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Author Topic: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc  (Read 3790 times)


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Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« on: December 10, 2015, 08:26:44 AM »

I have struggled with Anxiety on and off for years & never really understood it or why or to the extent that I do.. It has worsened with the onset on Meno, to the point of some days just being totally debilitating and virtually disabling ...I struggle with dreadful health fears ( as already posted on this site)  but they spiral out of control and the thoughts just seem to take over.... I came across the above website - and I found myself relating to so much of it.. Being brought up in a very anxious environment - a controlling,angry father who catastrophized everything - and a mother who was always very nervous,negative and would inject and element of fear into everyday things - ie comments such as - don't get run over , don't scald yourself on the kettle - be careful you don't fall down the stairs - it was always don't do this or that  etc ... Of course its natural to a degree to want to be protective and hope to keeps ones children safe etc - but I have realised since I have got older and am the age now, how so much anxiety was created & now I find myself so fearful of things.. I have developed so many worries - and mostly concerning health, ie I constantly worry about stuff I have done or things that have happened In the past and will they impact on my health in the future - have I done things ( unintentionally) that I could have prevented ... I know its not a good/happy way to exist as worrying stops/prevents me enjoying what life I have ..... I wonder if any other ladies can relate to all this - and have had similar upbringing/influences that may have attributed to their anxieties, and have got worse with Meno


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 08:45:10 AM »

That's really interesting.  My anxieties only really started with peri, but my mother is chronically anxious.  She started menopause in her mid 40s when I was about 10, and her anxiety levels shot through the roof then.  If I was going out for the day with friends, she would see me off with the words 'don't be upset if I'm not here when you get back' and if I asked her why she might not be there, she'd say she might have died by then!!!  Say something like 'next Christmas, can we...' and she'd interrupt with 'I probably won't be alive by next Christmas'.  When I started driving, it would be 'don't have a car crash' or even 'I ought to know - just in case - would you prefer burial or cremation?'  :o :o :o

I never really bothered with her gloomy prophecies until I started peri, but now they really get to me.  I'm not sure if I am genetically prone to anxiety (my grandmother was almost as good a worrier as my mother!) or if it is just that peri has stripped away my anti-anxiety defences, so that I am less able to ignore worries and deal with my mother's worst case scenarios!


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2015, 10:11:48 AM »

I can agree with this just as much as I can relate to it too.  Anxiety has a psychological root, my mother always said I was 'highly strung' ha - if anyone was then she def was and ingrained it into myself.  I know when I'm worrying too much, I get this 'wave' that comes over me and I go a bit lightheaded, it only last about 10 seconds but I really don't like it one little bit.
However I am glad to read that it's 'normal' and that it is not just myself who worries (continually) about my health.  I was always a sickly child and still am - sickly that is - not a child, but then sometimes I feel like acting like one which could be fun and it would def get some anger/emotions out etc !  :na:
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 10:24:24 AM by Louisa »


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2015, 05:04:29 PM »


i find this a fascinating subject, but often wonder, if, for example in your case, is it you are anxious because of the way you were bought up (nurtured) or because you inherited some kind of gene which made you more likely to be anxious ?

And - do you have children ? have you been anxious with their wellbeing as they grew up ? and are they anxious adults ?

sorry if too many questions !


(I grew up in a house where no one was the least bit interested in me....  I have enormous social difficulties as an adult)



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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2015, 05:27:35 PM »

Yes, yes and yes, I grew up in a very anxious household with huge family tensions and became an anxious child, in fact I don't think there has been a period in my life when I have not been anxious but was labelled a 'born worrier' and I accepted the label.

I do not think children are born anxious but a sensitive disposition could be nurtured by events and attitudes over which they have no control.

A year ago it got too much and I could not cope with the anxiety any more and have recently been given medical help for depression that I didn't even realise I had until it started to level out, and I have been referred for CBT to examine the roots of my mindset that has led to this.


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2015, 05:51:32 PM »

Pollie - I think (in my case) its both .. Although I am not sure we are or can be born anxious, or if its possible to inherit an anx gene... I just know that I grew up in a very anx and negative environment & as children we know no different, don't question and just accept things are as they are.. Its only with age and meno, I have realised the impact and recognize some of the thought patterns/reactions and behaviours & for the most part can attribute them to the influence of my parents... The hard part is trying to break/change the negativity/anxiousness and become more rational/logical & less fearful ... I have a friend who has dealt with some real difficult things in her life ( shes 58) and has a poorly daughter - of course she worries,  but she does not experience anx & is always a very positive person and copes incredibly well ( surprisingly) .... I know she had a very different upbringing, harmonious and positive influences etc - I so wish I could be/feel more like her & I admire her strength and ability to get on with things and not wimp out like I seem to do..


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2015, 06:05:41 PM »

I grew up in a really relaxed and loving family but I have been anxious since the age of about 10. Both my mum and dad were positive people and always made the best of everything. I was praised if things went well and sympathised with when things went wrong. I was careful to hide my anxieties from my three children but one of them is just like I was - the other two are fine. I think that it can be an inherited thing. My nana on my dad's side was extremely anxious and jittery and hated people coming around to the house and could never stay anywhere overnight so perhaps that's where it came from? I do wonder why I'm like this when I had the most caring and amazing upbringing.

Taz x


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2015, 05:13:59 AM »

I was brought up in what I would call a usual household - not massively positive and not negative though my dad was very distant. My anxiety started when I was about 13 around the time of losing my grandad (we were very close) and my periods starting!  My gran was on valium for years, my mum is an anxious person. I was open and honest with my son's about my anxiety and depression episodes when they were old enough. One son is confident the other tends to anxiety and depression. I think it's based on genetic predisposition and then nurture/social factors come into play. Some is learned behaviour (panic attack on train once means I'm nervous on them now yet stick me in front of a lecture theatre and I'll happily give a talk which for some would be hell) I certainly think hormones have had a big part to play in my case too   :( :( :(


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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2015, 10:08:49 AM »

Hi ,

very interesting. I definitely think upbringing has a major influence. Some people may have a predisposition to depression , but if they have a stable and loving upbringing then they may have the tools to cope better.

I know when I feel safe and loved and appreciated , I feel better able to cope.



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Re: Interesting read on Anxiety/Meno etc
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2015, 10:07:40 PM »

Yes I can absolutely relate to this, I have been wondering why now at the grand age of 54 that I have been thinking so much about my mother and the way she brought me up & resenting alot of the things she did or didn't do. Since menopause I have been speaking to my poor husband quite alot about this actually. I have a loving mother but I was an only child and my father died when I was 16 which was around the time my mother was going through menopause, this made her very controlling and possessive with me. She had always been a very anxious mother prior to my dad dying but she became far worse after his death. My husband and I were just talking about the time we announced our first pregnancy to her & instead of wishing us congratulations and being happy for us she answered us with "Oh I need to sit down, I need a brandy" !!! And she was the same with my future pregnancies after that, not once did she ever congratulate me and I feel very sad about this. She always looked on the negative side and would constantly remind me of what a worry it was for her when I was pregnant  :(  She too was the type of mother that was fearful of everything telling me to be careful, don't go near the edge, don't run, don't climb etc etc . She is 88 now and still worries when we go abroad on holiday talking to us like children before we leave. When i was in my very late teens/early 20's I desperately wanted to work abroad but she terrified me by saying things like "Oh there's too many queer folk out there especially if they see a young girl on her own" or "If anything goes wrong I don't have the money to bring you back" it all worried me sick so I never plucked up the courage to go and it's now one of my biggest regrets in my life. Luckily we have a son who has travelled and works abroad and i was very careful never to show any negativities, quite the opposite actually, I was all for him going..I guess I was living my life through him but telling my mother was another thing.....she constantly worries about him & asks if he's ok. She is most definitely an anxious person, she worries about everything and is terrified of just about everything (I hate balloons cos my mother instilled in me about the scar my Grandad had on his eye where a balloon had popped!). I myself have noticed how my anxiety has got worse over the last few years as I went through peri and entered menopause, I have always been a worrier but it has got so much worse over these last few years, ridiculous that at bedtime I cannot settle to sleep for over thinking and worrying about the days events...I mull over everything that has happened and what has been said that day & it is so much worse if I have been out with people that day, i worry so much about everything we have talked about & was beginning to think how much easier it would be to just not go out or talk to anyone.
My mother is most definitely possesive with me still to this day, she likes to know where I am, what I've been doing, who I've been out with and I've noticed she is also very jealous of my relationship with my Daughter in law. Growing up I feel I never had that independance or chance to grow or spread my wings and I do feel sadly that it has impacted on the rest of my life  :(