02:47:50 PM »

Hi  :welcomemm:
Bless you have had a lot to contend with !
Dont think the two tablets would make that much difference,however 2mgs estrogen is quite high to start off with so maybe 1mg might suit you better ?
Sure others will be along soon with their take on it.


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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 04:46:55 PM »

I'm not able to answer your question about hormones, but just want to say  :welcomemm: & give you a  :bighug:

Heavens our role as mums is not easy at the best of times, but you are having to cope with so much it's no wonder you forgot a couple of tablets. I doubt the missed tablets have made much difference, but the stress you're under has. You are trying to hold everyone together & it can get too much. I know this from experience. Your mind will be  whirling around, hence the insomnia. The insomnia makes you less able to cope day to day with normal things, let alone all this. You need a break.

I have had anxious time in the past with family health problems & I had to give in. I asked for medication for anxiety earlier this year. It has helped quite a lot, so don't feel bad if tablets become necessary. Or maybe you could try an alternative like Kalms to help you through this horrid time.


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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 04:56:07 PM »

Hi kdee

Taz  x :welcomemm:



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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2015, 06:58:42 PM »

Hello kdee69 and welcome to the forum.

The fact that you have begun HRT means that your symptoms will change before they settle and we are usually told this process takes 3 to 6 months.  Your mistake with the tablets may have caused a blip or this reaction may have happened anyway.

A lot of us worry about which particular hormone causes which problem and it's easy to become obsessed about this.  I do this a lot because I think that if I can just get the balance right all will be rosy! Women who have passed through this stage tell us that everything does calm down eventually but I suppose we just have to do our best in the meantime!

Wishing you well and keep posting.


Mary G

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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2015, 07:52:24 PM »

First of all, sorry to hear about all the issues you are having to cope with at the moment, it would be more than enough for anyone to face at any time of their lives.  You will probably be suffering from anxiety which will always cause digestive upsets and sleep disruption, it does with me.

Your HRT medication contains norethisterone which, as you may know from reading other posts on here, is not for everyone and many of us, myself included, are intolerant to it.  It is a strong synthetic progestin which has many side effects and indigestion is one of them so this may be partly to blame.  I don't know enough about your medication to advise as to how much impact missing the last two tablets would have but I suspect not very much.  Anxiety causes a whole host of symptoms and what you are experiencing at the moment could be mostly down to that.

With everything that is going on in your life at the moment, I doubt you would be interested in changing your HRT now but depending on how well you think your current regime is working, it could be something to look at next year. 

Hope things improve for you soon.



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Re: first time poster - question about HRT
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2015, 10:46:00 PM »

Hello kdee66

What a nightmare few weeks you've had. Just one of those events would have caused stress and anxiety in most people. But you've had them all dropped on your plate together. No wonder you feel at your wit's end. Anyone would.

I very much doubt that missing the last two tablets would cause this upheavel. I expect it's just coincidence.

I completely understand you not wanting to use ADs. Sometimes the very thought of being on ADs can actually just make us feel worse. Silly I know.

Keep posting here, it helps to just pour it all out. And we all understand because so many of us have been there too.