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Author Topic: Even shorter cycles: advice please!  (Read 4144 times)


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Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:43:41 AM »

Hi ladies,

So I've been on here off and on in recent months with various perimeno symptoms. I've been coping better with the anxiety/breathlessness/dry mouth and throat etc because I've been doing yoga daily and it seems to have really helped! Symptoms still there, but I cope with them better.

My periods have been 23-24 days apart for a couple of years now. I've had issues with anaemia, but am supplementing religiously with iron and b complex and have just about held my own. I've had mirena pushed at me so many times but have resisted as I don't think it would address the other issues. As I've said before, the doctor has dismissed the dry mouth and throat and other symptoms as my cycles have been 'regular', even though I have also told her I am getting hot flushes too. I know some ladies on here are recommending that we over-emphasise the flush symptoms in order to perhaps get help with the other issues!

Sore breasts are pretty much constant these days, as well as tearfulness/mood swings, so I didn't think I was premenstrual, but last month my period arrived after 20 days. I was a bit depressed to say the least, especially as it lasted 9-10 days rather than the usual 5-6. Now I have started bleeding again after only 14 days. Essentially, I've only been period-free for 7 days. I felt mildly 'hormonal' and had cramps for a couple of days, so did wonder . . . The only positive is that while I am bleeding the dry mouth and throat ease a little (despite my Dr saying she'd never heard of this as a perimenopause symptom. She also seems to think you're only approaching menopause if you're skipping periods . . .

With all the other symptoms I can't bear the though of bleeding like this for the next however many months/years, especially as my periods are extremely heavy as it is. I had a uterine scan just under a year ago and nothing abnormal was found, but I fear I will just be sent along that track again.

I have an appointment this week with a doctor who I believe is more supportive of these issues and am wondering what's the best thing to ask for. I've read HRT/progesterone can help with all these issues and am hoping to persuade her! I don't know which treatment would be advised, though? A monthly withdrawal bleed would seem bliss right now! I'm almost 51 by the way. Any advice appreciated!



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Re: Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 11:12:28 AM »

My periods were like this for a short while just before I skipped for the first time. I had some that were only 20 days apart and lasted longer as well and were heavy. You may be about to skip for the first time as well, so there is hope. Following my first missed periods the flow became lighter as well. Hope this helps.


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Re: Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 12:10:40 PM »

Hi pricey

Sorry to hear about your bleeding and short cycles. It is really tough during peri-menopause when the hormones fluctuate dramatically but at this point - when your cycle hasn't yet begun to lengthen HRT might not be the answer - because it could just be the extreme highs and lows you are reacting to rather than low oestrogen per se - at this point.

Have you read the article on the perils of the peri-menopause here:

If you have a Mirena then your bleeding would be controlled and you could then ask for a low dose oestrogen patch (or oestrogen gel) for example to start with and see if this makes you feel any better?

Some women control the fluctuations with the CCP - you will see various threads about this going on at the moment - and there is a bio-identical (ie body-identical) oestrogen one called Qlaira - but they do contain high doses of synthetic progestogens which don't suit some women.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity  x


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Re: Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2015, 12:59:09 PM »

Hi - I went onto low dose hrt whilst still having periods like this.  It did help me - I think the progestogen did the trick.

I wasn't having problems with breast soreness etc though - that was all pretty calm

I went on because of long standing joint aches worsening randomly with my random hormones.  Doctor said she thought I was doing the right thing (but did not ask about periods).  I was already on vagifem for vaginal and bladder problems / prolapse surgery.


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Re: Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2015, 03:09:08 PM »

Thanks, ladies.

Hurdity, I really don't fancy the Mirena (my sister had a bad time with it). Does the progesterone only pill help with this. Or is it contraindicated at my age? Never been suggested.

Thanks for your help!



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Re: Even shorter cycles: advice please!
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2015, 04:42:46 PM »

There is a higher dose one called cerazette (there are a few generic versions out now) which they often give you which is supposed to stop ovulation. It has a 12 hr window for taking it (for contraceptive purposes).

There are the older ones which have a 3 hr window and less progestogen

I tried both of these when I came of coc, and had no periods with either (but spotting with cerazette).  When I used the lower dose one for contraception, years ago, I had normal periods.

I really did not like the breast changes and other problems I had starting it and threw in the towel after 3 months.  I was happy on coc and had this change imposed on me, so not happy to ride it through (ie really grumpy about it).  I sort of hoped that I would be towards the end of permenopause and would not have too many periods, but after a few weeks, they came back like yours  I gave it another go later, but not long enough to see what it would do with periods.

It is ok to take progestogen only pills until 55.

Mirena will give you any advantages but with less hormone circulating round your system.  I have tried to compare dosage of levenorgestrel with different methods and this gives out the least.  You can also take oestrogen with it on its own (like gel, or patches), which is an advantage if you have any menopause symptoms.  I was also offered this when my coc was withdrawn but it is not a decision you can make when you have just had the rug pulled out from under your feet  ::)  It was way off the bottom of my list of desirable contraceptive techniques!

I do think that it does not suit a lot of younger people because they are normal and healthy when they want it for contraception, so any change is for the worse.  But if you are having lots of periods etc, then the side effects are out weighed by the advantages.

Also, some of the higher doses of progestogen - type contraceptives are just not suited to some people.  I had to take my daughter to the FPC to get her implant removed which had caused her nothing but trouble for the 8 months she had it in (3 months of which she had to used coc to stop the bleeding!)