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Author Topic: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((  (Read 3150 times)


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Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« on: September 08, 2015, 03:20:22 PM »

Hi everyone,
I started hrt 3/4 months ago ( evorel conti, cut pach into a quarter initially) and apart from small side effects at start I have felt good on it. I would say that over the past 4 weeks I have upped the dose to just under a half a patch and also during this time I have used Overstin for 2 weeks continuous and then twice weekly.

I haven't felt that brilliant the past couple of weeks; not sleeping well, the onset of lots of aches and pains espcially my ankles and wrists. I would say this has tied in with a period of great emotional stress.

I felt a headache coming on Sunday afternoon. It felt more like a tension headache to start with then during the day yesterday I got internittent flashes in front of my eyes. Last night I felt awful. My reaction always is to think it's the hrt because I'm scared. I didn't take the patch off but I peeled off a bit and cut it down to a quarter. It's now Tuesday and I still have this headache and couldn't go to work today. It's across my forehead, it aches around my eyes, side of my nose, top of the head and intermittently on one side. I feel sick as well. Painkillers have not done much.

I know it's only a headache but it's debiltating and I'm again in the situation I can't sleep which leads to not being able to cope with work; one of the main reasons for starting hrt.
Do you think it's the patch causing this? I know you can't take the patch off then on etc - I've done tht before when trying a different one.
Feeling frustrated, annoyed and a painful head.Any suggestions?


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 03:55:49 PM »

Sunnydays - I think it is often easy to blame HRT for everything but you mention you've had a stressful time so a tension headache is highly likely.  Yes, headaches can be a side effect of HRT and maybe your body is doing some adjusting as you are gradually increasing your dose and if this is the case things will probably settle. You mustn't rule out viruses either - last week I had terrible aches, pains, headache and nausea which lasted 7 days - definitely a virus as I'm fine now. Can you take some Co Codomal to help with the headache? Also when I'm a bit tense and over tired, so can't sleep well, I take Nytol for a couple of nights (not the herbal one but the one with some antihistamine in it that you get over the counter at the chemist) to help me get a more relaxed nights sleep and this can break the cycle.
It could also be your sinuses playing up - I get this a lot.  When I get this pain behind my eyes and down my nose I use a saline spray several times a day, take paracetamol every 4-6 hours, drink plenty of water and it then calms down.
I suspect your body is simply adjusting - taking conti HRT can result in slightly more side effects but I really think it's too early for you to tell if this patch is right or not. DG x


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 05:36:09 PM »

Hi Sunnydays

So sorry to hear about your headache. Have you had headaches like this before? As Dancinggirl says it may be nothing to do with the HRT but if it's severe, not like any you've had before, persistent and painkillers are not working, I would go to the doc just to get checked out. It sound a bit like a migraine - do you have sound and light aversion too? I get headaches like this (migraines) which last for 3 days and even when I take painkillers the headache still awakes me in the night - not throbbing all the time but stabbing and persistent.

Provided the doc can find nothing wrong, I agree you should perhaps give the HRT a bit longer for side effects to settle. However as Dancinggirl says headaches can be a side effect and Evorel conti contains norethisterone which affect some women - especially re headaches. It may well be that this HRT type doesn't suit you. Many of us on here also don't like taking continuous progestogens and so even though we are post-menopausal and some of us getting on a bit ( I'm 62) we opt to continue to have a (longer) cycle and withdrawal bleed. This means we get several weeks of oestrogen only and then 12 days of separate progestogen. have a think about this and see if it appeals.

But - do get the severe headache checked out.

Hurdity x


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2015, 03:34:32 PM »

I've been using the Evorel conti patch for the past 6 weeks, only using a third of a patch.  I did try a half of a patch but had a headache and felt sick.  I went back to my GP and she said it could be my body just getting used to it and it may pass.  I'm back to using a third of a patch and feel okay with that. 
I was wondering is this the best HRT regime? I am 58 and maybe I should try something else that is safer.


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2015, 05:58:27 PM »

vickypk - What makes you think it is unsafe? If it works for you then that's great. Transdermal HRT (patches or gel) - such as you are using - are thought to be the safest mode of delivery. Some of us also use bio-identical "natural" progesterone as well - instead of a synthetic one as in Evorel conti but if you are using such a tiny amount I can't see this would be an advantage, especially if you tolerate this well.

Hurdity x


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2015, 06:16:44 PM »

Thanks for your reply Hurdity.  I have been reading different sites and thought utrogestan was a safer way to take the progesterone part of the HRT.  I know the progesterone in the Everol conti is only a small amount.  I've got friends that use the patch and they are fine with them.


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2015, 07:11:20 PM »

Thanks for your replies DG and Hurdity,
Yesterday, after about 3 days of the headache, as the day wore on I could feel it lifting - it was almost tangible as a feeling of 'being myself' (whatever that is haha!) came over me. I'd spent the afternoon in bed on Tuesday which helped and I also put my patch down to just over a quarter. I really do feel that the lower dose suits me better so I'm going to stick with  it rather than increase. On this basis Hurdity I don't think I need to visit the GP although I note your advise and if it happens again I will do. I am interested in the regime you use as there may be a time that constant oestrogen and progesterone, albeit in small doses, no longer suits.

Vicky, I would stick with the lower dose and only increase slowly if needs be. As DG and H say, it is a very low dose; in fact I think that quarter of a patch might be regarded a ultra low dose. I too started on a third and went up to just over a half. I  got some mild headaches and nausea but they passed. I only have limited knowledge on utrogestan, but from what I'v read on this site, it's not so much that it's safer, rather that it has milder side effects (but we are all different and there may be some ladies who don't get on with it!)


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2015, 08:08:42 PM »

Thanks Sunnydays.  I had the same side effects with the headaches and nausea.  I'll see how I get on and may try to increase again soon.  It would be good to hear how you get on with the patch.


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Re: Terrible heacache - is it time to remove my patch :((
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2015, 08:18:59 AM »

Sunny days

I'm a sufferer of headaches and have lost count how many different hrts I've tried since March, estradot for me has worked best and '4head' seems to help more than painkillers on many of the fewer ones I get now

I'm not saying Estradot is best for everyone (and I know it's only oestrogen) but trialling hrt is the only way we know which suits us best

Good luck x