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Author Topic: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????  (Read 8902 times)

Puffin Mama

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Hi ladies

Back again with yet another weird set of symptoms - wondered if anyone else has this and what you do about it........In the past couple of months,  I have started getting quite a stuffy nose along with the feeling that there is fluff in my nose - the same kind of feeling I always get if I wear a sweater that is fluffy/mohair/anything like that, except I'm not wearing anything that might set it off!  It comes on quite randomly - or so it appears - and I can have it for days at a time on and off, and then have a week or more without it.  It often, but not always, coincides with my throat feeling slightly 'fluffy' as well, as if I've got cat hairs in there  :P  .  It doesn't affect my breathing or make me feel 'chesty' so don't think it's any kind of allergy (and I have never been allergic to anything in my life) but it's really annoying!!

I have tried the odd dose of anti-histamine, which seems to clear most of the symptoms, but they are not generally so bad that I feel I have to take anything. I would be delighted to hear if anyone else has this (well, not delighted for you but you know what I mean!!) - I did read something recently about menopause increasing sensitivity to histamine in foods so wonder of it's that????

Thanks as always for any suggestions  :)



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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 10:02:30 AM »

Yup!!!! Me too! I have also tried the antihistamines - sometimes they seem to work - I'm on hrt too and I'm feeling like I'm rattling these days with all the meds! I've never taken so much stuff in my life!!!
Also I have permanent funny little cold sores around my nose! Most attractive! I use cold sore cream for this and it seems to work for a bit
And also the throat thing - it's most bizarre isn't it? I'm not allergic to anything either! Do you get red eyes too?
Who knew this would be such a total body experience?!
All the best to you


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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 10:18:50 AM »

Yep, it's not just our 'lady bits' that dry up - lack of oestrogen dries up our skin and mucus membranes so everything becomes more sensitive and resistant to irritants etc.  Even with HRT my nose and nasal passages  are either runny or super dry and often sore - I get more sinus headaches as well.  Do try saline sprays - safer to use, can relief itchiness and calms things generally.   DG x

Puffin Mama

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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 10:35:42 AM »

Thanks ladies!  As always,  I'm impressed by the speed of the replies on here  :)   (and hello Sparkle,  I suspected you might have similar issues as we appear to be almost twins!!)   

Good to know it's not only me and it makes sense that things dry up - I do also get itchy eyes sometimes but as I have had mild blepharitis for years,  I put it down to that.   Janeyp,  I am not on HRT yet - I have been offered it and have it in the cupboard at home but have been doing ok so far so am reluctant to start taking it. Had been worrying a bit as we are getting our new dog this weekend and didn't want to find I am reacting to her, but so far it's completely non-specific (unless I wear something woolly or fluffy, than it's really awful - I had a wool cardigan on on Monday and by the time I got home, not only were my nose and throat feeling clogged but my skin was itching as well  >:(.  Two spoons of Piriton later and most of it had cleared. 

I have read up on natural anti-histamines but wonder if it's worth trying those if this is just due to dryness?   Might not make any difference.....I do have a neti pot so I might start trying to use that on a daily basis to see if that helps with irrigating the nasal passages and sinuses.  It looks ridiculous but is supposed to help!  Dancinggirl,  I guess that's the same principle as the saline sprays....might invest in one of those to use at work.

This is indeed a total body experience - and not in a good way!



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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 11:00:53 AM »

Yes to the sinus headaches!!! And runny nose or dry nose! Golly I thought it was just me......!!
Keep your peckers up girls X
Janey p

Puffin Mama

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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 11:03:25 AM »

Janeyp  :)   I always think it's just me until I post on here!!  Bloody hormones indeed - and to make matters worse in our household, my nearly 12 year old daughter is very definitely showing signs of hormonal changes as well  :-\ - as my best friend helpfully said 'Fireworks every day!'  ;D


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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2015, 11:07:53 AM »

Oh my goodness I did just the same thing - my hrt was in the cupboard for months!!! I met a man and fell in love and thought hell I need to get back to myself somehow so that pushed me into taking it! I absolutely love it! And it does reduce most symptoms really fast! I'd say give it a go - takes a while to settle so be prepared to give it 6 months but you'll notice the difference within a week - especially with the flushes! Good luck whatever you decide - I'm a non pill gal so am still surprised I'm taking anything!!!
Best to you
Janey p
Just noticed your reply! My girl is 15 so our hormones are clashing and sparking like crazy!!! I refuse to argue now and go and kick something or internalise it until my head feels like it's about to explode!!! I was always such a coper - nothing rattled me until now!!! Boy am I self doubting these days!!! Today I forgot to move the car and got a ticket - peri meno nut head I am!!!

Puffin Mama

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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 11:36:07 AM »

Oh dear Sparkle!   I used to wear contact lenses and had to stop as my eyes were too dry and they were too uncomfortable.  Janeyp, how great for you!  Hope you're still in love  ::)   I think I'll have to give the HRT a go - don't get flushes as such but it might work on all the other bonkers stuff going on....

I told my daughter yesterday that from now on, when she is rude or badly-behaved,  I shall be leaving the room.  She is still young enough to be very apologetic if I tell her off for being rude but I suspect in the coming years, it might be easier to remove the doors in our house to save me opening them that many times in a day  ;D


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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2015, 11:51:55 AM »

Hello puffin mama
Bless your heart! Yours was the first thing I'd replied to on here - I was just reading the ladies posts before - so glad I did! Thank you - it's been an enormous boost to me today to know that you are feeling the same sorts of things I am! Keep riding the tiger!
So much bonkers stuff! I'm still messing about eith the doses of hrt right now - it's rather tricky to know how much is enough! But I'm game to try anything!
I reckon the approach with your daughter will work like a charm - it's far less stressful not to argue
My girl is a door slammer - I laugh at her which causes her to slam them more! I know I shouldn't but I feel just the same as her! Maybe we should be the door slammers!!!
Thanks again for the chat
Much appreciated
Janey p

Puffin Mama

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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2015, 12:11:47 PM »

Very welcome, Janeyp  :) - nice to know others are going through the same trials!


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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2015, 02:15:06 PM »

I have had allergic rhinitis since the mid-1970s.  More recently DH has taken over control of the hoovery-thingy and attacks our bedroom including the mattress, under the furniture, over the curtains and my symptoms are less.  When did you change your mattress ;-)

Puffin Mama

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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2015, 03:39:37 PM »

Was thinking about that, CLKD - think I need to get a better hoover - ours is quite ancient.  Mattress is less than 5 years old - how often are you supposed to change them?   I have thought that if I was more enthusiastic about housework, it might make a difference - but then I get the nose and throat thing in other places too, it seems completely random  :o


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Re: Weirdest symptom yet - stuffy, 'fluffy' nose and throat - what is it????
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2015, 04:06:24 PM »

It was random for me until DH took over the hoover.  If I walked into a warm place my nose would begin to itch and I would sneeze over and over and ……. quite embarrassing particularly if we were out for a meal  :-\. I used Beconase nasal spray successfully as necessary as well as anti-histamine pills.

Once he took over this symptoms disappeared.  I know if he needs to be more thorough because the symptoms start to return.  It means that I get a good nights sleep because being warm in bed would start the symptoms. 

'They' tell us that we should change our mattress every 5-7 years but that does depend on if it's the main room or in the spare  ::).
