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Author Topic: Helllooooooooo!  (Read 5552 times)


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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2015, 04:37:04 PM »

Good afternoon @Galadriel and @Boxerheaven  wise words ladies!  I should take up knitting i have three balls of wool and knitting needles stashed away in my cupboards!  I took up colouring during the summer months and that certainly kept me occupied but with the dark nights that I haven't bothered as much.

A good walk is also v therapeutic and my pooch reaps the benefit too  :)



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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2015, 05:02:09 PM »

Hi again AuntyBiz

Were your periods irregular when you had the blood tests done and was it before you started the HRT? The thing is blood tests are very unreliable in diagnosing whether a woman is near menopause and the FSH levels can go into the post-menopausal range even while periods are still happening sporadically. Your cycle changes are a better indication (as well as some symptoms), and the new NICE Guidelines do not now recommend that blood tests are carried out for women of your age.

Hopefully the Climagest will help you and even out your mood swings. If you find that it doesn't do as well as you hoped or you have undesirable side effects, then there are always other products to try :)

Yes to walking - one of the best therapies around and with so many mental and physical health benefits!

Hurdity x


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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2015, 04:17:48 PM »

Hi @Hurdity

My periods were irregular, fluctuating between every couple of weeks to every six weeks and back again.  The previous year my GP said I was almost peri-menopausal so I assumed I was heading that way.  I had bloods done before I went onto the HRT and my mood swings have definitely calmed down an awful lot.  Prior to taking HRT my moods were definitely aligning with when my periods were due (although I didn't know they were due as they'd become sporadic which is probably why I felt so emotional/anxious/weepy/crabby so often!  As soon as I started on the Climagest it was like my old self had returned.  Luckily I haven't had any side effects with it   :)

You are a mine of knowledge!

AuntyBiz  x


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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2015, 02:19:16 PM »

I am the Queen of Mood Swings. They are such a nightmare. I can wake up with awful anxiety and waves of dread sweeping over me. Then I spend the day feeling really jittery, like I HAVE to keep busy or something dreadful will happen, and I'm scared to be alone. Then in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea I can feel my mood lifting and the anxiety fade away. Then I can feel great for the next 24 hours, or even the next 2 weeks. But the depression and acid anxiety always comes back.

And the really cruel thing is that when I'm 'bad' I am convinced I will never feel 'good' again, even though I keep a mood diary so can see in black & white that I HAVE been this down 100 times before and ALWAYS improve again. But the low mood and anxiety are so severe that they stop me being able to think objectively or logically.


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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2015, 02:55:44 PM »


I'm so glad I'm not alone.  Before I went on HRT I remember one night googling suicide websites and the Samaritans because I felt so depressed and then within a few hours it would subside but it was very scary getting to the point where I was having suicidal thoughts.  Once I started on the HRT it did become better.

Huge hugs being sent out there!



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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2015, 10:51:52 PM »

You're not alone AuntyBiz. There are quite a few of us on here struggling far more with the psychological anxiety and depression elements of peri menopause as opposed to the classic hot flushes and vaginal atrophy etc.

At times over the last two years I have been in a very dark place. Thankfully I never stay there for too long. Before peri menopause I couldn't comprehend why anyone would commit suicide. But now I really do. I think they spend too long in the same dark place and it would break the strongest of people.



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Re: Helllooooooooo!
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2015, 12:09:10 PM »

@GypsyRoseLee  so glad you said that.  I could literally change from hour to hour,  When I started taking HRT it was like someone had returned the 'old' me.  I'm not saying I dash around swinging from the chandeliers now (I wish) but the fact the HRT has stabilised my periods so when I do feel bleak it's normally I guess what could be classed as 'PMT' and is just monthly as opposed to every couple of weeks.  I never realised it would have such an impact on my moods.  :-\   :'(

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