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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Vagifem 10m finally arrived  (Read 4718 times)

Suzi Q

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Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« on: September 05, 2015, 05:08:34 AM »

Went to GPs this morning for check up and for rpt script of Vagifen
He looked in MIMS and said Vagifems only 10m now (Ive 6 n a BOX and 2 fill boxes of 25 left)
So he gave me 3 scripts Sept Oct and Nov cos he said just use every other day he knows ho bad Ive been
Geoffrey took my old scipt down to th chemist I still had one and they said sorry not only dont we ave 25
But we cant fill the scripts out cos it is for 25mg even though script was only done in May and valid a year.
So IMO they must have pULED them off the shelves in the last 2 weeks or so and no notice like UK


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 08:43:51 AM »

How annoying for you Suzi Q! Yes if you had had warning you could have stocked up for a while. I can see every other day is not so convenient - re intimacy - but I know some women are using two at once twice a week (with the OK from their doc) instead of every other day - which gives almost the same amount. Perhaps you could consider that but it would be a it more filler as I think the 10 mcg and 25 mcg tabs are the same size?

Hurdity x

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2015, 05:40:04 AM »

I went to 5 chemists yesterday afternoon  and today (GP closed)
Every chemist wouldnt fill out the scripts as G wrote either 25 or jus Vagifem
Seem its has to say Vagifem low so tomorfrow I have to go to my local  Chemist
See what they say get my GP to ring themallow them to change the scripts
Or get him to send me new ones I live 1hf away by car and I dont drive and I paid 30 pounds to see him
Its a mess one in a discount chemist the actual chemist was so rude and she would never see 65 again
I lost it I said ex me IM not asking for heroin or cocaine this is something to shove up my lady parts
I said one presumes YOU sailed through meno hey PROBABLY with HRT I couldnt use it I then walked out
As if that wasnt bad enough its DADS day here had our Zeke since 1030am yesterday lunchtime we drove over picked son up had DADS day ;lunch here as his wife doesnt get back from working in Germany till 6pm Zeke was running around te ounge when BANG straight head first in to the wall
Not the lat but the corner GOD I thought hed have split his had open or get knocked out I felt sick
He seems OK screamed big bump and a line across his head but I can imagine how Jens going to feel
Can this bloody weekend get any worse shinnnnnnnnnne a light I feel so sick about our Zeke
Sent sontxt saying watch him today and nigt and tomorrow as hes in daycare monday and Friday
I said tell the ladies what happned so they can keep an eye on him wish us all luck small things can
Sometimes seem insumountable and tnhis weekends scared me witless


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2015, 10:35:56 AM »

Suzi - Good grief you've had a horrid weekend.

Don't beat yourself up about Zeke, these things happen. At least the skin wasn't broken, head wounds bleed horribly. I'me sure your Son will keep a close watch on him, hopefully it's just a bump and nowt else will happen.

The vagifem situation sounds tedious in the extreme - lots of jobsworths enjoying themselves.
Good luck for next week.


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2015, 10:44:01 AM »

What a carry on Suzi.

Sure Zeke will be fine. Our daughter, at age 2, was running about at my mum's. She slipped and cracked her head off mum's coffee table. It was some bruise she got. We were heading off on holiday & she had black eye! She was absolutely fine.

Hope everything settles soon.

ancient runner

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2015, 11:38:29 AM »

Oh Suzi, what a palaver.
The other thing might be - can you get ESTRING in Oz? It's an oestrogen ring, goes up your fanny for three months at a time, dribbles out 50mcg of oestrogen a week and you don't have to do anything. So it's the same dose as your old Vagifem. If you need a new prescription, maybe it should be for that??
Take care.

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2015, 12:47:46 PM »

What a b...y year.
Thanks for our Zeke fingers hes ok David texted said stop apologising it was an accident
He was watching him as we all were running around BUT how must ppor Jen feel
She been working in Germany since Tuesday night back tonight she will be home now
To come back to a so with a huge Lump and uncut gash on his head she feels bad enough leaving him
19mnths and not once has he hurt himself with us AM I too old is he too fast I posted helicopter MUM
On my facebook page cos I HOVER over him all the time just in case today I was in the kitchen AHHHH
As for Vagifem mess and it is a mess I decided once I get this sorted I will use 1 x25 on Sundays
2x10 on Thursdays put them in an hour or so part so ones disolving Ive got 15 weeks of 25m left
But the whole things kocked me sick not just Vagifem lowering dose I knew wed get it eventually
They dumped the supplies here and in NZ they didnt use in UK etc its the mess with the scripts AHHH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2015, 03:01:05 PM »

Suzi  :bighug:


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2015, 03:46:06 PM »

I use Vagifem 10 every other day and I do fine with no problems at all, just comfort and no UTIs or thrush or anything  :)


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2015, 09:44:32 AM »

Hi Suzi Q - sorry to hear about Zeke and hope he's OK now? Bumps on the head are always alarming at the time but rarely serious thanks goodness!

Haha - I love your comment to the chemist!! That's terrible that the supplies were dumped - I'm sure that didn't happen here. Usually what happens when a medicine is withdrawn, unless it is due to a health scare and recalled, then existing supplies are just used up and run down until no more obtained. Has happened here with several products. They are discontinued but we can still get them for a few months. Presumably they were still manufactured on Oz for a while or else shipped from US because the same regulations (re dose 10 vs 25) didn't apply in Oz?

Hurdity x


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2015, 09:52:47 PM »

hi, it seems quite common now,vagifem every other day... i have even been told to use it everyday... the gyne who advised it, said she had many ladies on every day...  although i didnt give it a go,  i do however,  use four a week, that means i do two days in a row. i wonder how many people insert at night, and and how many in the morning...  ????? is there any difference to the affect ...m

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2015, 04:43:28 AM »

I use Vagifem 10 every other day and I do fine with no problems at all, just comfort and no UTIs or thrush or anything  :)

GP wrote 5x10mg maybe thats the way to go Sun Tue Thur Sat etc
I have problems as is and occasionally have to put an extra one in
If I sit too long on computer the pressure on my opening makes it sore
Yet sex is 100% fine??????????

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2015, 04:47:39 AM »

Hi Suzi Q - sorry to hear about Zeke and hope he's OK now? Bumps on the head are always alarming at the time but rarely serious thanks goodness!

Haha - I love your comment to the chemist!! That's terrible that the supplies were dumped - I'm sure that didn't happen here. Usually what happens when a medicine is withdrawn, unless it is due to a health scare and recalled, then existing supplies are just used up and run down until no more obtained. Has happened here with several products. They are discontinued but we can still get them for a few months. Presumably they were still manufactured on Oz for a while or else shipped from US because the same regulations (re dose 10 vs 25) didn't apply in Oz?

Hurdity x
The NICE chemist said they just got told to pull the Vagifem 25 he said they said to do it in 5 days
Then they had to put an order in for 10mg
Some dont have it in stock they are waiting HE A MAN said he had ladies almost in tears
He couldnt do a thing he couldnt honour the script though he did say hed given some ladies 2 x25
Till they got a new script its up to the Chemist if they do that

Suzi Q

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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2015, 04:57:26 AM »

Suzi - Good grief you've had a horrid weekend.

Don't beat yourself up about Zeke, these things happen. At least the skin wasn't broken, head wounds bleed horribly. I'me sure your Son will keep a close watch on him, hopefully it's just a bump and nowt else will happen.

The vagifem situation sounds tedious in the extreme - lots of jobsworths enjoying themselves.
Good luck for next week.

I know s..t happens but doesnt make me feel better
Jen was pod off though Im not sure who at! she hasnt rung or spoke to me but then she never does
Zekes fine but tomorrow Im off to look after him for the usual 9hrs on Thursday and I feel sick
I dont know what to say to dinlaw I dont know if Im capable now of looking after a 19mnth old alone
Not especially in one room its only going to get harder they live on a hill / it kills me to walk up it
So I cant take Zeke out.@outside areas are Italian Tiles not being responsable for him playing out there
When hes at mine hes out in the garden on GRASS or we walk to the beach or playground hes occupied
But at sons house we are just in the living room and big balconey hes getting bored now so by Jan@2?
I asked Geofffrey said I thought they should look at putting Zeke in daycare for a 3rd day a week in Jan
Id still go over etc and we can still have him for overnight at weekends Bobbles said dont be silly
But hes not doing it and its getting harder at their house and the travel 2hrs to get there up and gone at 645am no home till 7pm and thats with Geoffrey picking me up IM all over the place but thanks xxx


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Re: Vagifem 10m finally arrived
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2015, 08:36:21 PM »

Sorry the 10s have finally got to you, Suzi.... hope you get the scripts sorted out soon and adapt to your new regime, whatever you find is best for you.

Just to say that I use 2 x 10mcg together twice a week and sometimes an extra and have never had any problem with the absorption.

Good luck Suzi  :)
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