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Author Topic: pill or patch  (Read 4318 times)


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pill or patch
« on: October 21, 2015, 07:16:19 AM »

I am now back to taking the pill form of HRT as the patch did not suit me so this time I will stay with the pill.A lot of times on this forum I have read how the patch is so much better for you as it does not have to pass through the liver so less side effects but people have to take pills every day for all sorts of things to stay alive so I would have liked the patch to have worked but it dident sometimes on here the pill is made to sound bad for you I wish that dident worry me .


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2015, 08:27:13 AM »

Anjia, I know how you feel,  I am currently using the patch, 2 x 100mcg, ladies on here say its far to much but the consultant at the meno clinic said its the correct dose for me to use up until I am about 52ish ( now 48 ) then to start to reduce, I have tried to use just one 100mcg patch but the meno symptoms would creep back, so I go back up,  I started on the pills but have IBS and headaches and everyone on here thought the patches are the better way to use HRT if you have these kind of issues so I  changed to Estradot and been on them now for around 18 months but still get bad headaches , yes my stomach is a bit  better but I have to use Lansopazole otherwise it get worse, my point to this is I was hoping once I changed to the patches I would feel my old self but I don't , I still have problems , I wondering if staying on the pills would I feel even better, my GP thinks I should go back on the pills but I am scared, my aunty is on the HRT pills and also takes Lansoprazole and feels fab, she also is a specialist nurse and says the pills are fine, it is so very confusing and worrying  :)


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2015, 10:54:11 AM »

I suppose it's the one that suits you best and has the least side effects. I hope you feel better soon with your choice. I'm on another regime as I had joint pain as a side effect but I could try another patch/pill/gel & not have that side effect.


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2015, 12:02:29 PM »

I no moonbeam its bloody confusing I think with all the swapping and changing it just prolongs things when all you want is get to an even keel and at least try to feel better I am staying with the tablet now and if my IBS flares up so be it I just want to get on with it now.


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2015, 02:44:39 PM »

Hi Anjia, I do sympathise..... I am presently on the evorel sequi patches and I did get on well with these but I have noticed that when im on the two weeks for evorel 50 I feel great but when I start the evorel conti patches my mood drops and this month I came on the 8 days really heavy then I have been spotting for 5 days now..... I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so im not sure what to do for the best, not sure whether to try another pill or not , as I have already tried two sorts or carry on with this regime!!!!!!!!!!!  I was using patches as I was told they are kinder to the digestive system so im nervous about going back on a pill...................


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2015, 06:56:09 PM »

There is nothing wrong with tablets in themselves - and no-one has said otherwise! They would not be prescribed if they were actually  "bad for you".

However the information on this site (which is only what forum members are relating) says that if you have migraine, or digestive problems or problems with absorbing HRT - then generally patches are better for you. Also if you are on HRT into your 60's it is thought that transdermal HRT is preferable. I don't have the stats available but for certain conditions transdermal HRT may be assciated with less risk than tablet HRT - but no-one is saying they are dangerous.

The probable reason why patches didn't work for you Anjia was the dose was too low - nothing intrinsically to do with the patches and how you were absorbing the oestrogen, but you don't need to worry about the pills as such!

Especially if you are younger and have no health issues you just need to go with the preparation that gives you the best possilbe control of your symptoms, and that needs to be decided between you and your doc - and not by your doc alone. Therefore if a particular dose is not controlling your symptoms and it is not a high dose, then you should be permitted a higer dose  - or to change preparation if that is appropriate.

moonbeam if you got headaches on the tablets and the patches it is probably nothing to do with the HRT. Did you ask your specialist about tesotsterone like I suggested several times over the past few months? The specialist I went to see seemed to think that deficiency in this can cause headaches and especially in those who have had a hysterectomy with ovary removal because of the steep delcine in T after this operation.

I sincerely hope you all feel better soon and have relief from your symptoms - at least that makes you feel better for most of the time - if not back to what you were ( which doesn't usually happen with anyone!!)

Hurdity x  :)


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2015, 09:01:24 PM »

Hurdity, me and GP both believe the headaches are unrelated now and I have been refered for some accupuncture and was given Nortirypline, but so far after 8 days no help, GP has not mentioned testosterone, I can remember the consultant mentioning once but that was ages ago and I don't see anyone in the meno clinic no more, I am going to continue with the patches for a few more months as I have 4 boxes and go from there, but as you said it's personal choice, this whole menopause stuff we ladies have to put up with is a battle isn't it  ::)


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2015, 11:14:36 AM »

I am really so fed up I have been back on the pill Hrt for just over a week I feel wretched cant sleep, flushes worse than ever at night, and feel bloody awful I have another gp appointment on Wednesday with a different doctor so hoping we can sort things out. I really don't no why they want me to reduce my hrt Im 54 had a hysterectomy three years ago and don't intend feeling like this for the next how many years , I know I said I would stick with the pill  but Im so confused right now I had one patch left which I put on this morning I  do no that IBS is much worse with the pill with me the last few days have been bad .


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Re: pill or patch
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2015, 11:37:40 AM »
