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Author Topic: Irregular cycles - lining worries  (Read 7859 times)


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2015, 06:09:28 PM »

Do you know what Galadriel, I bet if I'd kept a record of mine they'd be similar to yours especially the last four!

Brightlight - hope this makes you smile a little bit.  Back in June I asked my GP if I could have a scan to check what stage my fibroids were at in the hope they might be getting smaller for one!  They have a scan clinic at the surgery every two weeks so she booked me in there and then.  Had the scan (vaginal and external).  Good news was the fibroids looked smaller (yay!) but she could also see a small cyst on one of my ovaries (just for a change!) but she was happy it was a follicular cyst so nothing to worry about.  Finally she said the lining look fine and it didn't look as if I would have a period just yet which was great news as I'd just told her I was going on holiday for a week the following day.  The following day lo and behold brown discharge that then rumbled on for the whole of my holiday!  Just goes to show how unpredictable this whole peri lark is!  ::)

Let us know how you get on and good luck!

You are well rehearsed in these matters - it did make me smile :)


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2015, 06:18:55 PM »

Hi BrightLight - Great that your doctor is listening to your worries and sending you for checks to make sure nothing is amiss to re-assure you (hopefully). Let's hope all is OK and then you will worry less?

Celery  :o oo-er - I haven't heard of that one!  I've never had water retention but I know celery is extremely low caloriie and very fibrous - wonder if that has something to do with it? Or perhpas it's a diuretic? Sounds like it's worth a try - I'm all for dietary ways to deal with problems if possible because they don't cost much, are not concentrated and won't do you any harm if you overdose!! :)

Good luck with your scan!


Hurdity x

Thank you - I don't really want to go and see what is going on in there  :o  But as it's happening, it will be a good thing.

There has been a niggle in the back of my mind about a fibroid I had diagnosed in my 30's and a couple of burst cysts in my lifetime, none of which showed symptoms and a cervical polyp that I had removed 2 years ago, that didn't bleed either.  I think my anxiety brain has made a connection that my body 'grows' things well with estrogen eeek.  I know it doesn't really work as simply as that in any stretch of the imagination but just having a check to see where I am at as it were is probably a good thing in general.   

I was quite clear that my concern wasn't really the heavy flow - which for me is heavier but not really heavy in comparison to normal ranges and that I had a couple of 17-18 day cycles with what appear to be normal periods - not dribs and drabs, the whole works, but I guess if my body is trying to find eggs, I might ovulate quite soon after my period and in theory an 18 day cycle is possible.

It is all hypothesis but if there is a polyp or fibroid or thickening (eek, I hope not as I know that will freak me out ongoing until this all ends) then there is the possibility of lightening the bleeding - yay!

I was also thinking about the wise woman part of my brain - if I dig deep, I have to trust that my body knows what it is doing, even if there is something amiss, it is attempting to do it's best and I just need to take care as much as I can.  I do think my bleeding is OK really, I do think my body is clearing out etc, despite not having the right ratio of hormones - it certainly feels like it anyway!  Semi PMT symptoms sort of give me that idea - infact the symptoms I have are very similar to all the very mild ones I had when regular - just ramped up x 3!!!

I just realised a 4-6 wait for an appointment is Christmas time - hope it is before and can get it out of the way.


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2015, 06:21:54 PM »

dahliagirl - I think that was the theory that set me wondering how long it's 'good' to have no progesterone and only cycle with estrogen!!! It's impossible to tell if I am ovulating - I think maybe I am at times.  Hopefully I am, that way things might be balancing out!!! Some of the cycles have spotting before and after for quite some time, I tend to think these are anovulatory - the others, I think are 'normal' or at least the 'new' normal.  It is all guesswork but I think it sensible the GP send me for a scan, I think if this carries on, she might be bound to do that anyway, just to check. I'm not sure.


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2015, 07:38:26 PM »

Yes - it worries me too.

I can't work out what happens to the lining as your oestrogen levels settle out.  Does it keep coming away, or does it sit there for years ? ::)

I tried charting and did not see any ovulation in 18 months, except perhaps the last month.  It was very difficult to get the Basal Body temperature right.  If you take it every morning at 6am, but you have been awake from 2am, it goes up.  If you crash out and are woken by the alarm at 6am, it goes down.  It is hard to do for menopause  ;D


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2015, 02:26:41 PM »

My periods have changed completely and I now seem to have 2 weeks on 2 weeks off!! Again like you say not really heavy, just annoying! I don't get many other symptoms really but I guess because my periods are regular I won't. I do get quite angry at points, so have learnt when to keep my mouth shut  ;D and warm as well at some points during the month.
I was referred to the hospital and had every test and scan going and al they found was a functional cyst on my ovary. I guess it is the joys of peri. I am just waiting to get longer gaps between periods and not shorter  :)


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Re: Irregular cycles - lining worries
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2015, 05:39:43 PM »

After saying my bleeding wasn't heavy - this one is heavy, starting to stop now, but longer than 'usual'.  I feel I shouldn't be moaning really as I have never had heavy periods my entire life, maybe that is why it feels so alarming to me.  I am pretty sure that this is happening because of a few annovulatory cycles either last cycle or before - I don't have cramps, but do have weird fluttering and my ankles always swell - I can pretty much tell when the bleeding is winding down by looking at the water rention - this has only happened a couple of times this year - the first time was after a period was delayed and the ankle swelling heralded a bleed that the doctor said I wouldn't have again and also told me the swelling was not hormonal - it most certainly is.

I am just thinking out loud here and having attempts at thinking how I can try and calm this down myself, I have not been doing my excercise for a few weeks as I had a really bad cold/sinusitis.  Maybe the excercise and gut health help lower excess estrogen/get rid of it - so I am back on my regime in earnest in the hopes I don't have this experience next time.

Meanwhile I am wondering if the fibroid from years ago has now grown to epic proportions (nothing like the unknown to spark the imagination ;) )  When my periods first went amiss in January, I went to the GP because I had awful cramps and pain in hip and ovary and was convinced it was a cysts or fibroid and I was dismissed.

I think an ultrasound is going to help me to manage this - at least then the GP will know what we are treating, hormones only or extra issues.  I seem to have stopped worrying about the lining and now more focussed on reducing this bleeding.  It isn't unmanageable but if it happens more often, it's going to be a stress - last time was about 4 months ago I think.

Anyone know whether you can reduce/balance estrogen with diet and excercise?
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