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Author Topic: AWOL period  (Read 3440 times)


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AWOL period
« on: December 01, 2015, 12:25:50 PM »

Hi ladies,
I haven't been here since earlier in the year. Things have been pretty ok, but I'm not doing so well at the moment.
My cycle had shortened to between 20 and 26 days, with very few other symptoms.
This month, I'm on day 30 and no sign. However, I have had lower back ache and a very tender abdomen for the last couple of weeks.
I've taken a pregnancy test today, just to be sure, which was negative.
I feel very tearful and anxious and am having dark thoughts about ovarian cancer. When you miss a period, is it normal to feel awful?
How long should I leave it before seeing a GP? I'll be 46 next month.


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 12:46:33 PM »

Hi Honorsmum

That sounds horrible, but also very familiar - especially if you are in peri menopause. I hated the months I didn't have a period (pre pill/hrt) as my stomach and brain 'needed one' - yep, I too have thought 'ovarian cancer' but the probability of this is very very low, remember.

Why not see your doctor? Have you ever taken hrt or a pill to regulate your cycle? I found this helped me a lot. I am 43, peri menopausal.

Hope you feel better soon, B


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2015, 01:07:11 PM »

Thanks Briony.
You would not believe the worst-case scenarios my brain has come up with - I keep bursting into tears.
I feel so uncomfortable, my lower back hurts and my stomach feels bloated and tender like I've been trampled by a herd of cows.
I have previously been on various birth control pills, but can only have Cerazette or similar now, because I had migraines with aura on the combined pill. Cerazette made me feel very low, so I stopped taking it.
I saw Annie Evans earlier in the year and she suggested the Mirena and Sandrina, but I felt better having seen her so I decided to hold off.


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2015, 06:00:19 PM »

Hi honorsmum

Like Briony said - if you are concerned then visit the doctor to put your mind at rest, if these feelings are not like normal period feelings and unusual for you. It is likely to be hormonal but if your stomach is that painful and uncomfortable then do make that appointment. Who knows by the time you actually go your period might have started!

Hurdity x


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2015, 07:58:05 PM »

Thanks ,Hurdity and sparkle.
I do wonder if maybe it's a cyst causing the discomfort. At times over the last couple of weeks, it feels like something is twisting low down on my right hand side - a sudden twinge pain that lasts a few seconds.
It's hard to say, as I also have Crohn's and IBS, so lots of general discomfort in my abdomen is a regular occurrence.

Would a cyst stop ovulation?

I guess I need to man-up and go and have a chat with a GP. I've changed surgeries this year, after a bad experience with my old surgery, and haven't yet seen anyone in the new practice.


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2015, 10:49:19 AM »

Thanks, Sparkle.
I had a full gynae check up a couple of years ago, so I'm ok with scans, internal and external. I just hate seeing GPs - I always get stressed and emotional, because of past experience of having Crohn's misdiagnosed as anxiety.

My period showed up this morning, thankfully, and I already feel better - the pain has all but gone. Can't believe how bad I felt yesterday. Hope it's not a sign of how things are going to be from now on.


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2015, 12:21:29 PM »

We sound so similar, sparkle! I often break down in doctor/hospital appointments, mostly because I get  stressed beforehand and then the final straw is when they try to suggest it's all anxiety/stress related - of course my distress then convinces them it is!
I have an appointment with my Crohn's consultant this afternoon, and already my heart is racing, I feel sick and nervous. :-(


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2015, 01:41:20 PM »

Sparkle we could be twins. My husband snores too and is all over my side of the bed with his restless legs and fidget all night carry on. He thinks he sleeps well!

Are you thinking about HRT or are you planning to carry on as you are?

I am undecided. This week high oestrogen for sure as ovulation type discharge, but I am sure no actual egg. Still no night sweats though have you?


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2015, 04:30:47 PM »

No Sparkle no GP appointment as yet. I am hoping not to take HRT as having ME I am sensitive to medications of all sorts. I don't have night sweats, other than the ones related to the ME. The night sweats of peri I did have in my skipping periods for months phase, they left a pool of liquid on my chest, but since I have been having periods of sorts no return of them. I think I have high oestrogen and low progesterone as symptoms seem to back that theory.

I think my problem is that I have to accept that I was pretty regular till 53, so this isn't that long to be going on for, my friends were all in their forties so they think it is really odd to be 55 and still like this.

Hope you feel better from the migraine. I get those and they are frightening.


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Re: AWOL period
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2015, 12:28:34 PM »

How are you Sparkle did you get on ok at the GP?