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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan  (Read 6023 times)


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Re: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2015, 12:54:26 PM »

I have just checked my mood diary and I was okay whilst taking Utrogestan, but did seem to have a dip about 4 days after stopping which coincided with the withdrawal bleed too.

I did slightly better on 50mg patch, than on the 25mg ones but actually think I should have upped to a 75mg patch or even 100mg like you. But instead I opted to try the BCP.

Overall I felt the BCP helped me more but I was still having several days of awful anxiety and low mood dotted throughout the month. So I tried a different brand which I felt great on for the first pack, thought I was cured. But then I had just a very short 4 day break off it and all my symptoms came back. In a panic I started the 2nd pack but my symptoms didn't disappear, and 2 weeks into the 2nd pack I felt dreadful and in a really bad place. So I stopped taking it.

Not sure if it was a build up of the synthetic progesterone which caused such awful anxiety and low mood?

Then I faffed with an AD for a week but felt even worse. So for the last two weeks I have just gone back to wearing a 50mg patch and am really hoping my consultant can shed some light on my issues on Tuesday.



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Re: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2015, 01:56:37 PM »

You poor thing! You are so kind replying to my crazy posts! Just feel a bit lost with it all as this is meant to stop my pmt not bring it all back mmmmm my dip started 4 days after too,  I'm prog intolerant so maybe im just uber sensitive to it leaving my body too who knows but Prof Studd should know this scenario well. Just got to hang in there meanwhile the lack of sleep is just horrific and putting me right back on the edge :( I hope you find a solution too soon, it's all such a minefield thanks again x


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Re: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2015, 02:05:25 PM »

You're welcome. I think we're both very progesterone intolerant, considering our medical histories of PMS, PND, bad reaction to Mirena etc.

Perhaps next month you could try taking the Utro vaginally and see if that lessens the effects of withdrawal? And you have to assess how long the 'dip' lasts for. If it's just a handful of days but you feel really good for the rest of the month then is it worth it? Also is the dip for a shorter length of time than your PMS lasted?

How did you feel while actually taking the Utro?


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Re: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2015, 02:22:31 PM »

Yes we are and it's such fun isnt it! Not!!!!!

Yes got to see it through its only my first month and that's all really valid advice, I'm def using vaginally next month then my next appointment is 14th jan so can assess properly with prof Studd. My pms could last 2 weeks and I felt pretty shitty all the time tbh still had a PND fog so agree if this dip is only a few days it is worth it. The utro bit was bumpy for me but this is the worst bit. Feel like it will never end but that's the anxiety and lack of sleep talking, I also want to understand why as panicking it's because I'm taking too much ostrogel but again that's crazy mind talking!It's great to talk to someone who gets it as I don't have anyone else who does, friends are v understanding but with some things you have to have been there!x


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Re: Progesterone drop after Utrogestan
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2015, 05:09:30 PM »

There are plenty of women here who know just what it's like, thank goodness.

When it's hormonal anxiety/depression it definitely has a very different 'feel' to the more regular types. The irrational anxiety, panic and intense feelings of despair are identical to how I felt when I had PND years ago. Only difference is that I don't have a newborn to contend with (the newborn is now taller than me and at secondary school, bless 'em).

Most people just think you feel 'a bit fed up' or that a little treat/flowers will 'cheer you up again'. Oh, if only! They just don't get how desperate and hopeless it can make you feel inside. It really is soul destroying.

And I totally get how irrational and confused it can make you feel at times. Rationally we both know it's incredibly unlikely that you're on too much oestrogel but when the manic panic hits then anything seems possible.

I really feel for you. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. But then mercifully it does lift and you get a 'good' few days or a week and you THEN you question if you really felt quite so bad??? And around and around you go in circles again.

Always keep posting. It's how we learn from each other.
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