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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!  (Read 18466 times)

Puffin Mama

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Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:12:08 AM »

Hi all

I haven't posted for a while as had nothing new to report - famous last words  :D!!  For the past 10 days or so,  I have had really horrible throat mucus and nothing seems to be shifting it.  Has anyone else had this and do you think it's meno-related? It feels like there is a lump in my throat all the time - which I did have for ages earlier this year but without the mucus - but this time it is actually mucus and I can't tell if it's coming from my nose (so some sort of post-nasal drip type thing) or is caused by my digestive problems.     Rather annoyingly, my normal digestive problems - bad indigestion, stomach pains and chest pains - have subsided but there is a very acidy feeling in my throat now and down into my chest and I am constantly either clearing my throat or trying to swallow - it's all pretty disgusting!  I am wondering if it's silent reflux - would anyone like to diagnose please?  :)   
I have seen my GP for digestive issues in the past and have discovered that any medicines in the 'prazole' family do not like me !!  So far with this,  I have tried Gaviscon Advance - seems to take the edge off it but no more than that,  Cough medicine for chesty coughs as I believe that Guaifenesin is supposed to thin mucus, hot water with lemon juice (seems to thin it a bit) and reducing dairy.  No great results with anything and I'm now rather fed up!  I woke up last night to go to the loo and then couldn't get back to sleep for an hour as my throat felt so clogged up.  It was quite scary as I really felt that my throat would block completely and that I wouldn't be able to breathe although I suspect some of that is anxiety.  I had to get up, make a Lemsip, then sit propped up in bed on 3 pillows, swallowing almost continually until it started to ease a bit, with radio 4 for company!  Finally fell asleep again but I  am keen not to have a repeat of that!

I would be very grateful to hear if anyone else has or has had this and what helped with it - my nose feels a but sniffy but is not blocked or running, it's just my throat. I am also wondering if I have become sensitive to certain foods and maybe should try some kind of elimination diet? 

Thanks ladies  :-* xxx

Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 11:03:50 AM »

Aha!! I thought you might appear, Sparkle  :)
I am most grateful to know I am not the only one with this - with every new symptom I get,  I think 'This is the most annoying, I'd rather have X/Y/Z symptom back instead' but I have to say that this is pretty much the worst one so far in terms of physical symptoms(and have now jinxed myself!). 
I am 46 and still having periods but they are becoming more and more irregular - varying from 2 weeks, 5 days to 8 weeks!   I never know what is coming next and have had quite bad cramping for the past few days but with no sign of a period. I am also curious to see whether this mucus-y thing changes once my period arrives.  I am due to see my GP this week anyway so will mention it and see what he thinks but as I have no problems swallowing and my throat looks clear, I can't imagine he'll have any magical cure!
Does the Lansoprazole help with yours?   I can't take any of that family and ranitidine does nothing either. I have to confess to eating several Minstrels with my Lemsip last night  ;D on the basis that I didn't think they could make it any worse and it reassured me that I could swallow normally!!!
I did have cheese in something last night but it wasn't a massive amount.   I have cut out milk as that doesn't seem to help but am now wondering whether I should cut out wheat as well for a week or two to see if that makes any difference.   I long for the days when I could eat and drink anything - although that wouldn't do my weight much good now as even slight deviations from my normal, reasonably healthy diet make me put on weight!!!
My meno consultant has referred me to a gastro specialist for all the other digestive things I have been getting but I have no idea when that appointment will turn up.  Why is everything such a nuisance!!!!!!  >:(
Puffin xxx

Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2015, 11:04:49 AM »

Forgot to say - it is also making me cough!  Not constantly but like a tickle in my throat - yesterday I felt as if I had swallowed a furball  :-X


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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2015, 11:06:56 AM »

I've had a similar type of thing - I don't believe it's meno related.

Dairy seems to set it off for me, cheese in particular, so reducing that has helped.
I find antihistamines help to reduce mucus activity - Boots, 1 a day allergy relief, Loratadine
Sudafed, blocked nose or decongestant help when a build up occurs in the throat or sinus area.
Warm, non milky drinks seem to soothe and generally make things more comfortable.

Best get it checked if it doesn't clear within a week or so.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 11:09:17 AM by Limpy »

Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 11:29:00 AM »

Thanks Limpy - I think I need to stay off cheese for a while.   I hadn't thought of antihistamines but will try those.  I do have some Sudafed Mucus Relief (lovely name!) at home somewhere so will fish that out later and see if that helps.  I'd forgotten about it until I read your post!

Will ask GP on Friday what he thinks.

Puffin x

Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2015, 01:06:48 PM »

Hi Sparkle

I can't really recommend Minstrels and Lemsip!  Now Minstrels and wine.....  ;)  I have the same problem trying not to cough, had a bout of it while on the phone at work this morning and had to apologise to the woman I was speaking to!  I'm trying not to clear my throat but then have to keep swallowing......aaaaghhhhhh!!!

My digestive problems have also been much worse since I started meno and when they hit, they are more severe and last much longer than before. I am sure that there is a hormonal element and my one consolation is that things seem to go in cycles so I get one symptom for a few weeks, am driven mad by it and try desperately to find something that will help, finally end up at the GP, then it goes away, to be replaced by another weird and annoying symptom!!!

Puffin x


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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2015, 06:09:20 PM »

Excuse me for butting in but what are Minstrels - are they a type of throat lozenge?

Hurdity x


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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2015, 06:27:55 PM »

Sweeties  ;D

Chocolate based with a crunchy outer coat better sucked slowly until the crunchy outer shell melts and leaves you with.....chocolate



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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2015, 06:42:51 PM »

Love minstrels  ;D

Anyway back to the thread.
I feel I am constantly clearing my throat some days and I have to really give it some to get it clear.
I too have digestive problems so interesting to read about your diet sparkle.
When I went to the hospital last week the consultant said that tea,coffee & chocolate,especially at night, were not good for heartburn.

Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2015, 01:31:30 PM »

Hurdity  ;D.   You clearly have a far healthier diet than I do!  :)  And honeybun,  that's exactly how I eat them too!!  Ate rather too many before bed last night but wasn't woken in the night by a clogged throat so I can't work out what is setting it off  ???

I came across something on a homeopathic site yesterday about tissue salts - apparently kali bich, kali mur and kali suplh are all good for mucus in the throat so may get some of those and give them a go - at least they won't do any harm


Puffin Mama

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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2015, 01:12:03 PM »

Hi Sparkle

Still waiting for my period - bit who knows when it might decide to turn up!  Glad you're feeling better - have been avoiding cheese and milk and it seems to have calmed down a bit (but wondering if I can risk mayonnaise on my chips this evening!!)

Puffin x


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Re: Horrible throat mucus - is this meno as well? Yuk!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2021, 10:16:25 PM »

I use olbas oil on my pillow when I get this. It seems to clear my throat. I have chronic rhinitis and a deviated septum so know what you're going through.