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Author Topic: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT  (Read 4677 times)


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Hello Ladies,

Lovely to meet you all!  :)Sorry for the novel! Will tell you everything so it's over and done with! I am prone to waffling on!! Sorry!  ::)

I'm 41 and had my breasts removed 8 years ago and ovaries and tubes removed 2 years ago as I have a genetic fault (BRCA1)making me very high risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Lost my sis to breast cancer just before that. I am on HRT until age 50 to prevent Osteoporosis and have annual bone scans. I am under a gynocologist specialist who does a menopause clinic at the hospital but only get to see him every 5 to 6 months.
I have 2 young children age nearly 4 and 6 and have been struggling with mainly low libido, anxiety and vile mood swings! Obviously kids know how to push your buttons and I have a very bright but very wilful daughter who makes me very angry at the best of times!!

 I was originally put straight onto Prempak-c  for a year, then Premique and then got put on Tibolone in the hope that it would restore my Libido!! Every time I have changed HRT it has taken 6 weeks to 3 months for side effects to settle down and have been through hell and back! I haven't suffered with hot flushes whilst on all the HRT but just feel anxious, uptight and so quick tempered! My kids are challenging and I have to do most of the parenting alone as hubby works long hours and family not nearby! I have found that I get severe PMT at the time when my period should be and at ovulation but no longer have periods! I don't understand this?? I am on a continuous type of HRT so shouldn't experience these fluctuations should I? I do still have a womb but no ovaries! I feel like my body knows it should be doing something as is in shock! The level of anger has caused me to throw things, smack the kids and scream! I have had some counselling and am trying my best  to control my anger but it's really hard! I am a friendly, kind cheerful sort of person but feel age 3 again!

I have been on Tibolone since last April and at first felt lovely and calm but immediately had lots of pins and needles and carpal tunnel feelings and joint aches. The pharmacy gave me a generic Tibolone rather than Livial and my body reacted as though I had completely changed HRT. I got tested for thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies as had dizziness, stiffness on waking and thinning eyebrows but came back clear! Think the foot problem is actually plantar fasciitis  Back on Livial now thankfully! I felt ok for a while on it but just feel like the PMT is getting bad again. When I had my menopause appointment I got fobbed off with a visiting Gp who just said if you haven't any hot flushes then you have enough oestrogen. I was thinking maybe the Tibolone isn't working enough and  I should change to a patch maybe femseven conti?

I am scared to change again as I know I will be allover the place again for weeks! Has anyone any advice on Tibolone or patches or mood swings? I have to take HRT or Tibolone to protect my bones for 10 years and then go through the bloody natural menopause after that! Fed up of it all to be honest! Having breasts removed was easy compared to all this!
I lie awake at night feeling so guilty that I have been grumpy with my kids yet again! I even considered anti depressants but then I wouldn't know which pills are causing the side effects!!

Anyway if anyone has any good advice I would be really grateful

Katiecat xx


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 08:26:44 AM »

Hi katiecat. I'm in a rush at the moment but just wanted to welcome you!

Taz x  :welcomemm:



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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 10:07:01 AM »

Hello Katiecat,  I'm not on HRT so I can't offer any advice either I'm afraid.  I have found since the menopause I don't have the patience I used to have but sounds like your problem is much worse than that.  Maybe you should try and get to see your gynaecologist sooner in the hope he can help you,  especially if you are lashing out at the kiddies and throwing things.  You could also try emailing Dr Currie as she is very helpful and also a menopause expert. 
Hope you find some answers.


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 01:06:22 PM »

Hi katiecat  :welcomemm:  from me too.

So sorry to hear about all your problems.

The first thing I would say is that if you are worried about the effect on your mood to the extent that you are losing it with your children physically as well as emotionally, then you should seek help as soon as possible -  if you feel you might hurt them because of your hormone imbalance - at least continue with the counselling on a regular basis, and/or speak to your doctor.

I do understand that livial is used for libido problems in post-menopause but I wonder about its use in someone as young as you but I don't really know enough about it. It is an odd product because it is metabolised into other compoinds which have oestrogenic, progestogenic and androgenic properties so acts like all three hormones. It does sound like this is responsible for your anger and aggression.

In your position and at your age I would try a different type of HRT - specifically estradiol - oestrogen - as a patch, gel or tablet, along with micronised progesterone ( Utrogestan) to protect your womb, and ask to be referred to a specialist so that you can be prescribed a small amount of teststerone if the oestrogen replacement does not restore your libido ( which will depend on the dose).

The problem with combi patches like Femseven - is that the estrogen dose is not high enough for someone as young as you - fair enough for someone in mid-50's who is post-menopause, if it makes them feel OK ( as it did for me) but in your position I would want a much higher dose. This means you need to take a correspondingly higher dose of progestogen to protect your womb. If this becomes problematic (due to the side effects from the progestogen) then you could opt for a cycle but then you would have a withdrawal bleed each month.

Your hormones will not be cycling any more without your ovaries as I understand but I expect the mood swings may have something to do with how the tablet is metabolised into the three different products and the relative balance of these in your body?

I really would ask to change asap - I haven't heard of anyone being aggressive and angry on normal HRT.

As groundhog suggests you could also have a £25 e-mail consultation but reallly your doc should be helping you here and referring you to a menopause specialist if they are unable to help. You won't have to give up HRT at 50 if you don't want to and there are no contra-indications - there are several of us approaching 60 or in our 60's who are still taking it :).

It sounds tough what you've been through so you need to be easy on yourself and don't expect to be able to achieve as much as you want to.

Hope this helps and do come back to us if you have any other questions - but do seek help as soon as you can. You may have to go through a period of turmoil but far better to experience a few other side effects than to cope with aggression and anger - if this is due to the tablets - as you have young children who need you to be on more of an even keel and won't understand your anger in the same way as older children as you could explain more easily to them.

Hurdity x :hug:


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 02:30:51 PM »

I don't know enough about HRT to be able to advise, but just wanted to send you loads of love and sympathy that you are going through so much, especially after losing your sister. 

You said you don't have family near to help with the children, but do you have any friends who might help?  Maybe someone with kids the same age who could look after them for a couple of hours a week even, just to give you a break sometimes?  Or maybe someone who doesn't have their own kids and who would love to play 'aunty'.  I'm 40 with no children of my own and the times I spend looking after my friends' children are really special.


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2015, 09:21:16 PM »

Thank you so much for all your advice. I will try and get in touch with my consultant and gp and get changed onto a different HRT but may have to wait until after xmas as the changeover  will make me all over the place leading up to xmas when I need a level head and a lot of calm! May try more counselling but it makes you feel worse before better! I sound like a headcase but do function on the day to day and do smile lots & do plenty of good parenting too! Everyone is busy with their own lives and kids but have rearranged my work so have a childfree day once a week! xx


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2015, 10:17:29 PM »

Hi Katiecat, welcome to the foru .

Sorry you are having a rough time, i can relate to how you are feeling.  Like you I have a faulty gene BRCA2.  I had hyster in 2013 but retained ovaries initially.  However they started to fail  and i had meno symptoms then i discovered i had gene so had them removed 10 months after my hyster.  Been in surgical meno since april 14.  I was age 44.

My consultant initially put me on tibolone which was okish or so i thit at the time but wasnt enough for  my symptoms as it has weak oestrogenic properties.  Like you i felt lots of aches and pains in bizarre places, was anxious etc prob pretty much of what you had.

It didnt really dawn on me until i stopped tibolone and started oestrogel that i felt more like my usual self.  At first because i wasnt long post op i put it down to having 2 surgeries in under a year etc.  think tibolone would be ok for older post meno women who need a smaller top up of hormone.

As well as emailing my own  consultant re changing from tibolone to oesteogel i also emailed dr currie on here and printed both emails to my gp and said look this is what i would like please.  Got it changed no probs.  maybe worth a go if you dont want to wait.

Sex drive out if window, find that if i have sex i mostly enjoy it but no motivation to initiate it.  However we feel some days its better than the alternatives we could face.

Linsey X



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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2015, 11:19:32 AM »

Get a referral to nick panays or joan pitkins clinic they arenspecialists who deal with cancer ladies all the time.  Dont suffer.  I am early surgical meno due to endometriosis but i see someone in manchester who is an endo/meno specialist.  I have implants now. 


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Re: Hello, I'm age 41 Having hard time with surgical menopause and HRT
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2015, 08:13:42 PM »

Get a referral to nick panays or joan pitkins clinic they arenspecialists who deal with cancer ladies all the time.  Dont suffer.  I am early surgical meno due to endometriosis but i see someone in manchester who is an endo/meno specialist.  I have implants now.
Lancashire Lass - can I ask who you see please. I'm 41 & in surgical meno partly due to Endometrosis & also live in Manchester. Doing ok with HRT for now, but if there is someone local I would be interested to know who best to contact. Thanks