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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Newbie to MM and need advice  (Read 2627 times)


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Newbie to MM and need advice
« on: November 26, 2015, 08:15:10 AM »

Hi all,

My name is Claire, 47 yrs old and have been going through symptoms, without really knowing until the beginning of this year.

Started in 2009 with the hip pain and burning sensation on different parts of my body.  Hard to explain, but it was like someone was holding a lit flame across my legs or arms, or anywhere.  My Dr suggested I was allergic to food and told me to use antihistamine. Which I still use now, as and when the burning starts, thankfully this isnt as frequent as first.  It was during that year that I noticed my periods were a bit odd, so kept a journal on it.  2015 my periods were so heavy, that they woke me at night, which has never happened before and by May, they had stopped completely. 

Before my periods stopped, I thought it was a thyroid problem as I was showing symptoms (family history of Hashimoto) had the test and no, normal results.  My Dr then suggested antidepressants, but I wasn't depressed!  Sure I was feeling low, because I didnt know what was happening to me or feel I was being helped by my Dr.  My Dr wouldn't test me for Menopause, just said you are a woman of a certain age, expect it & was more than happy to put me on HRT. Eh?

 Since 2011 I've had bouts of cystitis and slowly over a period of time, ive had lower back pain, and my joints creak, especially my fingers and hand.  Sometimes they ache so much I can hardly pick anything up.  But this again comes and goes, I'm guessing where my "cycle" would be in the month.  I'm a slight person, not overweight and have been very active in running. I've changed my diet, non carbs (no bread, rice, pasta) lost a bit of weight and generally feeling better, not sluggish. However, with all that's going on physically and mentally with me I just want to get off this merry-go-round. I'm normally an upbeat kinda gal, but since my periods stopped I feel all the symptoms are getting worse.

My memory is shot, my confidence is low, I cry at the slightest thing and my relationship is strong, but we're not having sex as now this hurts.  Dr has given me Vagfem, which I've recently started but its frustrating.  The hot flush during the day and night sweats I can put up with, but the loss of physical activity with my partner and "rather have a cheese sandwich" than sex feeling I really hate.  I can't ask my mother how she coped, because she died of breast cancer at 58 and was diagnosed when she was 50.  My mums sister and mother both had breast cancer, her other sister cervical.  Ive had a bout of abnormal cells and so has my sister.  So hey....

I dont really want to go on HRT because of the family history, nor antidepressants.  I take Magnesium, Vit B12, Vit E and Omega oils.  I have been reading and this is a GREAT place, so feel better already.  No one talks about it in my family, its just....get on with it. So thanks for any suggestions/help/advice or just a hello. 



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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2015, 08:26:49 AM »

Hi Claire and  :welcomemm:

Goodness me you are going through it. You are not alone. There's loads of us on this forum who can relate to bits and/or all of your story.

Have a look at the green menus at the top of the page for information on everything.

You say nobody in your family talks about stuff - well here you can talk about absolutely anything and will find ladies on here who have similar experiences to share, or at the very least, a sympathetic ear and a cyber-hug.

I think the worst part for most of us, is not knowing that all these weird and sometimes frightening symptoms are connected with our erratic hormones. It certainly scared the poop out of me until I found this site.

Hopefully some of the more experienced ladies will be along later to help with suggestions.

Galadriel x


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 08:39:53 AM »

Oh my gosh Galadriel...thank you!  I'm sobbing here in my pj's...thank you, it means a lot.



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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 08:49:20 AM »


Glad you've joined us but sorry you need to . This meno journey is rubbish,welcome aboard  ;)


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 09:25:26 AM »

Hi Claire
Sorry you are feeling so rotten. I can relate to some of your symptoms. The burning sensations and the sore joints especially. Also the loss of confidence. My journey has been different and I am on hrt. I am also a lot older at almost 59. However on this site you will see huge variations in how people are affected and that in itself is very reassuring. That reassurance is the first thing which will help you! You will also find lots of helpful advice. Hrt is only one possibility in treatment. Lots of ladies don't use it. There is an alternative therapies thread you can explore.
Re antidepressants. They can be helpful however cbt may be the answer. I had a course of cbt 2 years ago for anxiety symptoms and it has really helped.
The fact that you are active is a big plus. I have found that on really bad days ( I still get them even with hrt!) forcing myself out for a walk makes a huge difference to the foggy head and vague dizziness.
When the aches and pains are bad, mainly in my neck and shoulders, I take naproxen an anti inflammatory.
Hope you are encouraged!!
Katiecurrantbun xx


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2015, 09:32:41 AM »

Hello ClumpyClaire and welcome to the forum.

I agree with the other ladies, this is a wonderful site full of great advice and support, just what we need at this time in our lives.
I'm sure others will be along to suggest treatment options for you and in the meantime I hope you find comfort in knowing that you are not alone, you have found your tribe!

Take care and keep posting.



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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2015, 09:40:13 AM »

Hi clumpyclaire  :welcomemm:

I'm 44 and going through peri. I've got the intermittent hip burning and the other symptoms you've described. It can be a lonely road to travel but, since I joined mm, I have felt less alone. It's like a big comfort blanket  :)

There's always someone around to offer advice or comfort so ask away! No question is too small or too silly xxx


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2015, 10:04:18 AM »

hi claire im also a newbie .like you i lost my mum when she was 52, and have nobody of a certain ag to talk to /im 55 and also had a few years of hip pain, weak muscles.even my tail bone aches ,im now on hrt for over a month,it hasnt done much for my aches and pains , but i bought a cross trainer and a little work out on that eah day has really helped .chin up this is a fantastic site everyone here to support each other .


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2015, 12:45:25 PM »

Thank you EVERYONE for the warm welcome! Although this menopause change is horrible in our lives, I'm so glad that I have somewhere to go and discuss this with understanding ladies. 

I know not everyone is the same and not all symptoms are a like, but I do feel much better about this, knowing that this forum and website is here.  Although I haven't run for a few years now, I do yoga and I have a little dog, so do keep active.  Happy to try any kind of mediation / cbt etc... Currently my anxiety is okay, but some days I don't want to leave the house. 

The only thing I keep asking is just how long will this continue (with or without HRT / other remedies) My Dr said could last for up to 10 yrs?!?! I hope not.  The Doc also mentioned that if I did go on HRT for a limited time (she suggested 5yrs) that after that time my body will still experience the symptoms just at a later time in my life.  So as you can imagine I left my Dr's office more confused then when I went in.

My partner of 5 yrs, found this hard to understand initially. He thought that I'd gone off him, something he was doing was driving me away.  We did have a few rows, I was trying to explain how I felt (at that point not knowing I was peri / meno) which is hard to explain, when you don't really know/understand or can put into words.  I just stood there staring at my feet, wishing the ground would swallow me up.  We have a better understanding and he's been with me to the Dr, so she can explain, where I can't.  We'll get there in the end! 

Again....thank you. 



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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2015, 01:15:49 PM »

There's a section on here for husbands to have a look at.   ;)


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2015, 09:21:38 AM »

Hi ClumpyClaire

 :welcomemm: from me too.

Re your question about symptoms when coming off HRT - not everyone will get a resumption of them - some will some won't so you won't know unless you try - with your doctor's agreement of course. The main thing is if you take while going thorugh peri-menopause and come off it when you are post-menopausal - you will have ridden through the time when your hormones are fluctuating dramatically and once you are post-menopause this won't happen again. However the symptoms of oestrogen deficiency would still be there - to a greater or lesser extent.

Another thing re the thyroid test - did you get your actual results - it might be worth asking the receptionist to tell you these or better still get a print-out of how they've been over the years if you've had tests before? Some women do experience symptoms even though within the untreatable range ie under 4.5 I think it is. Anyway just something to keep an eye on - my TSH reading has increased over the last 20 years so is functioning less efficiently - but nowhere near the treatable point ( mine's about 3 but was 1.6 20 years ago so I was told the other day!).

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2015, 09:38:07 AM »

Oh Claire, you sound so like I was at your age. The difference being that I had a hysterectomy aged 38 so didn't have periods as a point of reference and so didn't realise the hormonal connection.  I didn't realise the menopause was responsible until I started having the unmistakable hot flushes and night sweats six years ago.  I have just started noticing symptoms are getting milder this last year and I feel I am over the worst.  you probably won't like to hear that I probably began at your age, 47, and I am now 58.  Even now I still need a bit of help with the ups and downs.

The one thing that helped so much is when I discovered this site and this forum.  I did leave for a while because I felt ok, but a few months later I realised how much I missed the support and friendliness and I came back and intend to stay even if I don't use it as much as I used to.  It is good to know you are not alone, there is always someone who has felt what you are feeling no matter how obscure the symptoms are.

Hope you enjoy the forum and  :welcomemm:


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Re: Newbie to MM and need advice
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2015, 12:15:09 PM »

Hi Claire
I'm fairly new to the forum too and am finding it a huge help. I'm 58, have been having symptoms scince i was 49. Just now I've  decided enough is enough and am going to try hrt. We're all different!
Good luck