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Author Topic: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...  (Read 16306 times)

Chi chi

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Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« on: October 17, 2015, 08:00:20 PM »

My Qlaira arrived from the hospital today and I'd  decided I was gonna try this instead of Yaz but...
I can't help questioning how it's different to taking the oestrogel and utrogestan/provera?? I keep thinking am swapping like for like and if so how is it gonna be an improvement or a better outcome?
There seems to be lots of ups and downs unlike Yaz which seems constant, Yaz also has good reviews for PMT/PMDD/low moods etc.
As I haven't had much success with the bio gel route I'm wondering if I should have a complete change and try synthetic??
I'd be really grateful for anyone's thoughts or comments as I'm totally confused  :-\


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2015, 08:07:27 PM »

I understand from your posts that you have seen two private consultants. Guess you have to decide what one suited your needs best and go with what they/he/she advised.

Maybe by going to different people with two very different opinions has clouded things for you.

To be honest, if you are going to spend all that money for private advice then if you have faith in one consultant then go with what they suggest. Then at least if it doesn't quite suit you will know what one to talk to.
Try and trust what one or perhaps the other is prescribing for you and go with that.

Let us know how you get on.



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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2015, 08:28:17 PM »

Estelle it isn't easy trying to decide what to do, especially when you are getting opinions from two different consultants. I wish you well in making your decision whatever it is.

By the way, it may be worth sticking with your choice for at least three months, preferably six, to give things a chance to settle down to see how thing are.


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2015, 09:43:33 PM »

Don't let the different doses of Q worry you too much - the increments are minimal and there simply to mimic your natural levels. The key considerations should include:

- the progesterone in Y is slightly higher risk
- the estrogen in Q is less powerful as it's bio identical
- Q has fewer no estrogen days (2)
- Y has a few more prog days (all but 4)
- it's hard to read much into Q reviews as it is so new and only given to a small group of ladies needing that bridge in peri. It's one of the most expensive pills, so not frequently prescribed.

I think HB is right - you need to put your faith in just one of the consultants, otherwise you'll always feel slightly unsure.

My thinking when in your situation was to start with Q as it was less of a big step up from the patch I was on previously, but I knew I could always switch to a full pill if necessary. Whatever you decide, you need to wait at least three months to feel the benefit and make an informed choice.

Good luck x

Chi chi

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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 10:14:43 AM »

Thanks everyone, the thing is I want to carry on seeing Annie Evans as she was more understanding and much more aproachable but think I want to try Yaz as I just can't get my head around how swapping bio gels to a bio pill will make any difference? I told her that Prof Studd had recommended Yaz, she didn't disagree with it or think it wasn't a good choice just that she prefers Qlaira. She knew that I was undecided and said I could try Qlaira if I wanted to.
We also briefly talked about other options such as medication to completely shut my ovaries down temporarily just to see how I'd feel if I wanted to consider a hysterectomy. It wasn't that she felt Qlaira was the best option for me, just one of a few options.
Thanks again  :)


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2015, 12:46:41 PM »

That sounds like a good plan.

 I do get what you mean re Q being bio identical so less potent. It really is HRT that happens to be a contraceptive too,  isn't it? The reason I was pushed to take it was that I am a high risk of stroke.

The only thing that would possibly put me off Yaz is that the progesterone is so high for a low estrogen pill (think I am right in saying in Yasmine, the prog dose is identical to Yaz, yet the estrogen is 3mg, not 2 mg ). However, if that's the case you could simply swap to Yasmine - similar to the pill GRL will be starting soon.

I know that the media has picked up on the risks associated with drospireone, but in relative terms, they are still very low.

Keep posting and fingers crossed for you x

o Yasmin—3 mg drospirenone and 30 mcg EE per tablet
o Yaz—3 mg drospirenone and 20 mcg EE per tablet
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 02:31:36 PM by Briony »


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2015, 04:16:16 PM »

Estelle - in your position ie a smoker in your 40's I would definitely go for the bio-identical option ie Qlaira, but then I only took the pill for a year in my  20's and don't like to use anything non-bio where possible. Why not go for the one associated with the least risks to start with? Do I remember that you could top it up with gel if you found that the oestrogen wasn't sufficient?  Obviously it's your decision but you asked for thrughts and comments and these are mine. Don't overthink it - just go for one and be optimistic that you will feel better overall - OK if you are peri-menopausal you will still experience some ups and downs but as far as I understand Qlaira does suppress the natural cycle so should even out your mood swings.

Hurdity x


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2015, 05:15:43 PM »

I really feel for you. So hard to decide, especially when your hormones are cloudung everything anyway.

If it helps, in your shoes I would probably go with Qlaura, with an option to increase 'up' to Yas in 4-6 months time, if you're not happy.

I start taking my Gederal (Marvelon) tonight. We can compare notes?

I've actually delayed starting Federal by several days as I've been feeling very, very good on just 'my' hormones since stopping Microgynon 12 days ago. I was half hoping maybe I had moved beyond needing hormonal help............but today I'm getting twinges of anxiety again and I have been very achey these last few days too.

Chi chi

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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2015, 10:44:07 AM »

GRL was Qlaira not an option for you if you don't mind me asking?
My anxiety has always been simmering in the background while on the gels, i never had a good run without it like you experienced on your previous pill and my aches and pains never improved either, this makes me wonder if I need something stronger (like you) than hrt?
I've never had sore boobs or anything while on hrt but I think I've gained quite a bit of weight  :-\
It would be good to compare notes  ;) once I've decided which pill I'm gonna try  ::)
Why are you trying a new one?


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2015, 04:31:23 PM »

I think I am right in saying GRL's doctor mentioned Q but didnt think it would suit her specific needs?

That said, the doctor in the family planning clinic told me (when I went in to get the Mirena and then had a melt down and chickened out  ::) ) that in general, Q is so new that only consultants or GPs with an interest in  gynaecology know about it. Another reason that some GPs are anti  is the cost (especially as it's free to us). Here are the current monthly pill prices. It becomes horribly  clear why certain pills are pushed on us first, regardless of their potential side effects!

Q = £8.39
Y = £4.90
Marvelon = £2.15
Rig/Microgynon = £0.85

To me, the possibility of extra estrogen to top up Q is appealing as you could have the best of both worlds - safer, yet stronger estrogen? However, the synthetic sort is likely to be more potent so therefore - potentially - more controlling?

Don't  over think, Estelle. Go with what you feel is right and stick with it for three months. The good thing is you can stop any time and switch over easily - like GRL has. It's not like the sort of drug where you need to withdraw first!

Good luck x



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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2015, 09:32:21 PM »

Hi Estelle. My GP hadn't heard if Qlaira and so wasn't prepared to prescribe it. In fact he was skeptical about any form of BCP treating my symptoms and was of the opinion that II was suffering with anxiety/low mood/insomnia for other reasons.

I explained that my typical symptoms 'pattern' was roughly 2 'good' weeks, followed by a day or two feeling very iffy, followed by roughly a week of feeling absolutely dreadful. And this happens month after month which to me screams HORMONES.

Anyway, the GP which I saw who prescribed Marvelon last week was a locum. He did know of Qlaira but said I would benefit more from a steady, daily dose rather than a variable dosage.

If you never seem to experience any 'good' times or weeks then that would suggest to me that you need something stronger?

When I was on HRT all it did was improve the quality of my 'good' days but I was still getting just as many bad days which still felt as bad as ever. But I was only on a 50mg patch, so maybe a 100mg patch might have made more of a difference?

The reason I have swapped my Pill is because I had constant spotting and even withdrawal bleeds mid-packet. Plus I was still getting my symptoms breaking through much more than I was happy about.

I have definitely put weight on since starting HRT and now being on the BCP. I am nearly a stone heavier mainly due to an increased appetite but also because I'm more bloated.

I did have issues with swollen, painful breasts while on HRT but as soon as I started on Rigevidon that all disappeared.


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2015, 06:10:16 PM »

 Marvelon (and Yaz) are types of pills least likely to cause bloating, so it will be interesting to see if you notice a difference.

Chi chi

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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2015, 09:16:47 PM »

Well I opted for Yaz in the end, took my first one last night. I'll prob report every week to keep you all updated  ;)
I think the stronger and steadier dose is what I need at the moment, fingers crossed??
I'm hoping my bloat will disappear too  :)

Thanks for everyone's comments  :)
Wish me luck


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2015, 09:30:02 PM »

Do keep posting - it will be really interesting to see how you both do xx


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Re: Yaz or Qlaira - thought I'd decided but...
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2015, 05:37:22 PM »
