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Author Topic: Joint pains and tiredness  (Read 2062 times)


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Joint pains and tiredness
« on: November 12, 2015, 12:06:36 PM »

Dear all,

After the 2 year peri phase the Big M kicked off big time nearly 3 years ago.

I luckily don't get any hormonal mood problems,  but I do forget everything someone has just told me!!

I have stopped exercise as I can't even walk for an half hour these days without needing to sleep for 3 days! My joins also hurt, to the pointended where mornings are impossible and I have to creek around for an hour just to get mobile. He doc said it was menopause related so I emailed his site and was told probably but could be vitamin d deficiency.  I started taking vitamin d3 a log wih the glucosamine and am so much better. That might help some of you 😊

I have also put on 3 stone in the past year and a half, mostly I think due to prozac. Not having that so have weened myself off it. Doing OK so far bt gotta lose the weight.

Does anyone have any tips on menopause and losing weight, also what exercise can I do that won't kill me off for a week???

Good luck all
Biscuit xx



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Re: Joint pains and tiredness
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 03:19:06 PM »

Hi Biscuit  - I welcomed you on your other post!

Sorry to hear about your menopausal problems - the weight, tiredness and aching.

The main thing is have you had a blood tests re the tiredness as this can be caused by thyroid issues which can also cause joint pain as I understand. I would definitley go to your doc again even though you are feeling better after the vitamin D - because feeling that tired is not normal!

Low oestrogen, low tesosterone, and thryoid can all cause tiredness, pain after exercise, and as I said underactive thyroid can also cause weight gain ( I know Prozac does too).

Re the weight - I have a tendency to put on weight and I am only small in height too. Now I am in my early 60's I have learnt what I need to eat to stay stable and to lose weight. When I became menopausal I drastically cut down on my portion size which helped. I also do a lot of exercise - but you will need to address the cause of  and treat your muscle/joint pain first, and eat a very healthy diet -  very low fat and carb, and very few processed foods, loads of vegetables and fruit ( although I reduce this when I want to lose weight), and limit alcohol to a couple of small glasses eg at weekends. Definitely little or no added sugar of any sort, ie rarely sweets, biscuits,cakes, pudding, mainly low fat stuff - lean meat and fish.

How long since your last period and do you get any hot flushes or sweats? I presume you may not have done as Prozac prevents them so maybe you won't get them?

Have you thought of HRT? Depending on your age you certainly don't want to spend the rest of your life not being able to walk without feeling tired and achey - that would be miserable! I mean if you can't walk for even half an hour - you definitely need to have some tests and treatment!

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Hurdity x  :)


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Re: Joint pains and tiredness
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 04:52:43 PM »

Hi and many thanks for your welcome.

I am not allowed HRT because t might aggravate the reason they put me on prozac. However, as I am feeling OK so far without it I might ask that I try HRT. The aches are the worst bit. I need to exercise or I will get even fatter....and I'm not tall!!

The hot flushes have gone off a bit with the weather turning cooler but they don't bother me so much.

I haven't had periods for eons due to the mini pill but I stopped taking that in July.  I have had a couple of days light bleeding and that's it so far so maybe they are on their way out.

I hadnt thought that the pains might be relieved by HRT but I once had hormone cream for a, ahem, localised problem and it made me bleed and cramp terribly.

The food issue was becoming binge-like and I blame prozac for that. I need to get back to exactly what you do.

I have had blood tests for the tiredness and all is apparently well, also for vitamin d by I will keep taking the supplements and maybe think about the HRT... I am determined not to be floored by this menopause mularkey 😊

Hope you are well and thank you for such a long reply.xx