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Author Topic: Sleep  (Read 5760 times)


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2015, 11:19:58 AM »

It's really good that you slept better last night and feel calmer and brighter today (no coincidence I am sure).

It sounds like you've shaken off the nasty progesterone withdrawal symptoms and are now back in track to feel good for another few weeks.

Progesterone and I just do not get in, and it's obviously much worse now I'm in my 40s. Looking back I never could tolerate progesterone very well at all. When I met my now DH I went on the BCP. After 4 weeks I started suffering with inexplicable anxiety and low mood. Then I would get a few days of feeling okay again. This lasted for nearly 2 years and I ascribed it to the stress of university and exams etc. But with hindsight I think it was the brand of BCP I was on? It eventually disappeared, but that may well be because I changed brand. It's 20 years ago so I don't remember?

For the last 3 weeks I have just gone back to a 50mg Estradot patch, as well as a very brief 8 day dabble with an AD which gave me a panic attack, so stopped it immediately! I haven't bothered taking any Utrogestan yet as I had quite a substantial period 20 days ago. But my mood has been so very up and down these last 3 weeks. Not helped by the brief trial of the AD, I'm sure. But some days I have felt so depressed, other days so anxious and despairing. Today is actually a 'good' day, and I see my consultant this afternoon.

I am praying she can think of a working solution for me. Did Prof Studd give an opinion on taking ADs for hormonal anxiety and depression etc? Years ago I tried Prozac for my PMS and it did nothing for me.


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2015, 04:08:21 PM »

Hi there I think Prof Studd is very anti other medication to be honest and believes these things can be fixed by HRT. He replied to me today but got my email mixed up with another patient so his secretary was helpful and I sent my email again and await his reply. I do feel better but Ive now got constant heart palpitations and feel a bit light headed and racy and I wonder of my ostregel is too high with a big hit of 3 pumps in the morning and now over 2 months in I guess its fully absorbed in my system so about to post about that, I feel such a pain but this forum is so helpful!

What is that horrible withdrawal all about!!! Honestly this is all so hard, Im 41 and didn't expect to be in this confusing overwhelming world already :( please keep chatting its great to find a kindred spirit!


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2015, 11:01:40 PM »

I sometimes get a racing heart too and my sleep is usually rubbish at the same time. Possibly a combination of the oestrogen in your HRT coupled with your own oestrogen rising at certain times of the month. For me it doesn't last though, usually just a day or two.

From all I have read you need to give HRT 3-6 months to really optimise fully. It will be interesting to see what Prof Studd has to say on this so please keep us updated.

I feel so fed up and frustrated right now as my appointment at the NHS menopause clinic was a disaster. So I am going to see if I can make an appointment to see Dr Annie Evans privately. At the very least she will LISTEN to me, I hope, and take into account how I have reacted to HRT and the BCP recently and so make an informed diagnosis.

I have lost 2 years of my life already. I don't want to lose another 2 years going over old ground.


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2015, 08:16:07 AM »

Hi there I know I read your post about your appointment just awful for you 😭 I think you're doing the right thing seeing someone else :( I will definitely let you know what Prof Studd says as I know we're quite similar, I know it's expensive but if you feel you've lost 2 years of your life you can't go on! The frustrating thing is there is a solution you just need the right consultant! Prof Studd words to me were this is all cureable so I'm hanging into that! I should hear from him today another rubbish nights sleep. I wake at about 2.30 then take hours to get back to sleep only to have my toddler up at 6 😴 so fed up. I think it's my own ostrogen clashing with the gel and my levels are too high but I don't want to do anything until ive spoken to him but it's not the utro as I stopped that a good week ago ahhhhhhhh

Let us know how you get on won't you x


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2015, 10:48:39 AM »

MaryG do you know if 3 pumps is quite a high dose, still very wired in the night and jittery in the day. I wonder if this is too high a dose for me along with my own ostrogen and now I've been on it 2 months or so its building in my system causing me to feel wired and unable to sleep well. I'm waiting a reply from Prof Studd and I'll call him this afternoon if Ive not heard but I wonder if 2 pumps split every 12 hours like you would be better? So fed up  ::)

Mary G

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Re: Sleep
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2015, 08:25:50 PM »

Sorry, I've only just seen your post!  3 pumps per day is fairly high but that is the normal prescription that Professor Studd gives along with 7 days of 100mg Utrogestan and very often, testosterone.

I use 1 pump every 12 hours not 2 pumps!  The reason I reduced my dose was because of heavy periods (the more oestrogen you take, the heavier your periods will be) and my intolerance to Utrogestan - I needed to make sure that I have a steady dose of oestrogen and avoid the dip I was experiencing after 12 hours which was causing my migraines while using the Utrogestan. 

My advice would be to ring Professor Studd's office again tomorrow and ask if he thinks you should reduce your dose.  If he is not there, try running it past his secretary. 

Hope you can get it sorted soon. 


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2015, 09:47:07 PM »

Thanks he's been so unhelpful and basically said he can't reply to every little query and to continue and see him in Jan not impressed :( ive decided to drop it to 2 and do what you do 1 every 12 hours and see if that feels better. A friend who also sees him thought the 3 pumps might be giving me some side effects. I put on 2 this morning and have already felt better today on that than the 3 yesterday. I'll see how I sleep tonight....thank you x


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Re: Sleep
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2015, 10:06:22 PM »

I'm sorry he was so brusque with you. There's no doubt he is a brilliant man, but I have heard that his people skills are somewhat lacking from other women who have seen him.

When you are paying hundreds of pounds to see him then I would say he damned well should respond to most queries.

I hope you sleep better tonight. There's no doubt that lack.of sleep increases low mood and anxiety. I.know it does with me certainly.
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