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Author Topic: Bleeding again  (Read 2285 times)


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Bleeding again
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:10:30 AM »

Hi, I'm really fed up, I know I haven't been on HRT long at all (evorel conti) for 3 weeks but I  bled for one whole week & this was exactly like my period used to be ( they stopped 14 months before beginning evorel) now the bleeding stopped for one whole day on Friday which I was thrilled at as we're away for my birthday weekend, we're in a hotel room right now & I have just woken up with mild cramp & bleeding again :( luckily we didn't have sex so I know it wasn't that that set it off. My concern is in the evorel leaflet it does say you should be 18 months without a period beforeusing but I was only 14 months so I'm wondering if this would make a difference?? I'm at the Dr's on Tuesdayso would like some advice before I go as I just don't know what to do. I've had pmt like symptoms while I've been on evorel, mostly tears, sore boobs & mood swings but I just thought I was adjusting to the HRT. Would it be possible that I was not quite fully menopausal?? I'm really fed up as otherwise the,sweats & joint aches have gone. I also had an awful migraine yesterday before I bled which used to always happen before a period?? Any advice for what I can say to my Dr on Tuesday?? Thank you 


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Re: Bleeding again
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 10:50:25 AM »

Hi Goosieloosie - breakthrough bleeding (or as in my case constant bleeding!) is common on a conti HRT. It can take around six months to settle although some women find it settles much more quickly.

Evorel contains norethisterone which is known to cause PMT type symptoms in some women. It should settle by the three month mark but, if not, then you could then try a different type of HRT. FemSeven conti has a different progesterone which might suit you better. It's really early days for you so don't give up. It does take around three months to work out whether a particular HRT suits you.

The migraine issue is always difficult to address. Some HRT's are better than others for migraine sufferers. You may like to search the forum to find out more?

Take some pain relief for the cramps and enjoy the rest of your weekend - Happy Birthday by the way!  :cake:

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Bleeding again
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2015, 11:14:46 AM »

Happy Birthday Goosieloosie

It can take three months (or six like Taz says) for things, including breakthrough bleeding to settle down.

Re your concern about only having been period free for 14 rather than 18 months. I think these things are rough guidelines not set in stone, anyway it's only 4 months different not a massive amount in the overall scheme of things.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Mary G

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Re: Bleeding again
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 06:44:31 PM »

Goosieloosie, Happy Birthday!  Sorry your weekend away as been marred by this problem.

I note that your HRT contains norethisterone which could be where the problem lies.  It is a strong synthetic progestin and that is why you have had breast pain, PMT symptoms and cramps.  I feel like hell if I take it and it gives me silent migraines - migraine aura (scintillating scotoma) consisting of 25 minutes of disturbed vision but no headache - I once had 5 attacks in one day while taking it. 

It could be that like me, you are intolerant to synthetic progestins which will mean that you need to start using Utrogestan instead which is a bio identical progesterone with fewer side effects and if you take it vaginally, you probably won't get any PMT or breast pain.  You may be able to take it every day by way of a continuous combined regime (rather like the one you are on now) but if you find that you are intolerant to using it every day long term as I am, you would then need to take it cyclically for a few days each month which will mean that you get periods but it is the lesser of two evils.  The good news is that the oestrogen works better at relieving menopause symptoms when you don't use synthetic progestins and it is also far less risky.

I hope that helps.


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Re: Bleeding again
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2015, 03:54:37 PM »

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the bleeding has stopped and I'm actually feeling really well atm. My sore boobs and PMT like symptoms seem to have stopped.... for the time being anyway  :-\ I went to my GP yesterday for my check up to see how I was getting on with my HRT as it's my first month on it & I explained about the bleeding but she was totally unconcerned about it, she said she is not worried about it one bit and was pleased I was feeling really well! This time last week I was feeling really agitated and uptight, snappy & weepy but since the bleeding has stopped I feel so well, I don't know if it's just a coincidence that I feel better after the bleeding has stopped as I doubt it's anything to do with a real cycle??  :-\ Anyway I'm going to hang fire on the Evorel conti patches for a while longer since I'm feeling alot better so cross fingers!  ;)