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Author Topic: Well this is fun.....not  (Read 4630 times)


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Well this is fun.....not
« on: December 16, 2015, 02:57:04 PM »

Ok so I have just turned 47 I have a 4 yr old and a baby at 14 months. To cut a long story short I felt terrible as soon as my baby was born and when he was 8 weeks I asked for a hormone profile and was told I was menopausal.  I am now on my 5 th hrt femiston 2/10 and I feel terrible. Sirw the flushes have stopped but my mood is terrible really terrible I cry all the time and am so angry.  Been told i have to stick it pit for 3 months but with the moods and the terrible stomach and lower back pain I really dont think I can. Please tell me something will work. To be honest life isnt worth living at the minute and no one seems to understand. The joint pains  are terrible and I ache all over. I dont understand my periods were regular before I got pregnant no sign of all this then I went straight from pregnancy to this!!! Help. Should I give up hrt or persevere


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2015, 03:18:00 PM »

Hello Tinkerbellj and welcome to the forum.

I believe there is never a good time to suffer the menopause but in your case mother nature's timing is particularly unfortunate.

I think the general advice is to stick with an HRT regime for 3 months to let things settle though I understand how hard that can be. There are many knowledgeable ladies here and I'm sure they will be along to comment but some of us found that regular periods stopped suddenly and the menopausal symptoms arrived very quickly thereafter.

One thing I can asure you of is that every woman here understands how you feel, sympathises with your struggle and knows that none of this is your fault!

I hope you begin to feel better soon. Take care and keep posting.



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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2015, 04:01:59 PM »

Hello Tinkerbellj,
Yes it is not easy but do try to persevere for 3 months at least. It takes time for estrogen to build up in your body and all symptoms to diminish. The fact that your flushes have stopped is a good indicator that the therapy is working! These usually go first, later you will see improvement in moods and joints. I am on the same therapy, and I started at 43 (45 now). My night sweats stopped almost immediately, but I can for sure say that I felt like my old me on the forth month or so. It is difficult to look that far ahead when you desparately want improvement but try to take just a day at a time. Don't panic if pains and moods continue, just tell yourself this is hormones and they are improving. Your therapy will work! Just take a day at a time!



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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2015, 04:46:09 PM »

Thank u all so much for your kindness it has made me cry! I habe beem on several different hrt since feb so I suppose it is just a matter of finding one that works. I find docs a bit clueless was even given one which was continuous which I have since been told was totally unsuitable and I even managed to bleed with it!! I am now attending my hrt clinic.could cope with the sweats its the mental side and the pain!! Fingers crossed this one works x


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2015, 04:50:41 PM »

Hi Tinkerbellj


How amazing to have a natural pregnancy at that age!

I am not familiar with what happens to FSH after birth but were you breast-feeding? I know that this suppresses ovulation and that oestrogen levels are very low following childbirth and especially when breastfeeding, so I am surprised that the docs would be able to tell where you are in terms of menopause. Also one blood test alone cannot determine this.

I presume at that very early stage your periods had not returned? What other HRT types have you tried? It could be that the progestogens don't agree with you - this would be the case if you felt bad during the second part of your cycle on HRT. If you are still peri-menopausal then mood swings are a part of it unfortunately which could account for your mood.

Have you had a thyroid function tests? Also it could be that your testosterone levels have fallen too which could account for these symptoms - but this is not tested/treated (usually) on NHS.

I would definitely perservere with HRT but it might be that another type would help if you haven't tried already - such as transdermal ( patch or gel) with separate progesterone (Utrogestan) as these are the most natural ( bio-identical to the hormones in our bodies). Depending what you've tried already, how long you have been taking oestrogen in total, and where you are in the cycle - I wouldn't have thought you should still be feeling joint aches etc as a result of the oestrogen - unless either the dose is too low, or something else is causing the aches, or you are sensitive to the progestogen.

Here is an article about the peri-menopause you might like to read - but in your case, because you probably went into peri-menopause stright after pregnancy it is a bit different - although the same things should be happening re ovaries etc.

As you say - three months is usually advised but - did you get back pain/stomach pain with the other types? Maybe your own cycle is breaking through and you will get a bleed?

Sorry this is a bit of a ramble but hope some of it makes sense and is helpful?

Hurdity x



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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2015, 05:49:09 PM »

Hurdity I was told I couldn't have children and tried for 10 years then had two failed ivf. Then after acupuncture I conceived and had my daughter at 43.  My son was a total suprise his pregnancy was really rough but I consider myself blessed! Thats why all this is so bad I really cant enjoy them. I started with mirena coil and sandrena gel which was great except the coil gave me a lot of pain so had it removed also really bad moods on it. Then I had evorel conti patch no real improvement then another one I can't remember tri something that only gives u a period every three months but I bleed heavily after 10 days amd gp said my own body was fighting against it and to stop then the jrt climic.put on femeston. 6 weeks ago. I habe diverticulitis but it h as only given pain since jam whem I started hormones so I really think its all hormonal tbh but docs all disagree. I really wonder if I should just take the pill? The abdo pain is pretty much constant they didn't ask where I was in my cycle so two weeks after starting I had a period then another one at the end of progesterone tablets


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2015, 05:51:25 PM »

Oh and my fsh was 36 then 50 something I think!! I really like the idea of testerone all the indicators point to that being low!! Absolutely no libido and terrible fatique and low mood

Ju Ju

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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2015, 08:31:55 AM »


Do you have any support with your little ones? I do wonder wherever postnatal depression is coming into the picture as well? It is so hard when you achieve the family you so wanted, but end up feeling so poorly.


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2015, 10:31:56 AM »

Hello again Tinkerbellj.

I just wanted to add that I agree with the other ladies that it's worth looking at every aspect of your health so that you can enjoy your family, two young children can be exhausting at the best of times!  It may also be worthwhile consulting  an expert like Dr Annie Evans or email our own Dr Currie about your menopause. Given your circumstances I think you deserve all the help and attention you can get.

I hope you feel better soon and do keep us updated.

Take care.



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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2015, 09:42:49 AM »

Ladies thanks souch for your kind replys. I have started taking epo vit d amd a gemeral multi vitamim desogned for menopause. I  pushing on with the hrt. Forgot to mention I al also habe fibromyalgia and I really think the fluctuations in hormomes r making it flare plus I still believe the stimach pains r also caused  by this I have a hospital appt in Jan to investigate bowel stuff. I actually feel a bit netter today so as they say its good to talk. Have had a lot of steess too moving house ill mother etc but putting my faoth in hrt will give it the 3 months and review well thats he plan for today when I dont feel too nad tomorrow mogjt be a different story. I did mention pnd to doc but he dismissed it im still  comvinced it is in the mix though. ... thanks again xxx.


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2015, 10:41:33 AM »

Ladies thanks souch for your kind replys. I have started taking epo vit d amd a gemeral multi vitamim desogned for menopause. I  pushing on with the hrt. Forgot to mention I al also habe fibromyalgia and I really think the fluctuations in hormomes r making it flare plus I still believe the stimach pains r also caused  by this I have a hospital appt in Jan to investigate bowel stuff. I actually feel a bit netter today so as they say its good to talk. Have had a lot of steess too moving house ill mother etc but putting my faoth in hrt will give it the 3 months and review well thats he plan for today when I dont feel too nad tomorrow mogjt be a different story. I did mention pnd to doc but he dismissed it im still  comvinced it is in the mix though. ... thanks again xxx.


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2015, 12:39:47 PM »

How dare your GP just dismiss PND. I had PND after my first baby and was told that because of my long history of PMS it was almost a foregone conclusion that I would get PND. Sadly it wasn't treated with hormones so I ended up on ADs for nearly 3 years.

It sounds to me like you either have PND (my depression and anxiety were dreadful when I had PND) or that your surprise late pregnancy has suddenly tipped you into peri menopause.

Have you read Prof. John Studd's website on hormonal depression and anxiety? It is incredibly informative and enlightening, and I recognised myself immediately from the descriptions and case studies he has on there.

If you have a history of PMS then it is very likely you cannot tolerate the synthetic progesterone that is in 99% of HRT, and this intolerance gets more extreme as you get closer to menopause. I cannot tolerate synthetic progesterone and after a few weeks of it I felt so depressed that it scared me and my poor DH.

Notethisterone is the progesterone most notorious for causing mood swings, and a quick Google will tell you that sudden, severe depression can be a side effect.

If you possibly, possibly can try and get to see a 'proper' specialist gynaecologist who knows what they are doing. I have attended a local menopause clinic 4 times in the last 18 months but only ever get to see a regular GP with a 'special interest' in menopause. Well I have a 'special interest' in menopause now and have researched and read extensively on the subject. And I feel that I am as informed as they are. Frankly they have been pretty crap, giving contradictory advice and ignoring that I am demonstrably highly intolerant of synthetic progesterone.

I have given up with them and now have an appointment to see Dr Annie Evans in 2 month's time. I have gone all round the houses with various treatments, GPs and 4 menopause clinic trips over the last 2 years. That's 2 years of my life I will never get back.


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2015, 04:28:38 PM »

U know what u r absolutely right I am going to research someone so if anyone can advise on a specialist in northern Ireland I would be greatful. Failing that I will go to bristol I cant stick this anymore


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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2015, 04:44:37 PM »



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Re: Well this is fun.....not
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2015, 11:05:54 AM »

Hey thats the clinic I attend the dr was really nice but wont entertain me changing anything til I have been on it 3 months this is the first one they have given me but I have jad others from my gp. Tried to explain but I get the feeling its a one size fits all treatment
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