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Author Topic: Panicking when I can't fall asleep Update I am worse!  (Read 7729 times)


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Panicking when I can't fall asleep Update I am worse!
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:26:44 PM »

I have never been a good sleeper, I wake up every few hours and for as long as I can remember I have episodes sometimes only once a year or sometimes on and off for months where I just can't fall asleep and can be awake all night.  I am not sure which comes first, anxiety making me so wound up I can't fall asleep or for some other reason I am awake and then being awake causes me extreme anxiety. 
If my husband can't sleep which is rare, he just reads or watches telly but he never worries about it as he says he will sleep when he is exhausted.
I get into massive panic convinced I will never ever sleep again which is worst thing I can do.
I have been sleeping as normal for past 8 months but suddenly a few nights ago I was wide awake.  If I take a sleeping pill then I will sleep but I am only allowed 14 of them.  So I then panic that they won't let me have any more and then what will I do.
I have had to take sleeping pill last 3 nights as I have been wide awake at 2am and then not gone to sleep till 3 and awake again at 7. I am now at the dreading nightime stage.

So wondered if anyone else on her has insomnia and how they deal with it ( short of a padded cell!)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:31:09 PM by countrybumpkin »


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 05:38:06 PM »

Ooh it's so awful isn't it !

I swear I had a spell of 6months with next to nothing sleep and I know people didn't believe me !  >:(
After Dr giving me sleeping tablets,14 at a time ,and being told well you can't keep having them,it's easy for them to say they obviously don't understand how distressing insomnia is and debilitating. Like you I used to be frightened of going to bed ! So I think the anxiety and panic attacks started after the insomnia but then it merges into one doesn't it. Now have a solution for me an AD that helps anxiety and insomnia. But do know exactly how you feel. Hope you find a solution for you too soon.

Ju Ju

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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 07:04:10 PM »

I have had problems in getting to sleep for the last few years. Recently, I have been getting some unabridged audio mp3 type recordings of novels from the library, which I listen to with ear phones if I can't sleep. I get involved in the story, which stops me thinking! I have to make a note of which chapter I've got to, as I drift off to sleep. It's made a lot of difference. Oh and I have proof that I do sleep. I do get through batteries!


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2015, 07:07:03 PM »

I go through periods when I can't sleep. I hate it but have never taken sleeping pills.
When I can't sleep, I just tell my self I'm resting and actively stop trying. I either just lie and relax or read my kindle which doesn't disturb hubby. I also use a wave sleep app. It's the sound of waves breaking on the shore.
The more you panic and focus on the fact you haven't dropped off the worse it gets.

Try to just accept the fact sometimes sleep is longer in coming. In fact I keep my  eyes open. It's amazing how quickly they droop if you try not to let that happen.
Your body will sleep eventually it might just take a while.

Have you looked at relaxation techniques. Might be an idea to practice them in bed.



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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2015, 07:14:52 PM »

I know I keep mentioning 5HTP on here the herbal remedy for anxiety and depression. I'm awaiting delivery of mine at the moment, but reviews are excellent for sleep too. Check out Holland & Barrett website.


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2015, 07:16:28 PM »

Let us know how you go with that orchid.

Have you researched the side effects ?



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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2015, 07:27:37 PM »

I have Honeybun they can cause a bit GI upset, (that would be me guaranteed with my stomach) so for all I have the tablets I have ordered the patches for this reason. I've been hanging on to use them, waiting to get the Mirtrazepine AD out of my system. Any side effects can't be anything as bad as what I've suffered with AD's though!


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »

It's just I have been reading about them so I'm really interested on how it goes.

Let us know.



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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2015, 07:38:02 PM »

I had years waking in the night and worrying that lack of sleep would make the following day difficult.  It didn't.  I coped.  I worked in a very busy NHS Dept. where it was Full On!  One night I thought "Oh another not sleeping night, so what" and from then on, slept OK  ::).  I do get nights when I drop off immediately, then wake and stay awake for hours: I get up, make a cuppa, get my Nintendo …… or lay making plans …… I no longer worry as I know I will 'catch up' eventually.  Sometimes that means having a sleep on the settee in the evening or in the camper after lunch  ;)

For years I had the radio by the bed tuned into Radio2 ……….


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2015, 08:27:21 PM »

Huge thanks everyone, just knowing I am not the only person awake at 3am helps alot. 
A couple of years ago in one of my episodes my GP gave me mitrazapine to try, it really sedated me for 48 hrs but oh boy the side effects. I had constant severe heartburn, I put on 7lbs in a week even though I was eating less and after 2 days of being sedated that effect went and I got severe restless legs as soon as I went to bed. I had to give up after a week.
I have a feeling that all AD's will give me really bad heartburn as I have hiatus hernia.
I agree that once your mindset is saying " so what if I don't sleep" then this tends to be the end of the insomnia for me and I go back to my normal which just proves how much its all in the mind.


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2015, 08:41:17 PM »

Can anyone tell me why I can drop off at the drop of a hat in the chair in the evening.....then I start to get ready for my comfy cosy bed.....and then I can't get to sleep.

Makes absolutely no sense to me...except there is no expectation of sleep in the evening so perhaps it's easier.

Maybe I should just sit in a chair  ;D



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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2015, 09:19:23 PM »

Just spent the last five minutes walking up and down the garden trying to waken up. Now I've got a headache as I need to sleep but it's too early. If I go to bed at this time I will be awake in the early hours. Off for another walk to clear my head.  ::)



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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2015, 03:22:36 PM »

You are over-thinking the not sleeping  ;)


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2015, 08:28:26 PM »

Woe is me!  I have had one good night sleep on Friday night and thought thats it I am back to normal and then was twiddling my thumbs at silly oclock this morning. I decided to take one of the 6 sleeping pills I have for emergencies and zonked out for 5 hrs but felt worse this morning than on the nights where I had only had an hours sleep ::) 
I know its all in my head and if I can just get my mindset altered to don't care it will go away. 
Have read a good book about it which says long term insomnia is caused by a fear of not sleeping and is all in the mind - very true!


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Re: Panicking when I can't fall asleep Update I am worse!
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2015, 01:37:16 PM »

Oh boy somebody shoot me please ???  I have got into a right old state. If I don't fall asleep within 30 mins I am having major panic/anxiety and then crying for about 2 hrs with rushing to loo because the anxiety always affects my bowels ::)  I then am either taking a sleeping pill or over the counter nytol and getting about 4 hrs sleep. 
My husband is being wonderful but I feel awful he has to put up with me.
I have made appt with Dr for Wed and  our health authority has a one step self referrel for mental health so have taken the plunge and made phone appt with them.  Doubt there will be much on offer but it worth asking.
For some reason not being able to fall asleep has always triggered severe anxiety in me and i have had bad times with it in the past but not for at least 2 years .
I am wondering if this is a reaction to all the bad health news I am having with many friends having cancer diagnosises in the past month or so. I have another friend who is waiting for a PET scan for cancer at the moment.
Then I feel even more guilty that I am having anxiety meltdowns over not being able to fall asleep when my friends are dealing with such huge things. grrrr

Just wanted to talk to people who I feel understand maybe?
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