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Author Topic: Question on meno related anxiety  (Read 3157 times)


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Question on meno related anxiety
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:09:45 AM »

I'm posting, not to ask advice on how to deal with meno related anxiety, as I have my own coping mechanisms and am getting by, I posted, rather, to see if other people can relate.

It's difficult to explain, but I will do my best.

I have always been an anxious person, and I remember, as a kid, like many other kids in the 70's, that feeling of gnawing anxiety, a particular sore flavour of dread, when you knew you were in trouble with your parents, but your father had not yet dealt with you, or any other feeling of dread, where the fear intrudes in your thinking and you can feel it in the pit of your stomach, similar to the physical feeling you get in your stomach, when you are on a roller coaster, or the feeling you get in your stomach, when you are travelling in a car, and it's going down a hill.

To me, meno anxiety is similar, but not the same, that is the most 'similar' type of anxiety that I can explain.
I see meno related anxiety, as a unique kind of anxiety in a way, as well, in it's own right.
Things seem overwhelming, and you get the panicky feeling you cannot cope, moreso than normally, and this can last for years with some women.
It came on me in 2009, this sudden change in my emotional state, for the worst, and co-incidentally, at the same time, my bowel became much more tender, my bowel habits changed, and I was waking up in a sweat, plus feeling hot off and on all day. The physical side has been addressed now, but the meno induced psychological side of things, can be more stubborn, for some women, hrt can help to a certain extent, but not fully.
Moods are just lower, there's a feeling of doom and dread.

I do have some life circumstances that other people, have acknowledged that they would also find, anxiety provoking, but, how you feel inside, does have an effect on your perception of your circumstances, whether y, and meno induced anxious minds will be prone to thinking of possible negative outcomes to various worries they may have.
If you feel calm inside, you will be more likely to think of positive outcomes.

I do find, however, that since I have had meno induced anxiety, I have become aware of errors I have made in various areas of my life, that I needed to be aware of, for instance, matters regarding my flat that needed attending to, there are many other real-life-practical things, that I had overlooked in my happier moods, they would not have occurred to me, if I didn't have those meno related intrusive thoughts that pop up, out of the blue, while lying in bed, awake.
The positive thing, about this, is that this meno related dread and doom, enabled me to take action and attend to correct those errors that I could correct, and learn to live with those I cannot, that latter one is an ongoing process.

I find that if I linger in bed too long after waking up, anxiety can suddenly ramp up, several dozen notches, and take a stronger hold, and I would feel more emotionally fragile, and prone to obsessing about whatever event in my life, was bothering me at the time, for the first part of the day, morning and afternoon.
As the day progresses, I feel more calm, but this causes me to be a night owl, as I want to make the most of feeling calm, knowing that after sleep, I would feel that fresh, tender, raw dread and doom on waking, and the whole thing would start again.
Life can be difficult for night owls adjusting to the 9-5 day, as we all need businesses and getting up at lunchtime or afterwards is not conducive to getting things done in the day.
I like my bed, as it is the place that I can relax the most, but it's a balancing act, and takes discipline, to make myself get up and not linger.
I hate getting up feeling groggy, so I like to lie in bed after waking, and fully wake myself up, rather than getting up, and stumbling around, still, half asleep.

I don't wish suffering on any other woman, but at the same time, it would be a comfort to know that others are experiencing the same types of feelings, and I hope that this post gives comfort to those readers who are feeling the same unique flavour of meno related dread.

I don't intend for this post to be about coping mechanisms, which are essential of course, but this post is more about personal experiences.



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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2015, 06:53:28 AM »

This is exactly how I feel about my meno anxiety you have described the way I feel to tee I often think is this it now will I always have this horrid anxiety thank you for this post knowing I am not alone in this is comforting although I am sorry you have it.


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2015, 10:42:02 AM »

yes, that describes some of what I was having pretty well.  No, you are not alone.


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2015, 12:51:18 PM »

hi dandelion..this is how i feel every morning when waking up its the worst part of my day .. .it does seem to lift at night .i feel a lot calmer when the day seems to pass ,but after a nights sleep its there again the dreaded anxiety x daisie


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2015, 09:04:38 PM »

I feel this worst late afternoon to few hours after dinner. Worry about every niggle 're my health which I think makes anxiety worse. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, I know I'm being ridiculous but can't help it. This forum is so reassuring.


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2015, 09:35:53 PM »

Yes. On my bad days it's the creeping feelings of dread/anxiety which are the worst to bear. I can handle the headaches. I can handle the random diarrhoea. I can handle the aching joint. But I simply cannot handle the creeping dread. It totally undermines me and makes me feel very vulnerable and frightened and exposed.

Sitting on the sofa, with my lovely DH's arm around me, a cosy throw over my knees and watching a favourite DVD.............and I can still feel scared inside, and ****les of dread running up my spine. It's quite simply the worst feeling I have ever had.

When I am like this, there is nothing, nothing at all that can make me feel better or make me smile. All I can do is wait for my hormones to re-calibrate. Until then I just exist. Forcing myself to speak to my DH. Forcing myself to smile at my own children. While inside I am just one long, thin, painful screeching of misery.

It physically drains me to get dressed. I feel emotionally bruised just having to decide whether to have chicken or mince for dinner. Having to deal with an unexpected phone call or (God forbid) a friend dropping by, makes my heart sink through the floor. I cannot cope with anything at all. I can only function. And wait and wait until that mystical chemical alchemy changes and I suddenly revert back to being me again.


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 04:30:19 PM »

Hello Dandelion

Yes, as the other ladies have said, what you say about meno related anxiety is very familiar to me... It's horrible and yes I feel worse in the morning and worry about every single health niggle - currently a nagging pain in centre of lower abdomen - keep worrying that something is wrong with my Mirena coil ... Having to force myself not to google it! Creeping dread as GRL calls it, is such an apt way to describe these feelings.. The sense that something awful is about to happen, but you don't know what... Had no idea that peri and meno could cause these sort of symptoms when this all started for me 4 years ago.

Best wishes to all
Tealady xx


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 08:58:06 PM »

It's a very different feeling to 'normal' worry or anxiety, isn't it Tealady? I've experienced normal worry and anxiety, who hasn't it?

But this hormonal anxiety and depression is in a whole other league. For me it's tinged with underlying dread, almost bordering on panic. I KNOW what I'm feeling is irrational, but there's nothing I can do to stop it. The only other time I have experienced anything like it was years ago when I had PND. And that's eventually what caused me to join the dots and equate what I was experiencing with my hormones.


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2015, 01:06:13 AM »

Hi Dandelion

I hear you about the meno related anxiety. I too was always full of drive and nervous energy that could easily turn into worry but have built up over 20 years lots of tools to manage this on a moment to moment basis. The menopause totally floored me for the last year. I had to be signed off for six months and felt suicidal and immense fear that my life was over.I am medicated and am taking HRT but I am 100 percent better. My husband says its the best Ive been for a few years (!)
Regarding the meno side of it. I still have days where I feel the gut-wrenching fear -and it is always around the time I would bleed - i.e. time of the month. I also look back at the last 10 years an see how Ive been in the grip of the menopause all that time. I just didn't realise until I was really low, I am not that happy that I am Ads but it is better than wanting to take my life. The HRT is a God send and I tell everyone I know about it with missionary deal. The worse thing about it for me was the loneliness and isolation, not understanding why and the fact that none ever seemed to talk about how severe it could be some women, I was just expecting some hot flashes!!!!
Despite being 100 percent better I still worry, feel that everything is going to slip away and also have gut wrenching dread but it passes now and is momentary to compared to what it was.

Take good care Dandelion
Sallyxx ;)


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2015, 08:02:10 AM »

Hi, I too, am in the same boat - I am peri & get such severe PMS that I have felt suicidal at times.  I ended up having a breakdown early this year & eventually resigned from my old job (I am now working again in a completely different, much less stressful job :-)  ).  The anxiety is awful - my period is due very soon & I woke at 4am (boiling hot ).  I lay there worrying for over an hour, drifted back off to sleep then woke at 7am, immediately feeling extremely anxious & shaky for no apparent reason (I took half of one of my 5mg diazapam tablets to take the edge off - these are for 'emergencies' only).  I  am starting HRT next month to deal with these horrible symptoms - in my case AD's don't seem to agree with me (more's the pity) as I have developed food intolerances & reactions to some chemicals/medications.  As Sally said, I thought menopause consisted of hot flashes (& night sweats)!    :-\ :hug: xx


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2015, 12:51:26 PM »

Dandelion, thank you for your post - spot on - I can relate to everything you've said.

Looking back I now realise that I've had Generalised Anxiety Disorder all my life, from a child (or a baby even, extreme separation anxiety, is this where it can start?) but I managed to sort of cope with it, not even realising what it was.  My mum used to say I suffered with 'bad nerves' and I now realise she did too.  With menopause and the loss of hormones, the anxiety took off on a whole new terrifying level.  The constant feeling of dread as if something terrible is about to happen - and fear, as if standing on the edge of a precipice, an awareness/realisation or deeper understanding of life? -  fear of everything, fear of death, illness, madness, loss of control, or the impermanence of life maybe?  It has taken until the age of 53 to realise the impact/extent of anxiety.  3am onwards can often be a terrifying time when the nights sweats, rushes of adrenaline/cortisol start and estrogen levels are at their lowest.   I am working on accepting that I will never be the me I used to be. 

Is is comforting to know we are are not alone in this, it can be so isolating to feel this way when every friend/acquaintance of the same age seem to have none of this.  We are not going mad, it is hormonal  - hold on to that.


ps: (Just had a treatment review and upping my estrogen dose.)


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Re: Question on meno related anxiety
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2015, 01:36:10 PM »

Just like a swan. Serene on the surface but peddling like chuff underneath.

I often look at others and wonder, but no one likes to appear as if they are struggling, so we paint on the face and get on.

Bloody hard at time though.

