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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: nauseous and terrified  (Read 15189 times)


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2015, 04:29:29 PM »

Pepperminty, so sorry to hear this. It's a horrible place to be, made worse if you're alone.  So glad your boyfriend's able to see you this evening.

You must be ultra sensitive to the estrogen. I wonder if it's the fluctuations your body doesnt like, or the estrogen per se? I think with me, it's any form of fluctuation - up or down - that sets things awry. If that is the case, then you should feel better v soon ... if you can stand the time in between? Alternatively, have you ever tried a patch? It would be less potent than the synthetic estrogen in Mercilon.

Your nurse sounds as helpful as a chocolate tea pot. High and low estrogen can both cause anxiety - as ladies' experiences on here frequently demonstrate. The fact yours goes crazy when levels change suggests you're sensitive to the fluctuations rather than it being an external cause, unconnected to hormones. She was all you needed today! If you're stuck, have you considered either emailing Dr Currie or else going to your local FPC? They were so helpful when I went for advice regarding the pill and peri menopause a while back.

Anyway, pointless me asking you questions at this moment. If you're anything like me, then simply logging on will be an ordeal when you feel like this, let alone having to function enough to create a coherent response!

Just wanted you to know that - like the others here - I am thinking of you.

B xxx 


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2015, 05:12:42 PM »

Hi Everyone ,

thank you so much for your support it really has helped. I think it definitely is the sudden burst of hormones that I am sensitive too. And the pill is a lot stronger dose.

I am feeling less wired now, but I suspect that is somewhat to do with the fact that the pill has worn off a bit. Also my friend has just left and she has seen me through the whole HRT saga and she thinks going by my symptoms as I do, that it is the stronger doses that effect me.

I am going to have something to eat and try to relax - what a waste of a day being unable to function.
I think I am better off on the lower dose.

Actually being more coherent now, just goes to show that the effects are wearing off!!

My man has been a sweety calling me and being supportive, so that is a relief.
I was actually quite hopeful yesterday, that it would work , but you live and you learn.

Just exhausted now but more with it.



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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2015, 06:17:54 PM »

have a good evening, and hope tomorrow is a better day for you. :)


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2015, 06:18:22 PM »

Pminty so sorry to hear you are feeling rough.

One way of coping might be to treat yourself as though you have flu..... Be nice to yourself, know that it will get better, don't expect too much of yourself, do as little as possible, eat what you fancy when you fancy,  curl up and watch tv, don't expect a good nights sleep and hope that it's gone in 4 - 8 days.

Many menopausal symptoms I believe are due to fluctuations rather than lack of hormones and it could be you are extra sensitive to fluctuations.

Look after yourself and let us know how you are tomorrow ?


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2015, 06:27:02 PM »

ladies thank you so much again.

I have had a hot water bottle and blanket all day, so unlike me as I am normally hot!! Especially during a period!

I have had a hot bath and I am going to have an early night.

Again this has been a life saver today knowing I have support out there, I will post tomorrow with better news hopefully.



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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2015, 06:47:52 PM »

Don't take The Pill again!

Enjoy your bath.


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2015, 07:19:07 PM »

ladies thank you so much again.

I have had a hot water bottle and blanket all day, so unlike me as I am normally hot!! Especially during a period!


I've never really had a flush, but always get the chills when I have hormonal nausea and fatigue.  Hot water bottle really helps, regardless of outside temperature, as does a hot drink in your hands (even if you dont feel like drinking it).  Hope things will have eased by Thursday xx 


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2015, 07:24:17 PM »

As for the Nurse, anxiety cannot be imagined  :bang: :bang: :bang: no wonder you feel miffed!  ::)


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2015, 07:43:32 PM »

i agree dont take the pill... i just knew the progestrone tabs were making me ill.. even when dr said carry on ..i knew.. so stopped immediately..  glad your feeling calmer, xxx


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2015, 08:43:35 PM »

Only just been able to log on now. You poor thing, I am so sorry you had such a horrible reaction to the Pill. You know I totally understand where you're coming from when it comes to sudden and extreme mood dips and anxiety.

I agree with others who have said it is perfectly possible to react very quickly and intensely to hormones. I am the poster for it. I can switch from feeling bleak despair mixed with anxiety to feeling calm and centered in the time it takes to drink a coffee.

Also like you I can go to sleep feeling 'normal' and then wake at 4am feeling so wired and jittery that I feel nauseous.

I agree with Briony that you're likely to be reacting to the hormonal 'change' rather than the actual dose. You're obviously sensitive to the changes (me too).

You feeling chilled sounds very familiar. I can suddenly feel so chilled that I have to soak in a hot bath to warm up. I get headaches and nausea at the same time. It's hormones. Bloody hormones.

I think you have really been through the mill these last 6 months. I think you need a period of calm stability to give your body/mind time to convalesce. How about sticking with the 1/10 for the next few months, just so you can rest? I know the 2 week periods are a hassle but perhaps they're the lesser of two evils right now?

Glad you're feeling calmer. Keep us posted xxx


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2015, 08:54:58 PM »

Great post GRL x


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2015, 09:04:30 AM »

Thank you everyone for your advice and support, I have read everyone's input and you have all been so kind.

I wont write all your names as I do not want to leave anyone out!! But you have all made perfect sense and given good advice.

I am Knackered but Ok today as I have gone back to the 1/10 where I know that I am functioning ok even with the 2 week period which is the lesser of 2 evils!! (GRL)

I am much calmer today, and just taking it easy. I think it will take a couple of days to recover.
Why on earth the health professionals don't acknowledge that some people react badly to increased hormones I do not know!!
As well as the anxiety, I went from looking normal to really awful overnight - my friend said I looked rough. I cannot imagine myself into that if you know what I mean.

I obviously am very susceptible to hormones.

This I think explains why when I went on HRT the first time ( prempac c) which is a stronger HRT I was ok the first month and got more and more tired and zombie like by month 3 I was a jittery crying wreck and stopped. Therefore it seems to be the build up that effects me - as with the build up of the 2/10 femeston the other week which caused the same symptoms.

So it seems in conclusion that there may be some of us who aren't doing great on HRT and a suggested increase may not be the answer, and could increase symptoms and cause more problems. Incidentally I am better on 1/10 than off it .

I do feel emotionally and physically drained.

Isn't it scary ladies that we can feel like this? At least I can pin point the cause, but those of us who have it generally and randomly - OMG - dreadful.

So I am sticking to 1/10 and seeing how it goes.

Still a bit miffed with the meno nurse as she implied I was imagining my symptoms and I needed counselling. I have nothing against counselling etc  but that's the same as saying  that "this medication is causing you to have diarrhea , why not have some counselling to help!!"
Just because it is a mental symptom for want of a better description doesn't mean you have caused it!! Hilariously I did have diarrhea as well!!

Oh ladies what a roller coaster !!
I did curl up and watch TV  condoms it is now !!

Thank you all again.


Mary G

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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2015, 05:31:16 PM »

Pepperminty, I'm so sorry you are going through this hell, it does sounds frightening but don't worry, it won't last.

I doubt this is because of taking one pill but there is a slight chance you have suddenly developed an acute intolerance to progesterone.  Do you know exactly what is in the pills i.e. ratio of oestrogen to progesterone?  Is it worth running that idea past the meno nurse? 

Sorry to bother you at a time like this but why have you gone from HRT to the pill? 


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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2015, 05:51:06 PM »

Hi Mary G,

I swopped because I was getting long periods and still exhausted and also for contraceptive purposes. If it worked it shuts down the peri symptoms - but is didn't for me unfortunately. My Gp thought it would work too.

Any way I am back on the low dose HRT and no longer a jabbering wreck, just knackered now!!

NO more BC Pills for me !

Sorry Sparkle - TV and condoms !! My meno brain too!!



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Re: nauseous and terrified
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2015, 08:00:47 PM »

Hi pepperminty - have been busy for a few days and only just logged on... so sorry to hear about this and how dare your meno nurse be anything other than sympathetic and listen to your concerns! As you say the CCP is not a normal ie bio-identical oestrogen - it is synthetic and I presume it's one of those with fixed amount of each so also high dose of synthetic progestogen?

No wonder you felt rough if you are sensitive to any of these. The equine oestrogens are also very strong so interesting that you felt the same on those.

I agree with the others - good that you are going back to the Femoston 1/10 - did you think of Qlaira though and if not why not - as the oestrogen at least is estradiol?

Anyway hope you are feeling better and just sending you  :hug:

Hurdity x :)

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