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Author Topic: help i feel awful  (Read 3246 times)


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help i feel awful
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:42:02 PM »

im on a new pkt of climagest 1mg first tablet taken this morning I feel so up tight ,angry feel depressed  icant bare it no more i feel like throwing my self off a cliff, would it help if i took another off the oesttradiol valerate ,would it help i feel so i have just started the 3rd pkt.......


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 04:51:58 PM »

You poor thing. I bet everyone reading this - whether they reply or not - will still be thinking 'I soooooo know that feeling'. Big hugs.

I cant really help as I have not taken what you are taking, but what I can say is that in the big picture, pack three is still very early days. If you possibly can, try and hang in there. It took 4-5 months before I felt stronger and more positive.

In the meantime, tell us a bit more about yourself - your age and where in your meno journey you are - so others will be able to give more specific advice.

Sorry not to be of more help, but didnt want to 'read and run'.    :foryou:

B x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 04:52:33 PM »

elainewin - I assume you are taking a sequential HRT and as you have just finished the progesterone phase of the previous pack I'm afraid what you are experiencing are the withdrawal symptoms that are typical at this stage in the cycle - this occurs just before you start the withdrawal bleed which should start in the next day or so.  It is the hormonal drop in progesterone that causes this sudden low mood, I'm afraid extra oestrogen will not help.
The other problem is that if you are peri menopausal your own hormones will be fluctuating in the background and can sometimes cause more dramatic mood swings.  I expect these feelings will lift once the bleed starts and as the HRT gradually overrides your own hormones over the next 3-6 months these PMT type symptoms may become less.
If after 3-4 months you find things are not settling then it may be worth trying a different type of HRT but at this early stage it's a 'wait and see' situation.
If you suffer badly with low mood and depression generally then an AD may be necessary but for the time being perhaps try to chat with some friends or relax in front of a funny film or TV programme to help lift your mood.
DG x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2015, 05:05:06 PM »

Hello elainewin.

I agree with everything Briony and Dancinggirl have said and I wanted to reassure you that it does get better. Many of us have felt as desperate as you and we are still here to tell the tale. There are good times ahead and it's worth remembering that when going through a rough patch.

Sending hugs and warm thoughts. You are not alone by any means.

Take care.



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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2015, 05:14:01 PM »

Hi elainewin

As the others have said - this is normal pms from progestogen withdrawal - well might be the same as in your normal cycle or maybe worse? Once the withdrawal has finished and the bodily changes caused by the progestogen have reversed and after you bleed, you should feel OK again hopefully.

The other thing is you are taking them in the morning so you will be experiencing all the highs and lows of hormones from the tablet - I suggest you take it at night or in the evening and then at least some of this will happen while you are asleep. You should still expect to experience the withdrawal but hopefully not the first few hours of it. It may be that this is more pronounced with oral progestogens, and also with norethisterone but you can only try for a few months and see how you feel.

Are you able to try some relaxation exercises and positive thinking to help you through this phase? Easier said than done I know because it is most likely a physiological reaction rather than a mental one!

Hurdity x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2015, 05:14:27 PM »

Thanks everyone .Im 55yrs old and up till june this year had erratic periods for the past 2 years ,and i was coping well with menopause symptoms untill night sweats started in july aug this year , I guess i was naive i thought Hrt was the answer to everything,and didnt realise it put you through all this ... I dont think i can go another month in this dark sure like last month as you said about break through bleed i will feel better,but then the dread of a couple of weeks time im gonna go bk to this dark place ,surly HRT is not meant to make you feel this bad ,I cant believe any one could stick with it .. Im normally such a cheery happy person . I had a SCAN A YEAR AGO AND NUMEREOUS BLOOD TESTS IN THE LAST 4 YEARS but they always came back saying im no were near menopause...perhaps i should have waited a year with no periods before i started HRT as i believe the HRT is slightly different post menopause....thank good to hear from people  ;)


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2015, 05:20:01 PM »

Hi Hurdity
         You speak much sense and i am really grateful to you and all the others ,the power of words are great as im feeling less anxious after reading all your words,I cant wait for the day i feel better and can offer advice to others of my experiences,its good to hear thatt thee is a light at end of tunnel and i treasure your words .thank you x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2015, 05:24:23 PM »

hi elainewin

I dont take hrt (yet) so cant advise there.  But I was in the darkest place last month I did not want to return there again, each month it got worse.  My new GP started me on AD's 2 weeks ago and is closely watching my progress on them.  I never wanted to go down this route, but I dont want to feel so low anymore.  Now I have started I feel better for doing something positive and trying to find 'me' in there somewhere again.

As Briony said, many of us know that feeling all too well.  Whatever you decide I hope you find something to make you feel better soon.


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2015, 05:46:24 PM »

If you're feeling that bad and much worse than before taking HRT then I would definitely try a different type. It is different taking HRT post-menopause because you no longer get the mood swings (due to hormones anyway) but it is designed to be takne during peri-menopause - when cycles begin to lengthen especially, and when hormones are fluctuating dramatically.

Hurdity x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2015, 06:02:09 PM »

I am going Gps on monday so i hope i can get things sorted and def take the advice given in the last few days ,hopefully when i post again i will sound a lot more positive, untill then i will continue to read other peoples experiences..
              Thanks x

Mary G

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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2015, 06:51:17 PM »

I'm going to apologise in advance for being repetitive here but I'm afraid it's the same old story, this form of HRT contains norethisterone which is a synthetic progestin and that is the root of the problem.  I am not blessed with a scientific brain but I do know that synthetic progestins interfere with the brain receptors and cause mood changes and migraines in people who are intolerant to them.  It would appear that once your own hormone levels have diminished, the synthetic hormones in the HRT have a different effect which would explain why I didn't have migraines when I took the BCP (stuffed full of synthetic progestins) many years ago but did when taking oral synthetic HRT.  In other words, your own hormones override the synthetic ones when you are younger. 

If you feel as bad as that then you are clearly intolerant to this form of HRT and need to change it.  You probably need to change to a transdermal oestrogen (patches or gel) and a bio identical progesterone i.e. Utrogestan taken vaginally for fewer side effects.  There are quite a few on us on here who use this regime and it works very well. 

No doubt there are many women who happily take Climagest and if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but there are also many other women, myself included, who cannot take this type medication and extensive research suggests that the best type of medication for us is the transdermal route.

As others have suggested, you might want to take a printout of the new NICE guidelines to your doctor on Monday and ask for the gel/patches with the Utrogestan. 

Hope you can get this sorted very soon.



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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2015, 08:07:19 PM »

Thanks Mary G ...Tbh a friend of mine before i started Hrt advised me to go the patches way as that what she had been using for a few years sadly i let my Gp make the choice wish i had spoke up now,but never mind at least i know now Climagest is not for me ..not sure what the nice guidelines are, im now going to look it up Thank you x


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2015, 09:13:38 PM »

That's just explained something to me MaryG.

I took the BCP for years and while I always still had PMS on it, I never experienced anything as extreme as the low mood and anxiety it seems to cause in me now.

My first 3 weeks on Marvelon recently made me feel really good, but then heading straight into the second packet my mood really dipped and stayed very low for 2 weeks, ending in 2 days of feeling so dreadful that I almost went to A & E I felt that scared.

But the doctor at the meno clinic yesterday dismissed my experience and told me it couldn't have been the synthetic progesterone in Marvelon. It's horrible when they dismiss your experience and trivialise it.


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Re: help i feel awful
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2015, 09:23:45 PM »

Thats the thing Gypsyroselee you know your own body,and you can feel whats right or wrong ,I guess im going to have a battle on my hands mondayat my Gp appointment,but im going to stand my ground i wont be staying on climagest till the end of the month thats for sure ,if im not given the chance to change route of my Hrt then im finished with it and will ask for an AD  im never gonna experience what i have in the last 8wks.You sound much the same as me ,NOBODY should have to feel like that .there is no support from your Gp ,just here is 3mths Hrt get on with it,thank god for this site  ,feel well soon x