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Author Topic: Starting Elleste Duet 1mg  (Read 2577 times)


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Starting Elleste Duet 1mg
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:08:49 AM »

Update on the very short cycles, dry mouth and throat and various other symptoms.

The lady GP I saw said she thought it best I started on HRT and has prescribed Elleste Duet 1mg to see how I go. of course, being a natural born worrier (10x worse these days!) I'm apprehensive about the progestin side of things, although I fared reasonably OK on the mini pill some years ago. Now I'm thinking, what if I'm oestrogen dominant -- won't the oestrogen make things worse, or is it more likely to bring me into balance? Other doctor wasn't prepared too listen as my cycles were shorter, but when I told this doctor that I have started to have 20 day cycles and mid-cycle spotting, combined with other symptoms, she said I was "definitely perimenopausal". It seems they all think differently. I'm also aware it's ofen a case of 'hit and miss', but have any ladies got any advice on this?

On another note, BP has been a bit raised last few months since suffering anxiety and mild flushes etc; I have always tended to have high systolic pressure, but now the lower figure is raise (95). That said, the doctor wasn't concerned as she thinks I have a degree of 'white coat syndrome' and just said she would keep an eye on things . . .

So, here we go again with the next stage of apprehension. Any words of wisdom, ladies?



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Re: Starting Elleste Duet 1mg
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2015, 12:53:06 PM »

I had ellest duet 1mg and did brilliantly on it for years ! It will take time to settle though as any hrt does ,so bear this in mind and stay positive,onwards and upwards.
Welcome aboard !  :)


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Re: Starting Elleste Duet 1mg
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2015, 05:26:45 PM »

From what I've read. there seems to be a lot of controversy and no universal opinion about peri-menopause and when it starts - but it seems to come down to definition. For example the NICE Guidelines (using the definitions about the stages in reproductive ageing - another paper that was produced) define it as this:

The time in which a woman has irregular cycles of ovulation and menstruation leading up to menopause and continuing until 12 months after her final period (also known as menopausal transition or climacteric)."

and their recommendations for treatment (ie HRT etc) stem from this definition.

The paper about reproductive ageing ( refers to the time when shorter cycles are experienced as "the late reproductive phase" - but many women experience symptoms during this phase (I know I did) but I'm not sure that it is clear what is causing this - ie is it the increased hormonal fluctuations or what? If someone has any further scientific info on this I'd love to read it as I read another site, which defines peri-menopause as the 2-5 years leading up to when periods become irregular - because there are some changes occurring in the various hormones that control the cycle leading up to the first skipped cycle.

I am only saying this because I think this is why you are getting the response from the doc that you aren't in peri-menopause - if you are getting shorter/regular cycles because this fits with the "official" standard definition (that I have read at least).

As to whether the Elleste will help you - well you can only try. Maybe it will help regulate your cycle so that they beocme normal length ie 4 weekly? The extra oestrogen will prevent the big drop that occurs before ovulation which causes sympotms for manywomen even during their normal mentrual cycle, and the extra progestogen might help thin the womb lining so that bleeding is not so heavy. It all depends on what your own cycle is doing, your own oestrogen levels and how long it might be before your natural cycle becomes irregular....

That probably doesn't help much because I am just expressing my thoughts based on what I've read - which isn't really enough!!

I agree with dazned - try it, give it while and see how you feel - and try to be upbeat!

Re the blood pressure - get a decent home monitor and do it yourself - they don't cost a lot!

Kepp us posted  and hope all goes well :)

Hurdity x



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Re: Starting Elleste Duet 1mg
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2015, 06:58:39 PM »

Hi Stellajane, dazned and Hurdity,

I really appreciate your kindness, advice and positive vibes!

Hurdity, it is confusing isn't it? The first GP I saw (probably mid thirties) didn't say in so many words I wasn't peri, but didn't think HRT would be useful until I was missing periods. (That said, she also said she'd never heard of dry mouth and throat and anxiety symptoms being related to this time of life). The second doctor who prescribed the Elleste pronounced, "Oh, you're definitely perimenopausal" when I described my symptoms and the fact periods were varying from 29-23-20-14 days apart. Whether the fact she's older (she declared, "menopause is horrid!") had anything to do with it, I don't know, but I suppose all I can do is give it a whirl and see what happens. I will certainly keep you posted!

I will definitely look into getting a monitor as I think I do react to the medical setting. However, knowing me, I will be taking my BP obsessively!

Thank you so much for taking such care to reply!

Pricey x