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Author Topic: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids  (Read 8321 times)


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Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« on: December 14, 2015, 05:31:38 PM »

Hi there - at the start of the year I went to my GP with a period that was spotting for a long time after the 'proper' bleeding and severe back pain.  FSH and thryoid were tested and FSH was high, advised this was probably the cause of the bleeding, a subsequent blood test showed normal FSH - all year I have been rolling with the idea the perimenopause is well under way and minor symptoms that were coming and going were the hormones changing. 

Since January my regular cycle length and lenth of bleeding has been erratic - sometimes 21 days upto 37 but on two occassions it was short, maybe 17 days.  The bleeding was different too, not really heavy for a long time, but a faster flow and spotting some months.  I went to my GP a few weeks ago just to mention it again, she wanted to check for polyps or fibroids that might be adding to it, she advised polyps would likely be removed but fibroids often left as they shrink after menopause.

So......I went along today and the ultrasound lady was very nice but couldn't check my ovaries or my lining thickness as there were multiple fibroids!!  I am still a bit shocked to be honest and health anxiety has kicked in telling me it might be 'cancer' and thoughts of my womb being full of growths is not great.  I feel rubbish.  I was told it is very common, even multiple ones, but she couldn't really say whether this was the cause of the bleeding but perhaps the cause of occassional bladder urgency and back pain - ah ha!

Her recommendation was referal to a gynaecologist who may want to do a CT scan to map them all, their location and size, she said her equipment couldn't really do that for all of them and also to check the ovaries and lining to determine if bleeding connected to any of that.  Treatment will depend on whether I feel the fibroids are impacting my life enough.

To be honest the symptoms are minor, the bleeding even and I'm still so very confused about whether the hormones or the fibroids are effecting my cycles and the way I am bleeding, both probably.

My plan of action is to see my GP next week just to chat about what happened and then plan what I want from the gynaecologist appointment.  I really want to be able to just leave them if possible, but having been told there are many my mind is scared that means BAD things and surgery etc.  I will ask the consultant what potential problems could occur if I leave them, due to their position etc and what treatments there are (a ton of options on the NHS website, from surgery to hormone treatment).

Feeling a bit emotional, considering my first 'diagnosis' from a GP this year was menopausal (he was premature with that) and wanted to give me HRT, I am glad he didn't as these fibroids would presumably respond to that. 

I feel really upset and I am not sure why really.  Combination of things - discovering something, not having had children but having a 'full' uterus, what will happen next and a niggle there is something serious wrong.

I do know fibroids are rarely cancerous, very rarely and they are common, I just feel weird about it - I was diagnosed with one on the outside of my uterus 15 years ago and clearly they have been growing every since.  She mentioned a few with stalks on the outside but couldn't see if there were ones embedded into the lining which may stop the uterus contracting properly and stopping my periods etc - that makes sense.

Sorry for garble, a lot of information that I can't quite make sense of.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 07:10:40 PM »

Thank you Sparkle - I really do feel out of control.  I think the fibroids are everywhere, on the outside and inside - it's shocked me completely.  Makes me think of cancer spreading!! Totally irrational as these could have been there for a long while and only grown recently or perhaps they have grown recently.

I am also aware they can grow back if removed - I do wonder what the advise will be for me.  I am just a little upset the ultrasound couldn't see my ovaries and lining, at least then I could be more confident it's just fibroids that might have a bearing on my bleeding and other issues.  Christmas time now, so I am going to have to try really hard to put this to the back of my mind.

I am glad that yours are shrinking - that is a really good thing - perhaps they will offer me watch and wait and I can then get an idea if mine are.  She did mention calcification, saying some had been there a while and I think that means they are dying off!  It's all so graphic! ha

Thanks again for your empathy.  The shock is muddling me into thinking something terrible is wrong - hopefully that will ware off soon x


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 07:20:17 PM »

You are making me smile - a CT/MRI was mentioned and that freaked me out as well - maybe I will get a full picture too.  Yes, I would rather not know - really I would - Christmas might involve alcohol and I don't usually have any at all!  HA


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 08:29:08 PM »

Gosh, Bright light, that really does sound like a lot to take in.
You were so lovely to me on my "freaking out" post further down, and I hope you know that I can totally empathise with how you are feeling right now (I do wonder if we're living parallel lives sometimes!). I have found myself with tears running down my cheeks at random times over the last couple of weeks, imagining being told I have ovarian cancer - it's all so terrifying, isn't it?

Rubbish time of the year to be worrying, too - do you have any idea of the timescale for further scans  etc?

Big hugs and lots of empathy coming your


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 08:37:32 PM »

Sparkle - paper the walls!  ha  Humour does help x

Hi Honorsmum - no idea of timescale with Christmas coming up, the sonographer was lovely but to be honest I dont think she could do anymore than she did, so it's a 'pass me on' situation I think. There was no hint of cause for concern but I guess the report to my GP will outline next steps which I think are to continue exploring what the bleeding is caused by - hormones or fibroids and she couldn't see what she needed to see to make that decision.

It's almost laughable that my bleeding really isn't that heavy as such, yet this large number of fibroids have popped up to add to the mix of things to piece together.  I am sure it's simpler than that but I wasn't expecting any complexity - one or two fibroids and on my way. The Dr mentioned that possibilty and said they leave them until menopause as they shrink, but reading today it might be different with so many!!  Where the heck did they come from - do hate the idea of growths -as you say, the mind links that with cancer.

I hope to get to see my new GP next week, she is on annual leave this week, but it might mean staking out at the surgery as Christmas is on Thursday and appointments might be scarce. I do need some reassurance there is nothing alarming happening or going to happen -sure hope I can get that.

Thank you for the hug xxx


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2015, 08:54:33 PM »

Can fibroids cause the lining to thicken?  I am now worrying about this! 


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2015, 09:03:32 PM »

No fibroids do not cause the womb lining per se to thicken it just makes it difficult for the sonographer to measure your lining as the fibroids are in the way.
Until menopause I always had about 4 small fibroids in my womb that showed up on every ultrasound. They did not cause me any problems as they never changed. I had terrible bleeding problems in peri meno but this was all hormone related.  an ultrasound when I had been post meno for one year showed no fibroids so they do disappear as I had been told one you are post meno.
Its totally routine that you will be referred to a gyny consultant to have them looked at more closely.  When in peri meno I got a large ovarian cyst and like you was referred to gyny who did an mri scan to totally confirm it was just a cyst so gave me good reasurance.  A CT or MRI of your womb will do likewise and rule out totally anything nasty going on.
I completely empathise with your worries at this time, I was a total nervous wreck during peri meno with all the bleeding and cyst etc but none of it was nasty just not nice to experience at the time.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2015, 09:11:47 PM »

No fibroids do not cause the womb lining per se to thicken it just makes it difficult for the sonographer to measure your lining as the fibroids are in the way.
Until menopause I always had about 4 small fibroids in my womb that showed up on every ultrasound. They did not cause me any problems as they never changed. I had terrible bleeding problems in peri meno but this was all hormone related.  an ultrasound when I had been post meno for one year showed no fibroids so they do disappear as I had been told one you are post meno.
Its totally routine that you will be referred to a gyny consultant to have them looked at more closely.  When in peri meno I got a large ovarian cyst and like you was referred to gyny who did an mri scan to totally confirm it was just a cyst so gave me good reasurance.  A CT or MRI of your womb will do likewise and rule out totally anything nasty going on.
I completely empathise with your worries at this time, I was a total nervous wreck during peri meno with all the bleeding and cyst etc but none of it was nasty just not nice to experience at the time.

Thank you so much for explaining all that, I appreciate it.  Everything is new and scary - even routine procedures, because I am not aware they are routine!  I am just totally freaked out that she saw many, lots, too many to measure.  I have read about large fibroids and a few, but not lots and I am worried about surgery.  I have symptoms I can manage, so maybe that will be OK.  Sonographer did say, it's very common and decisions are made on symptoms and quality of life.  Can't get it out of my head that lots of growths are not dangerous.  I will calm down soon, once it sinks in and I normalise it.  Thanks again


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2015, 12:57:04 PM »

How are you today, Brightlight? Did you manage to get any sleep last night?


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2015, 02:22:21 PM »

Honorsmum, thank you for asking. I had about 4 hours sleep, I don't deal with unexpected news that well, my head churns and adrenalin gets going. I will settle in a day or so. Just wasnt expecting so many fibroids that obscure the scan view and the referral.

Although my GP surgery can't discuss properly until they get the report I phoned and spoke with someone. Mentioned all the medical words that concerned me and the fact an MRI isn't mentioned on the NHS fibroid page as a normal step. She said that a referral to a gynae for multiple fibroids is standard, as Countrybumpkin said above. They need to check location and organs they are near. Watch and wait is possible but also surgery, clearer options when she gets report and gynae advice.

With my age and not knowing when menopause will happen it could be a difficult choice, the fibroids are likely to shrink at some point but don't know when that might be and meanwhile could get bigger and more symptomatic.

I am hoping I can watch and wait and no other issues are found. Even the idea of 'managing' these feels exhausting. Another element to perimenopause for me. It does seem to make sense of my fluctuating weight and waistline and I sense of bulk that I thought I feel at times, hip pain and very mild sense of urinary urgency before a period. I was rolling with all this as it comes and goes and didn't suspect a fibroid. Although I'm fairly sure the excruciating pain I had in January that kicked off the FSH testing was a fibroid pressing on something.

I do hate that we can't see what's going on in there! Thanks for writing.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2015, 05:51:53 PM »

I'm the same - any kind of shock or drama keeps my brain in overdrive and stops me sleeping.
I'd also be Googling every aspect, leaving no stone unturned in order to get my head round what was going on.
It's great that you've been able to talk it through with someone today, although I'm sure you still feel in the dark about it.
I'm very interested your description of your symptoms; apart from the spotting, I would say my symptoms are exactly the same. The doctor I saw today didn't make any mention of the possibility  fibroids, ovarian cysts etc, which surprised me.

I hope the report comes through quickly, so that you can get a better idea of what to expect next.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2015, 06:58:40 PM »

Hello BrightLight.

Sorry you've had this worry. I am no expert but I think that fibroids are benign overgrowths of uterine muscle and the reason they lead to heavy periods is because they increase the surface area of the womb, think peaks and troughs rather than smooth and flat!  I do know that 50% of women over 50 have them and they usually shrink with the menopause.

I was diagnosed with a small fibroid when I was 49 and started HRT at 56. I am 59 now and despite the HRT a recent scan showed the fibroid had disappeared.

I know it's impossible not to worry but these things are very common and the medics certainly never seem concerned about them.

Take care and sending hugs.



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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2015, 08:02:21 PM »

Thanks again ladies. Working through my news and feeling OK, I can't make them go away so I will have to roll with it. I do feel a bit tired at the thought of dealing with more investigation etc and decisions. Back of my mind is being confronted with the option or suggestion of hysterectomy. Will cross that bridge if it comes......

On a positive note I mentioned it to a friend today and she had almost an identikit experience with the sonographer telling her she had many many fibroids and she also 'freaked' out. She was given the option of hysterectomy to remove all symptoms and testing to see where she was hormone wise, I think she said she was 50 at the time, she chose to wait it out and five years later all fibroids had gone.

I think its just stressy for me to have no plan of attack and still a niggle somewhere that they can't see if anything else is going on. Once I get going with a plan, I think I will feel better. The experience of something quite substantial growing without any notion, albeit it benign has shocked me a bit. I suspect they have been there ages and symptomless but hormone surges have fed them. Eeeeek


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2015, 08:04:49 PM »

Honorsmum, yes I googled (bad) and tried to work out what was what as worry makes you a professional sleuth ;) but its impossible, even the sonographer can't see what is where and what might be the cause of symptoms or not, so I will have to try hard and sit in the unknown and leave it to the pro. Hope that will go well.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2015, 08:54:04 PM »

Sparkle - you are so right about Christmas, you just want everything 'just so', in order somehow.  It's really annoying and I do have a bit of a 'stroppy kid' and 'poor me' type of feeling going on today.  Along with the desire for ignorance is bliss.   

Having my usual accupuncture session tomorrow which I know has helped me chug along this year in a fairly good state really, albeit with niggly things.  Perhaps the accupuncture is working with my body to keep things at bay - it will be interesting if they do offer follow up scans at intervals to see which way these growth are heading - increasing or decreasing.  That would be handy to know to add to my decision tree when I get there.
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