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Author Topic: Sleeping or rather lack of it  (Read 3278 times)


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Sleeping or rather lack of it
« on: September 09, 2015, 02:27:04 PM »

I wonder if anyone has found something that helps with getting off to sleep.  I've had lots of problems for the past 3 or 4 years but then seemed to settle down.  I'm 54 and post menopausal.  I've managed without hrt so far as the flushes haven't been too bad.  However, the past couple of weeks have been horrendous no matter what I try.  I've tried all the usual things plus loads of herbal tablets with no success.  Isn't helped now by the fact that have to be up for work so can't have any lie in during the week.  I have recently taken over the care of my Dad who is now living with us and I'm in the process of sorting his house out to sell so pretty stressed.

Anything anyone can suggest as I am so, so tired.

Thank you.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2015, 03:35:44 PM »

I've been having the same problem, for different reasons. Maybe as you say stress is doing it.
Have you tried no bright light an hour before bed, no PCs or ipad an hour before. Lavender pillow spray. I bought magnesium spray as it aids sleep, and I'm scared of many supplements. Some days it helps some days not. I also only have a milky drink for bed. Oddly I sleep better when I eat an apple early evening but that maybe me being daft. I have just got a neuro to tell my GP to prescribe melatonin for sleep. All of the states and Canada and europe can get it over the counter, just not us.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 03:38:30 PM »

HAve you tried Nytol or similar - something that contains an antihistamine which will make you sleepy - I use this occasionally to help break the cycle of not being able to get to sleep. It's non additive but if used too often it will stop working so I never use it more that 2-3 nights in a row.  Try the 2 pills per night version as I find just one pill (which is a half dose) will do the trick.  I think sleep problems can get into a habit and also when you know you need to sleep because you have to get up early that can make it worse. DG x


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 05:15:44 PM »

Sorry to hear about yout sleep problems - there is nothing worse - a good night's sleep is essential to be able to function properly especially with the stress involved in your caring responsibilities.

Have you considered HRT and if not would you, if you are not medically advised not to? It should help you sleep and hopefully enable you to cope better with all you have to do.

Hurdity x



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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2015, 06:00:06 PM »

I have problems staying asleep. Fall asleep fast, but then I wake up early morning hours (3 am is a favorite....) and often lay awake until I have to get up. Thoughts racing... :( I qas much better for a while, but now it starts again....


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2015, 06:32:18 PM »

I've used melatonin for years. It's good for getting you off to sleep but less helpful for keeping you asleep (I often wake up around 4am).

You can't buy it over the counter in the UK but there are good, reputable websites which sell it.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2015, 07:54:09 PM »

Not getting back to sleep is really annoying too... You get super stressed when you see the minutes ticking by, and you know you need to get up soon. But you know you nreally need more sleep to function properly.

I start to think that stress is partly to blame for my stomach problems too. I often have loose stools (sorry TMI) in the morning, but am fine the rest of the day. But maybe that early morning stress triggers my stomach to start churning? Anyone else with this issue??


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2015, 09:18:20 PM »

I have a sleep app on my Kindle.

There are lots to choose from.....the one I have is sounds of the sea. When I have problems dropping off I lie and listen to waves lapping on the shore.
I don't even try to sleep. I just listen and try to relax with deep belly breathing. I eventually drop off and I reassure myself that even if I'm not sleeping I'm at least resting. It kind of takes the pressure off.



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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2015, 05:24:06 AM »

I'm the same 20032003 wake up around 3am, I fall asleep very quick, it's just staying asleep is the problem, I normally get up because I start tossing and turning, then the mind starts racing xx


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2015, 10:32:37 AM »

Same here, been like this 3.5 years :(

Done a little better this week, I have been taking yogi bedtime herbal tea and night time rescue remedy, also had acupuncture for this problem. AND, as the DH is a snorer I bought some of those stick on things for his nose to open the air waves, not stopped him but has certainly reduced it.  The cooler nights are helping me too.

Recent extra stress has made the need to do something a bit more important and so far so good.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2015, 11:01:02 AM »

Thank you everyone.  It is somehow comforting to know I am not alone even though i wouldn't wish this on anyone.  I have tried nytol but it made me feel really drowsy next day which wasn't good.  Maybe I'll try cutting a tablet in half.  If it continues for much longer I suppose I will have to consider hrt but in lots of ways I  don't want to just for this one symptom as the flushes have almost stopped now.

Keep plodding on.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2015, 03:23:22 PM »

I've always been able to sleep for England. Even during the stress if my university Finals or when I had a nasty health scare in my twenties I could always, always sleep like a baby.

But then 2 years I became peri menopausal and all that changed. Literally overnight. The first night that I failed to fall asleep and lay there all night, watching the clock, I thought I was having some sort of mental health episode.
I was genuinely scared.

And then even when I was sleeping, the quality of my sleep was poor. Sort of felt thin and grey. I woke not feeling rested. I now really treasure a good night's sleep, when before I totally took it for granted. It's usual now for me to wake before 6am and be unable to drop back off to sleep.

I have tried various remedies. Benadryl. Piriton. Kalms Nightime. But nothing really works.

I have just sort of accepted it now. I either go and make myself a warm drink, move to the spare bed and read my Kindle and pretend I'm camping. Or I just lie there and deep breath and let my mind drift without 'trying' to sleep. I reassure myself that at least I am still resting.

I comfort myself that in a day or two I will get another good night's sleep and that takes the pressure off a bit.


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Re: Sleeping or rather lack of it
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2015, 03:30:11 PM »

Valerian tablets can be helpful to some,just check with pharmacists incase of interaction with other medication,as although herbal it's wise to be sure.