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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hysteroscopy pending  (Read 5152 times)


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Hysteroscopy pending
« on: November 12, 2015, 05:07:00 PM »

Hello Girls,
This may sound trivial to you, but I have been booked into the hospital for a hysteroscopy in January since a scan found fibroids and polyps in my uterus. The scan was fine, but I am so worried about the 'procedure'...I've never had children so don't know about the pain...even a smear test makes me want to thump the nurse! Apparently they have to go through your cervix to have a look inside the uterus - I just can't imagine how painful that must be? I am so nervous about it that I'm almost tempted to cancel the appointment.
But that is not until January - can any one advise me as to what is involved, whether it hurts, and whether I can perform normally afterwards (i.e. Drive home).
Thank you,
Cath xxx


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 05:36:57 PM »

I had one of those a few years ago to be checked out because of mid cycle bleeding (turned out just to be perimenopause stuff). I was given dire warnings about it being a painful procedure etc etc. I took ibuprofen in advance as advised and was expecting the worst. It was absolutely fine - I had a fleeting dull ache in the pubic area as the probe went in (it did feel weird for a few seconds) and that was it. They had a TV screen with the pictures of my insides on it which was very interesting though I was rather startled to see my "giant" fallopian tubes  ;) Amazing to watch though. However to put this in context I think I may be rather insensitive to pain - never felt period pains, childbirth was like really extreme constipation rather than pain and smears, while I don't like them, are more unpleasant and wince inducing for me than painful. So I think there is probably a large range of perceptions of how painful the procedure is. The letter to my GP mentioned I had tolerated it well - can't claim any credit for that sadly! Just lucky.

I would definitely advise taking painkillers half an hour before as they suggest, think I just had ibuprofen but maybe take paracetamol as well? As for driving home, well I went alone so must have been told I would be OK to drive afterwards. If you are worried then allow plenty of time so you could go and have a cup of tea and chill out for a bit. It's not trivial to be concerned as it's not exactly an everyday thing, but it's OK and quite an interesting experience  :) I'm sure you'll be fine.


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 06:04:40 PM »

Thank you Rosie500. I am immune to ibroprofen based pain killers - they just don't work on me - booh hoo - I hope I can get through it without gathering my clothes in a bundle and running away!!!


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2015, 07:02:24 PM »

Hello Cathypops.

I had a hysteroscopy about six months ago and if there was any advice to take painkillers beforehand I did not get that memo! Other women ahead of me were taking tablets though.
I've mentioned before that the nurses told me that one patient had a tot of rum and didn't feel a thing.  If you are really concerned you could ask the hospital about sedation or ask your GP for a tranquilizer.
I knew none of this at the time and despite being a wimp with a pathetically low pain threshold I was fine.

Wishing you well and you have plenty of time to decide how you can best prepare yourself.



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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2015, 07:26:48 PM »

Oh Kathleen, thank you very much for your message,

I have had no notification whether to take pain killers or anything. I don't even know whether I need someone to help me. There seems to be no information anywhere...what are they going to do to me? Will it hurt? Why? What are they looking for?

I'm going to do bad language, but WTF?


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2015, 10:55:33 PM »

Please don't worry, it's really not too big a deal. I was sent a leaflet with my appointment letter but it was one of those urgent 2 week referrals, so maybe you'll be sent something during the next few weeks. Anyway I googled hysteroscopy factsheet and got this - not my hospital but similar stuff:
Also there is information on nhs choices

Where I was they were extremely kind and explained everything. I think you will find many answers to your questions in the links above. As to whether it will hurt, it might a bit but probably not that much. Maybe experiment with painkillers if you are worried. I would certainly take paracetamol if nothing else. Or have a chat with your GP and ask what it's all about and what your options are - I am no expert but I think sometimes they might do something with polyps/fibroids and may give local/general anaesthetic? Mine was just a look around.

You could ring the department and ask if they have information. Different hospitals have slightly different systems. Maybe ask about driving home etc. I definitely did drive home on my own soon afterwards. You may like to have someone with you though for moral support.  Although no one is going to enjoy it, a hysteroscopy isn't that bad, just a slightly weird experience. Good luck!


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2015, 11:05:27 PM »

Hi CahtyPops

Just to echo what Rosie said really. I had one a couple of years ago. I am in W Country and I got a letter in advance of mine - maybe a leaflet too - and my letter said where I should go and what I should do re painkillers - said to take 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol an hour beforehand.

In my area if I had had it done locally ( small town hospital) I would have had to have a GA but since I've never had one of these I opted for a city hospital further away with local anaesthetic. In the end the gynae said it would be over really quickly and why not try without. Now I have had (4) children but my labours were VERY painful but I didn't find this painful one jot - just a minor tweak when they took the biopsy. My gynae was obviously very experienced. I also enjoyed looking at the inside of my womb although having my legs in stirrups was a bit undignified to say the least - and have never been like this before. :o

I had explained to me that if they found a polyp they would remove it ( they had found an irregularity and didn't know what it was) so I signed to say that was fine - and this would also have been with no anaesthetic I presume. However it was only a fibroid so no action was necessary. I drove myself in and out and no indication nor even thought that I would not be able to do so.

Your letter or leaflet should say that and as Rosie says if you don't get one of these then do get in touch for re-assurance.

If they want to remove the polyps at the same time and there are several, I presume an LA might be helpful?

If it was urgent they would have seen you earlier. Above all try not to worry and put it out of your mind until then.:)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2015, 09:01:39 PM »

Thank you ladies, you have been a great help. The hospital rang me today trying to bring my appointment forward. Anyway, it transpires that this appointment of for a consultation only, so no doubt they will explain all to me then! I just need to wait until Monday when they will contact me again hopefully with an earlier appointment and I'll take it from there xxx


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2015, 09:14:06 PM »

I had one 18 months ago.  I've not had children but not had any problem having smears.  I've also had colposcopies recently too and had no problem with those either.  I had no problem at all with my hysteroscopy - I had mine due to thickened endometrium and a fibroid and question mark over a polyp.  I took the painkillers in advance of the appt as they advised in the leaflet I received. I was told to have someone to be able to take me home afterwards if I wasn't up to driving so one of my sisters came with me. I had no problem and no pain at all during the whole procedure. I might be odd but I watched it all on the screen as they were doing it as I find anatomy interesting and I thought it's the only time I'll get to see inside my own womb! So I'm probably the wrong person to ask!   They gently pump water into you and then the scope thing goes in, the doctor and nurse were lovely, take their time, I didn't feel a thing. They took 2 small biopsies in my case and I didn't feel those either.  Mine was all perfectly normal, no polyp and lining just thickened due to errant hormones.  They leave you to pause afterwards from being tipped back a bit and then when you're ready off you go. I had some minor bleeding but that was all. Wishing you the best of luck with yours.


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2015, 11:34:43 AM »

hi mary ,,the 2 hysteroscopys i had was under anesthetic as a day case in hospital i had a biopsy and polyp removed at the same time then sent home after i had something to eat and drink ,,just a bit of cramping and bleeding after x daisie


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Re: Hysteroscopy pending
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2015, 04:13:36 PM »

I had one about a year ago. Very undignified, of course, but no more painful than any internal examination, better than many smears which I've had. Set off a bit of mild cystitis but otherwise nothing more than very transient period-like sharp pain whilst they wiggled the camera tube thing around, a few seconds only. It's a very thin tube which they insert. Biopsy pliers again was just a mild quick pinch.
So I'd say nothing to bother about (except the worry itself!). In my case they found a polyp (not seen per se on scans) which they wanted to remove but couldn't do there and then, so I ended up having to have a hospital admission and anaesthetic (day surgery) - but fortunately after a lot of anxiety it was all non-suspicious.
Perhaps there might be a bit of period-like cramping or post-procedural bleeding (they pump you full of a watery gel so that's got to leak out a bit... ) and if they find a polyp or fibroid and remove it there and then it'd be a bit more sore and whatever afterwards - so I'd plan not to go doing 50 mile cycle rides in your best white shorts, and make sure that you can rest for a night and a day if you might need to. In your case I think you're expecting them to remove a polyp/fibroid anyway, so I'd prepare for some internal irritation, mild soreness, maybe a period-pain like situation? Usual over the counter painkillers....
I drove myself no problem, but if you have a spare driver then I'd advise to take one just as a back-up in case you don't feel great. (Plus it's good moral support  :) ).
Good luck.