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Author Topic: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)  (Read 8794 times)


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Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« on: September 06, 2015, 07:10:57 PM »

I have a close friend who is very stoical and even kept going when she had mild pneumonia but she has been hit with severe inner ear virus and is bedbound.  She can't stand up or move her head suddenly without severe vertigo and is covered in bruises just from trying to get to the loo. thankfully she has a husband to look after her otherwise she says she does not know what would happen.

She has had it for 4 days so far - the Dr says nothing they can do just has to wait it out and it could be 1-4 weeks before she starts to get better.

She is going to speak to Dr again tomorrow to see if there is anything they can do - she has anti sickness tablets.

A few of her friends have asked me if she is infectious and I think that this isn't infectious as such that its  a virus that in her has gone to her inner ear for some reason.

Wondered if anyone knows the answer to this or has any experience of it and how long it takes to improve??


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2015, 07:27:47 PM »

I had this about 18mths ago. Came out of the blue and frightened me to death as I had never heard of it before. Doc gave me anti-sickness tablets but said only to take them if desperate!. It seems the best thing is to try to move around as much as possible so that the balance of the inner ear reprogrammes itself-easier said than done. Hubby who was a pilot said its the same effect you get when the giros topple when doing aerobatics and you have to set things up again. I found the first 3/4 days the worst then it started to settle but it was a couple of weeks before I felt really stable again, it really is a horrible thing. Don't think the virus is infectious though, it seems to be just one of those things, I was told it can recur but not done so as yet thank goodness. Hope your friend feels better soon,she has my sympathy.



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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2015, 07:35:21 PM »

It's not nice. I tried to struggle on with it initially, going to work etc. But one day I was so dizzy I was literally hanging onto walls when I got off the bus going to work. My very unsympathetic boss said it was all in my imagination! Strangely two of my neighbours had it at the same time. I had to take couple of weeks or so off work. We never figured that one out, unless a virus had caused similar effects.


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2015, 07:37:01 PM »

thorntrees is right. My son had this last year and it is important to start moving around as soon as you can. The virus damages the normal balance of the ear and new pathways have to be made. Details here You can be prescribed Stemetil but this can make things last much longer as it stops the brain working out the new pathways. It is a really debilitating illness.

My son ended up having to see an ENT specialist, luckily he had private cover so didn't have to wait, who gave him exercises to do to help his recovery. He still gets episodes of the dizziness if he gets stressed or over tired.  He spent quite a few weeks having to walk against walls and fences to keep himself steady. He got quite a few horrible comments from passers by thinking he was drunk at 8 in the morning.

Taz x


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2015, 07:47:49 PM »

I was referred to neurologist, but by the time I saw him the worst was past. Can't remember what I was given, but was told to use Bucastem for nausea if I needed it.


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2015, 07:51:07 PM »

Reading what Cubagirl said reminded me that the doctor I saw said that there had been a cluster of cases at the time so maybe there is a virus element in the air or something but don't think it passes from person to person as such. I do remember going shopping a week after it started and found being in a big busy place very disorientating, hung onto the trolley and hoped I didn't meet anyone I knew!.



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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2015, 08:03:28 PM »

Thanks everyone.  She has decided to stop the anti sickness medication as she has read that taking the tablets can just prolong it. She isn't feeling sick today anyway.  She has just managed to get downstairs to the reclining sofa and is going to stay there and sleep there  as its more comfy than sitting in bed!



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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2015, 08:06:24 PM »

Hope she feels better soon. There's no way of knowing how long it can last. My mum had it for two weeks but a friend had to take a whole year off work and still isn't able to drive. In some people it can change to Vestibular Neuritis.

It's good that she no longer feels sick - encouraging.

Taz x


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2015, 09:36:49 PM »

Taking the tablets is unlikely to prolong the condition which is usually caused by a virus  ::).  I know the moment I open my eyes in the morning and I dare not move …….. getting to the bathroom and staying there is the only way I can deal with it, swallowing the medication stopped me feeling sick.  If it prolonged the condition GPs wouldn't prescribe it!  I had Stemitil and other meds. and once the nausea stops and I can lift my head then I begin to recover.  The longest was 12 hours over a New Year's Eve  >:( - my GP was away and the 1 we spoke with wouldn't believe that I never drink. 

My GP was less than impressed with his colleagues handling of my symptoms!

Hopefully your friend will feel better soon but do keep taking the medication to stop the nausea. She is more likely to begin moving around if she doesn't feel sick!


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2015, 10:49:01 PM »

Stemetil should be stopped as soon as possible. It stops the brain naturally compensating and finding new ways to regain balance.

It is good in the beginning but shouldn't be used for long.

Taz x


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2015, 07:11:01 AM »

She did say that she is going to stop the anti sickness tablets, she has not been given stemetil or serc but if the sickness comes back then she will restart them, so she is being sensible.  AS she seemed a little better last night having being able to walk upright for a few steps for the first time in days I am keeping fingers crossed that she will continue to slowly improve over this week but she knows she has to just rest and not push herself.

I have now heard of 5 people in my very small town with this so there must be a virus around thats going to the ears of suseptible people!

Taz thats a really good link, thank you.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 07:14:31 AM by countrybumpkin »


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2015, 06:53:01 PM »

I had this about a year ago and was given anti sickness tablets.
Luckily it didn't last long but horrible all the same.


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2015, 07:26:20 PM »

She is a bit better today, managed to stand up to have a shower although she still feels very dizzy and any sudden movements trigger it off. She also says she has alot of pain in and around her eyes which has been a feature since the start.


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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2015, 07:34:41 PM »

Taz is correct about stopping the tablets as soon as possible or it does prolong the condition. The balance organs and brain need to compensate and that in turn will stop the sickness. Taking the tablets delays that process so although prescribed by the doctor they do usually tell you to take as few as possible.
Hope the improvement continues.



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Re: Friend has severe labyrinthitis ( sp?)
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2015, 10:44:02 AM »

She is back in bed this morning, seems that mornings are the wort time as she thought she was so much better as yesterday went on. Seems that a nights sleep puts her back to square one!  Poor soul.

I had a plumber here this morning just doing a 2 minute sealant job in the bathroom and I noticed he kept making loud burps which I thought was odd as I have used him many times before and he is usually well mannered!  As he was leaving he said he felt dreadful he had been sick in the bed this morning and his wife told him not to go to work and he thought she was right.

I have now disinfected every surface from my front door to all of my bathroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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