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Author Topic: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids  (Read 8319 times)


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2015, 09:51:41 PM »

Sorry to read this Brightlight.  Hope it does not ruin your Christmas.

They do seem to use MRI etc much more readily these days and seem to want more information available before deciding what they are going to do which is good.

I know that in your situation, I would feel like you do as I hate having bits cut out, and general anaesthetics  :(


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2015, 08:38:03 AM »

I'm just catching up with some posts as it is a busy time of year and I just wanted to say sorry to hear about this BrightLight and I can understand your feelings, especially in the circumstances.

Like sparkle - I had a scan recently because I was worried about just one fibroid, as I thought it might have grown and it has shrunk in the past couple of years too despite having been on medium dose HRT for over 8 years. As your docs have said they might want to do something about a large number, for your own peace of mind and comfort too.

Despite all fo this, I do hope you manage to stem the worry and enjoy Christmas, even with this hanging over your head, until the New Year.

Hurdity x  :hug:


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2015, 11:41:42 AM »

Thank you Hurdity - I will do my best to take each day as it comes.  Slightly unnerved despite being told it's common - now making sense of my the sense my stomach muscles have been 'tight' and that I wasn't imagining it when I thought at times it felt hard in places, but it all comes and goes!  I think I have them on the outside, I will hopefully know more about the type they could see when I see the GP with the report from the scan, that should be this week or next. 

To be honest, now I know there are many I feel quite nervous of all the possibilities of treating, not treating etc and any surgery that may or may not be complicated.  Mostly I still feel freaked out that I have a uterus 'carrying' things. I just hope I can deal with this without it completely undoing all the hard work I have done on my anxiety issues this year - I have had repeated panic attacks since I went for the scan.  Just running on adrenalin that is quite hard to ignore. 

I wish a doctor had suggested a scan at some point before now, after me at times mentioning cysts, fibroids etc - they dismissed me completely that pain could have anything to do with those things and I was being anxious.  We know when something isn't right I think, even if we come across as stabbing in the dark with worry or over estimate the seriousness.  Going to trust myself a bit more now.


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2015, 08:50:38 PM »

Sorry to read this Brightlight.  Hope it does not ruin your Christmas.

They do seem to use MRI etc much more readily these days and seem to want more information available before deciding what they are going to do which is good.

I know that in your situation, I would feel like you do as I hate having bits cut out, and general anaesthetics  :(

Thank you - I am praying I can avoid surgery, since I found out my growing tummy has taken on a whole new meaning  :'(


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2015, 08:53:15 PM »

Totally agree BrightLight, we definitely know our own bodies.  I don't get half the twinges and stabbing pains that I used to get since I had my gallbladder removed, ovarian cysts have come and gone and fibroids are now degenerating.  I even had one GP tell me that the CT scan I'd had two years previously was enough to say that everything was OK - I then went on to have my g/b removed after it turned out to be chronically inflamed with a suspicious looking lump (which turned out to be OK thank goodness).  I definitely know my own body, although sometimes I wish I didn't!!

S x

Hindsight is so useful isn't it?  We have the intuition sometimes and ignore it or question it and then somewhere down the line things click into place.  I just knew deep down that the niggles might not all be directly related to hormones and I also felt lumpy in my tummy a couple of times but seeing as I have always had a flat stomach until now, I assumed it was midlife weight and that's what it feels like (horrid) but now I am thinking it's a combination of weight gain and masses! 


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Re: Ultrasound has revealed multiple fibroids
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2015, 08:57:22 PM »

Discovered a lot of interesting stuff on the internet today about Vitamin D deficiency and how they are looking into it contributing to things like fibroids, endometriosis and PCOS - all conditions that they struggle to treat simply and well.

It is interesting that I read a lot about Vitamin D at perimenopause and beyond and think I don't get enough - so I will increase that, just incase it helps.  Accupuncture was great today.
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