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Author Topic: non HRT user wants to start but needs advice  (Read 2575 times)


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non HRT user wants to start but needs advice
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:47:02 PM »

Firstly , thanks to all of you who take the trouble to post on this forum to help and advise others. I only wish I had found you sooner.
Secondly thanks to Halebop who posted this about The Danish Study
Ive been vacillating for a long time now, but as my symptoms have worsened , feel I have to do something. Reading this study really helped me understand things.  As I've said before, I think i was a victim of the media scaremongering 10 years ago over HRT, which made me not even want to consider it. I think I've somewhat missed the boat, but better late than never right?
I'm now 58 and have been suffering hot flushes since I was 49. Gradually all the other symptoms have kicked in so now it's hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, tearfullnes, brain fog, clumsiness, insomnia, vaginal atrophy and complete loss of sex drive. Something has to change.  :-[

As I am now several years past menopause, is it better to start with oestrogen  patches or gel with some days of progesterone to protect the womb. It seems as if that is tolerated better by the body, providing it delivers the required results. I would be happier with this. Also, whats the difference between bion identucal and non? Does it matter these days?

I'd be grateful for personal experiences or any suggestions, and if possible generic names. You may remember I'm  living abroad and am going to arm myself with some info to visit a gynae privately here.
Failing that, or in addition, I'm due back in blighty for a visit in Feb so will visit my GP then - or maybe even go private. Daren't delay any longer!

Jane x


Mary G

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Re: non HRT user wants to start but needs advice
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 03:41:47 PM »

Hello and welcome to MM!

First of all, thanks for that link, it's brilliant and as for Dr. Trutt, what a great bloke!  How I wish he could educate GPs in the UK.

It is definitely not too late for you to start taking HRT and having read the link, you will be fairly clued up on the correct medication i.e. transdermal, bio identical oestrogen together with bio identical progesterone (Utrogestan).

Your excellent link basically confirms everything that Professor John Studd has been saying for years and that is there is no risk in taking transdermal, bio identical oestrogen (interesting that there is now some evidence that it actually decreases breast cancer risk) together with Utrogestan each month.  The risk element of HRT is in the synthetic progestin content.

I have tried different types of HRT but the only one that has ever worked properly is the oestrogen gel.  I use 2 pumps (I used to take 3) of oestrogen gel every day and 100mg of Utrogestan for 7 days each month used vaginally because (a) you don't lose 50% of it via your liver (b) it has fewer side effects like breast pain and (c) it goes directly into the womb where you need it.  I should add that some people might need more Utrogestan than me.

Are you in Spain by any chance?  If so, you can buy all this stuff over the counter.  The Oestrogen gel costs about €4.00 per tube and the Utrogestan is about the same.

I do hope this helps.  I feel very strongly about this subject and I am determined to make sure that more women don't lose years of their lives on the back of a deeply flawed and dangerously bad study that needs to be consigned to the history books forever. 

« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 08:05:41 PM by Mary G »


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Re: non HRT user wants to start but needs advice
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2015, 04:28:35 PM »

Have a look at the menus at the top of the page. They detail what is available to you.

Please don't consider buying any HRT without seeing a doctor first. Much better to have all the health checks to make sure all is well.  Self prescribing is never a great idea.

Hopefully you will be able to do your homework and go to your appointement well clued up on what's available to you.
I use patches which although doesn't have a bio identical progesterone suit me very well. Utrogestan was not a success for me.
It can take a few different types until you find the one that suits you best as we are all very different .

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: non HRT user wants to start but needs advice
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2015, 08:38:54 PM »

Hi grumpyjane - just to echo what the others have said - defo it's OK to start at your age and esepcially if you are within 10 years of menopause and under 60 which you are. I agree transdermal is the way to go - I am a patch user but gel users prefer gel! It's a matter of personal preference which you choose.

I've almost only ever used bio-identical oestrogen and progesterone ( apart from 3 months on a patch with a synthetic progestogen when I first started) so that would be my choice too :)

Hurdity x


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Re: non HRT user wants to start but needs advice
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2015, 02:09:40 AM »

Stellajane, oh yes I am grumpy! But you´re right, I used to think I would just get through the menopause and everything would go back to normal except even better - without periods! How naive I was back then... I´ll try and check out the book to see if it´s available for Kindle.

Mary G, I do feel rather peed-off :rant: that I have suffered for so long without any treatment but hey ho, need to move on..  after lots of research this evening I´m getting a much better idea of what I want to try ie. transdermal. I´m in Venezuela so can barely buy paracetamol, let alone hormones!!

Don´t worry honeybun, I will definitely not self prescribe. Those menus have so much good stuff!

Sort of think I might prefer patches, but not too bothered as long as SOMETHING WILL HELP ME! (excuse the shouting)

Very grateful for all your support and encouragement  :thankyou:
