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Author Topic: Really stressed out  (Read 5836 times)


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Really stressed out
« on: September 09, 2015, 03:10:07 AM »

Hi everyone,
I really am feeling down. I just don't have a clue what I can do to alleviate the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. Nothing seems to be helping at the moment,  I am at present on premique and every few days using gynest cream and these do not seem to be working. I have really bad bouts always of an evening it seems to be like a bad cystitus attack. I can feel bad for four to six hours then it will just disappear. I can feel okay most of the day. Its so strange. Im beginning to doubt I have vaginal atrophy at times. Only one doctor said I have this but then again she was the only one who examined me. This as been going on now for three years and I'm  exhausted now with it. I've been very bad tonight. The thing is I can't sleep when I feel so bad so sometimes I'm up for hours and unable to sleep because of the agitation. I can be really bad for upto six hours. Another doc I saw recently as given me sertraline because of the stress. Could anyone please give me advise on what HRT or combination of HRT's could possibly work for me.

Suzi Q

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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2015, 05:01:52 AM »

Have you tried Vagifem? I have severe atrophy
After 3 years there will be visable signs
Have you looked down there?
Your inner labias will be thinner not plump look paler may have gone smaller as well
The clitoral hood may look smaller not as standoutish
Peeing for Britain it hurts to sit for long times showers and baths seem to irritate it
Just sore and sex is uncomfortable if you have any symptoms like this then it is Atrophy


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 11:14:30 AM »

Hi Suzi Q
Thanks for the post. Yes I have tried Vagifem and I kept getting thrush. Yeah I've looked many times. But I'm plumped up down there and not pale. But I'm up all night like you have said weeing. Last night didn't get to sleep until turned five, I'm tired out and depressed to be honest. I'm off work at the min on the sick. I can't even attempt working. Half the problem is each doc I have seen seems to have a no  clue what to give me and all say different things. I have seen someone private the other week and he's the only one I would trust what he says. he was more informative and helpful. Seeing him again on the 29th October. Seeing my own doc on 1st Oct. I'm feeling so down with this and now it's affecting me mentally. The gynest cream seems to give relief after a few hours along with paracetamol. xx


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 01:32:15 PM »

Your symptoms sound very like mine.  I've had this on and off since my early 40s and I'm now 59. I know what you mean about it starting up and then disappearing - I find it often starts after lunch and then often subsides during the evening - though I've sometimes had it almost continually. I think drinking things like tea or coffee aggravate and many say they have to avoid all acidic drink and foods - anything sweet can trigger this discomfort. 
This horrid burning and UTI type symptoms are generally thought to be related to atrophy - my understanding is that our urethra gets squashed or shortened as gravity makes everything in that area drop!!! :-X Emptying the bladder becomes harder (therefore more likely to get a UTI) and any change in the vaginal flora or being really hot sitting down can make the, already sore, urethra react badly. There is some research being done, by a doctor one of the ladies on MM has seen, that believes it can be related to a deep seated infection in the bladder that requires particular antibiotics of some months to clear it.
I also get up at least twice a night so I try to drink lots during the day and avoid drinking in the evenings. I tried Vagifem and the oestrogen creams - for me the creams made things much worse as I think the fillers irritated.  You say you got thrush from Vagifem!!! Did you actually have that cottage cheese type discharge or were you just itchy and sore? For many years I have found that using a vaginal gel, that helps to keep the acidity level in the vagina as it should be, really helps - often soothing the burning and prevents things like thrush and BV taking hold. I use Multi Gyn Actigel but there are other products available, so again it's trial and error finding one that suits you. I use a dollop of this gel every evening after my shower and find it really helps. I fI'm feeling itchy or sore I just use a bit extra throughout the day.  It can burn a bit when first applied but then there is a soothing action.
I am back on HRT which is really helping - I continued with Vagifem alongside to start with but I'm finding I don't need it so much now. I just need to be careful I empty my bladder regularly, keep cool around my 'lady parts' - actually putting my feet up for half an hour after lunch can relieve things as well!!!!!
For me sitting down for any length of time is a big no,no!!!
BTW can you go 2-4 hours between wees during the day? HAve you tried taking Nytol (the one with antihistamine) as this can sometimes help to break the cycle of constantly needing to pee in the night.  If you need to wee too often it could be worth being referred to the special clinics that help with this - your GP can refer you.
I do empathise - it's so horrid. Hope this all helps.  DG x


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2015, 01:41:44 PM »

Hi dap5645, I'm so sorry to hear about your discomfort/pain in this area. I've had problems myself too.

I don't know anything about which hormonal creams might help, as I've no experience of them (as yet), but I have found that wearing a washable cotton pad can help ease the discomfort down there and stop it from flaring up. I treated myself to some from Earthwise and they really do make a big difference. So soft and comfortable to wear. If you're sitting down a lot (ie: office work), they can help, and if you like going for long walks or doing strenuous things, they also help stop any 'friction build-up' -- which can lead to overheating and aggravate any problems.

I know this is no help in a curative sense but it may at least alleviate things a bit for you in the short term. Good luck finding something that really helps though.


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2015, 01:47:06 PM »



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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2015, 04:27:36 PM »

Hi Dancinggirl,
Thanks for the post it's been very informative for me. I have quite honestly thought I have something else. I think I am reading too much from the computer but that's been the only information I have been able to get my docs have been an absolute waste of time. One  kept telling me you can't be getting worse, I kept telling him I was. Yes I got the cottage cheese discharge from using vagifem and real soreness and burning on the outside. this premique I'm on and been on now for eight weeks as not eased anything but I think as made me completely depressed now.   The research bit into a deep seated infection in the bladder is interesting. You know the strange thing is that when I first got this 3 years ago all my docs thought infection nothing ever showed up in urine samples but kept getting  antibiotics. But at that time I rubbed gynest on (from urologist) and took a nitrofurotoin  a night and had no problem like I have now. But I think the antibiotics were like a placebo to me. I can not seem to focus on what I should be doing to alleviate it. docs don't seem to help any. Aw thanks so much for your post xx


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2015, 04:36:35 PM »

Hi LadyJane,
Thanks so much for your post  I will look for these cotton pads. I will try anything to alleviate it for the time being. I do a lot of walking a rushng about at work. This then in turn makes me hot down there, then I feel an attack coming on. I havn't been able to face work at the moment and had to go sick. I'm just getting upset and stressed out with everything at minute. Hope you are doing okay with your problems. Take care xx     


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2015, 04:38:24 PM »


Aw thanks for the big hug. Hope you are doing okay. Take care xx


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2015, 05:59:54 PM »

dap5645 - The premique HRt will take at least 3-6 months to help with things around your vagina and bladder - so I'm afraid you need to be patient.  I would perhaps up the the oestrogen cream and perhaps use it more often to increase the benefits. Do try some vaginal moisturiser or the gel I suggested as this will help as well.
I'm sure you are already practising the 'be kind to your bits' regime e.g. no scented soaps, take showers not baths etc. Try drinking only water for a few days to see if that helps as well. 
I'm afraid this is more common than people think - imagine how many women are out there suffering but too embarassed to ask their GPs for help!!!??? I told many specialist about this burning and none of them took any notice - it was only when I mentioned it to the practise nurse at my new GP practise after I had moved that someone knew about this!!!!
There are lots of threads about this so do browse around.
Keep us posted.  DG xxx


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2015, 07:28:38 PM »

Hi dap - as your symptoms are so bladder related have you been referred to a specialist for urodynamic testing to check the state of your bladder, the way it functions and what triggers the night time weeing? It is really important that you get this done so that you can find out what is triggering your symptoms.  Have you thought about interstitial cystitis   

Taz x


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2015, 08:09:32 PM »

Hi  Taz,
Thanks for your post. I'm sorry I havn't got back sooner. Been feeling pretty ropey really. Hope you are well. I have seen a urologist and had a camera into my bladder. I have some diverticulae but he reckons that they would not be causing me these symptoms. He shook his head and thought the only thing that could be causing me these symptoms is lack of estrogen. Seen a gynocologist other week. Told to stay on premique until the 29th Oct when I see him again. I'm also using Gynest cream twice a week which definitely eases my symptoms. He also said about the bladder having many estrogen recepticles so it could be this lack of estrogen. I, like you have also thought of interstitial cystitis. Got to the stage now Taz I have not got a clue what's going on. Thanks so much for the information. Take care. xx


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2015, 09:13:09 PM »

Hi there, so sorry you are feeling bad, I have been in the same situation as you and have had to adjust my lifestyle in order to live with this. I now have a sit down/stand up work station at work as I can no longer tolerate sitting. This all started with a UTI but has been diagnosed by various specialists as the following:

Vaginal atrophy
Interstitial cystitis
Trapped pudendal nerve

I don't think anyone really knows what it is and I am just a shadow of the person I used to be, I can no longer drive very far either. In order to stay pain free I pretty much have to avoid sitting all the time. I also have diverticulosis and have had two cystoscopies.


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2015, 11:55:24 AM »

Start using the Gynest cream nightly!  It's a bit Trial and Error in that our bits sometimes need more than recommended.  Keep notes on how you feel 'up there'  ;)!


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Re: Really stressed out
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2015, 02:44:59 PM »

Hi Judith,

Thanks for your post.  You have had a really bad time with these conditions, I feel for you. I know it is so hard to explain to anyone how you are feeling. At the present time I feel really depressed and also have not just this to contend with but my daughter is home with a baby after being in a domestic violence situation and have my dad seriously ill with an aortic aneurism and then work o top. Well just cudn't face running around at work I had to go sick. I am sure that my problem started with stress and it always goes worse when I get worked up. This started off the same as yours with a UTI. I hope you are doing okay Judith now. Look after yourself xxx
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