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Author Topic: Wonky period again  (Read 10627 times)


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2015, 10:14:48 PM »

I think that sums it all up perfectly Sparkle  ;D


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2015, 11:05:33 PM »

As a post-menopausal woman in her early 60's who still has withdrawal bleeds every 6-8 weeks on HRT, I hope I'm allowed to say something on a period thread even though they are not real periods?

Firslty although I can't say anything about whether or not any of your bleeds are another period starting - my experience when I was peri-menopausal was exactly that - it was all part of the same period. Instead of starting slow then full on heavy for a few days and then tailing off, they would do the first bit, tail off and stop, I'd think that's it, then they would start again bright red for another day or two and then tail off sometimes for another couple of days. I always thought of that as the same period.

Now even in my withdrawal bleeds from the HRT they do exactly the same. eg I'm having one now which is just tailing off and pretty well stopped since starting on  ?Saturday I think. Well I absolutely know there will be another day or so of bright red blood before tailing off again. Definitely only one withdrawal bleed - but a bit long and drawn out. Last cycle it went on for 8-9 days ( but not bothersome for that long). Btw If you're thinking "Ugh how can she? " - for me this is still much more preferable to the alternative ie continuous prog!!!

Hurdity x :)



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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2015, 03:15:34 AM »

I have had similar experiences ClaireyLou, the stop start and like Hurdity, I think of them as the same period.  I have had times where there is spotting for a few days before and after, times where flow just stopped for a day and started again or stopped and spotted (as if tailing off) and then another day or more flow.   I have also had 2 times where a bleed happened after 16/18 days since the last one, these I have counted as seperate.

I am pretty sure these are annovulatory cycles which would also tie in with a type of withdrawal bleed - basically something is off with the balance of hormones and the bleed isn't quite being 'managed' by progesterone properly ;)  At least that is what my mind has decided to think in an attempt to stop worrying and give some sort of explanation! x

Rollercoaster is right - the unknown - it's challenging!


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2015, 07:41:34 AM »

Thank you Brightlight and Hurdity. I must say that your posts have given me a lightbulb moment. I can spot for days, then straight into heavy flow for a couple of days, then stop for a day, then this brown spotting for a day or two. The last period was about 8 days in total. I've always had periods that last for about 5. Two periods ago it lasted for 4.

I'm used to a period tailing off with brown discharge but this one freaked me out because there was brown discharge for a day and then it fleetingly turned pinkish. It all gets confusing but your posts have really helped so thank you xxx


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2015, 07:41:56 AM »

How are we all doing Brightlight, Sparkle and Claireylou? I am not sure what is going to happen next. Having days of stretchy mucus and days of nothing- last week I was actually wet downstairs and discovered a lot of fertile looking mucus - tmi- 4-5cm but I don't think it was ovulation as yesterday it was back but much less. Hormonal chaos! Still no night sweats though so still high oestrogen I am sure.


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2015, 01:02:59 PM »

Sparkle poor you, at least that is over now. Thank goodness we can talk about these things on here - absolutely brilliant for keeping sane!

I am wondering if my night sweats will return or not. Haven't really had them recently at all, so I think I am making oestrogen, which fits in with the fertile signs- ( which I don't think they are actually!)

If I get to 56 I might go for a scan, as all this seems to be going on a long time, but on the other hand I reckon I'm lucky really as others suffer a lot more with the flushes and so on that so far have not been my problem! My last period was September but it was very light and I had one in August as well also very light, but the one last month never happened as it was PMT with no result. Poor hubby he put up with a lot then!



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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2015, 03:02:45 PM »

I think night sweats were worse earlier on maybe when I had alternating long and short cycles. I do get hot in bed, but not the drenching upper body sweats I used to have when a pool would form on my chest! I wonder if these will return?
Not too bad today thank you Sparkle peri wise, but just as well as Mum in hospital again - the sad reality of dementia. Hope you are doing well and all the ladies on here too who are absolutely wonderful. xx
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 04:35:28 PM by Machair »


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2015, 03:56:26 PM »

Hi Sparkle, Machair,

I probably should have posted on this thread (re. my short shorter cycles!)

Not even sure if this is going to be a full blown affair or it's just playing with me.

Just when I thought periods couldn't get any more difficult :((



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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2015, 04:11:15 PM »

Hi Machair, I'm sorry that you're still having problems.

I'm not too bad thanks for asking. Still got sore boobs tho and some nasty pms  :(

Sparkle that must've been really frightening for you! I get jelly like bits sometimes too (sorry tmi) and also brown "fibrous" stringy bits  :o

Pricey, the ladies on here are helping me realise that pretty much everything can be seen/experienced at this stage in our lives. I've learnt loads from this forum xxx


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2015, 04:58:08 PM »

Hi Sparkle. Thank you so much for remembering my son  :)

He's a bit down at the moment. Still got a hacking cough which is normal apparently. Also gets out of breath if he walks up the stairs too quickly, again to be expected. But it does make me worry that something is wrong with his heart, lungs. He's bored stiff but we are limited as to what we can do because physical exertion is a big no no. CT scan was frightening for him but it all went ok. Waiting anxiously for results now.



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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2015, 05:34:44 PM »

Hi there - I am OK thanks, inbetween 'freak outs' aka 'strange periods'  all is well, stretchy mucus here too - is this ovulation or not - who knows, just grateful for a break from wondering what is going on :)


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2015, 05:36:21 PM »

Just to add that I had my monthly accupuncture session last week and that always, always makes me feel more positive about how I am dealing with all these changes, some subtle, some not so subtle - it's been a really challenging year for me so far, but............I really have come a long way in accepting (mostly) and adjusting (mostly) - always good to try and remember to appreciate our triumphs ;)


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2015, 05:59:02 PM »

My period turned up last week - unexpected and early, even on HRT... Heyho!

Anyhoo, it was as if I'd flipped a switch! I could have cartwheeled across the office floor, I felt soooo much better.

I loved my acupuncture session but the practitioner changed her days so I can't see her anymore.

Never mind. I'm trying Reflexology as it works on similar principles - had a taster session which was fab. This week I'm having a full session. She has a few perimenopausal ladies on her books and she comes to your house. Bliss.

Galadriel x


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2015, 06:02:53 PM »

Sparkle, we are expecting a phone call tomorrow. Either for all clear or to go in and discuss with her. They don't seem to be hanging around with him though which I'm grateful for xxx


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Re: Wonky period again
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2015, 07:26:54 PM »

Good luck Claireylou.

Sparkle... I was wondering the same thing... Interestingly, my app shows that when I don't have any boob pain I'm on a fairly even keel. If my boobs are sore on the run up to a bleed I bounce off the walls with anxiety and low mood. So my guess is if my own hormones are partying with the HRT, all hell breaks loose. If I'm running on HRT only, all is mostly well.... possibly  ::)

After one 30 minute session it's hard to tell if reflexology did anything but I enjoyed it so much I decided to do a trail run on monthly one hour treatments to see how I go.

Galadriel x
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