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Author Topic: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?  (Read 14737 times)


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Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:41:15 PM »

Hi girls. I'm new to MM , my dr recommended this site. I'm 49 and after blood tests found out I'm peri menopausal. My doc has prescribed Estelle Duet 1mg, I've had the tablets 2 weeks and still haven't plucked up the courage to start taking them. I have a few questions for those who take this..

Is it best to take in the morning or at night?

Are there any adverse side effects? I have suffered huge depression in the past but after counselling and changed circumstances, have been really stable for a while. My fear is HRT will make me feel low ( which I want to avoid) My doc reassures me most people feel better not worse.

I am feeling pretty lousy at times anyway, but not emotionally down, just night sweats, slight irritability, bone aches and stiffness , terrible tiredness at times and a heavy feeling as if I'm going to have a period , but I don't. I'm very irregular now, pretty heavy when I do bleed but no idea when it will come. Just had two with a few days gap after more than 2 months of nothing. Doc said to take Estelle on first day of period but I've been a bit chicken and not started yet!

Any help gratefully received!

Optima x


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 08:09:58 PM »

Hi and  :welcomemm:

I too was 49 when I first started hrt,like you was given elleste duet 1mg and it was a godsend.
So get taking it,don't expect miracles it won't happen overnight and be prepared to stick to it for at least 2months. I took mine first thing in morning as I was less likely to forget  ::)
Good luck and keep us updated.


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 10:26:34 PM »

Thanks! I'll go for it in the morning then.  :)


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2015, 02:56:39 PM »

Hi Optima,

I've just finished taking the first month of Elleste 1mg and feel that I'm doing well on it :) Hot sweats and night sweats have improved significantly, took about 7-10 days from being on the the tablets to notice a difference. Mood is quiet stable and not really felt low since being on them....foggy thoughts and thinking seems to be improving. All in all I'd certainly say 'go for it'

Good luck and let us know how you get on. x



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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 05:20:10 PM »

Hi OptimaMater

 :welcomemm: from me too!

I can see your dilemma - if you wait for a period you might be waiting for a long time, so why not start straight away!

Although I haven't taken Elleste I have taken norethisterone tablets and I took these last thing at night to minimise sdie effects.

Since peak concentrations of estradiol and norethisterone reach the blood stream 3-6 hours and 1-4 hours respectively after taking them (according to the product info on the web), I would take them at night for the first few weeks at least so that any side effects from the very high levels, will occur while you are asleep and will have stabilised a bit by morning.

Anything I have to take or insert at night I put by my bedside lamp so I can't forget! Personally I would be more likely to forget in the morning as I'm always a bit groggy then but much more alert at night when I go to bed!!

You may find your own hormones breakthrough sometimes but hopefully eventually your cycle will become more stable as you get further towards menopause.

Hope it works for you and let us know how you get on  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2015, 07:48:06 PM »

Thanks everyone. I have taken two so far ( in the mornings ) I have a bit of a cold at the moment, so don't feel too great, but being a little bit paranoid am not sure if my symptoms are the HRT or not :)  I have a foggier head than normal and feel really tired and sluggish, but could well be nothing to do with my new tablets!

I think from tomorrow I will start taking it at night. Like you Hurdity I'm probably more likely to remember as I'm more with it .. ( altho I am a morning person, I have to have a coffee or two before I'm ready to face anything ) It's helpful to know the timescales of when things hit the blood too - so thanks for that.

Dazned and Scorpio, very good to ehar you have had good experiences, that's a real encouragement.

Will keep you posted!


PS Not quite found my way around this site yet, it looks very informative and full of supportive ladies going through similar issues. It's good to know there's a safe place to chat.


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2015, 07:50:49 PM »

Glad you find the site and forum helpful Optima. We all do  :)

Sorry to hear about your cold and hopefully it's just that. In any case there are bound to be some side effects initially - but hopefully you will soon be on the road to feeling better!

Hurdity x


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2015, 09:27:30 AM »

Ok, so far I've taken 4 tablets, started taking in the morning twice, then changed to the evening as I felt it would suit me better. First two days I started to get what I can only describe as a foggy, numb sort of head. ( I used to get this while on antidepressants years ago and stopped as a result) So I thought if I take it at night , it might not happen. The gap I had between the last morning I took it and the evening I started gave me a few hours of a 'clear head' and I felt more normal again ( whatever that is!)
Since taking at night I have woken with a horrible headache , last night I took paracetamol at 4am , headache still there at 8am. I do suffer from the occasional migraine, the doc asked me about what type I get when she prescribed Estelle, and thought I'd be OK.

I just wondered, is this a normal side effect and if so , will it go? I'm at the point where I now dread taking it, and was very tempted not to last night. The night before my heart rate was much faster too ( I had to get up to the toilet ) , which concerned me a little , but I could be just over reacting. I've also got itchy skin which I didn't have before. I will go back to the docs if it doesn't settle down, but wondered about others' experiences of side effects ?

I'd almost prefer my usual meno symptoms to this at the moment. My sleep is no better, so with the added horrible sluggish head I feel worse! Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon?


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2015, 10:03:47 AM »

Bless you,it's far too early for your system to have adjusted to the hrt yet,try not to get too hung up about side effects,sometimes we overthink things,I know that I do.  ;)
Just tell yourself as you take it this is going to help me feel better,it just won't happen as quickly as you want it to. Hope you settle down soon.


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2015, 06:58:50 PM »

This is also my first day on this forum and its been a godsend,I know dont feel so alone with all my thoughts and fears .
I started climagest 1 mth 4days ago having a few problems mood swings, nausea and tiredness,I also changed my climagest from morning to evening,not made a lot of difference but i am determined to go the whole 3 mths as life before hrt was miserable.
I will def be visiting daily to read how everyone is doing and also writing my experiences as it just might help someone else .


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Re: Elleste Duet 1mg any advice on when to take it?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2015, 07:55:37 PM »

I am just over a month in on this Elleste Duet 1mg. I am definitely feeling a benefit from it.  It is teamed with 10mg anti-anxiety med and 40mg Prozac.

I took it on its own some time ago and it didn't help much at all. 

Headaches gone, tiredness eased, feel brighter in myself, moods much more stable, that horrible feeling of dread gone. Life looks better!

I take it first thing when I get up.