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Author Topic: Gone so nervous not the same anymore  (Read 7006 times)


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Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:36:24 PM »


I've had a few investigations done recently and waiting to go back and see consultant, but was thinking today how I've changed since meno and anxiety, afraid to excercise still as I have a fear of my heart racing and something bad happening, if I do go for a walk I take my asthma pump before hand, take water, bachs rescue remedy, something to eat incase I feel odd, it's true even just a short walk I'm do nervous if everything, and worry about my health a lot, about being burgled, about thunderstorms, I don't drink hardly ever as I think it will make my anxiety worst, and it makes me hot, which u associate with night sweats and that panic feeling that comes with it as your hearts racing,I wonder if I will ever calm down again x


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 09:39:13 PM »

It's awful when it takes over!  However: when you return from your walk, how do you feel, obviously you haven't fainted etc.?  Use those feelings as a base-line, continue with the walking and perhaps do it twice a day?  Your pre-walk regime sounds 'normal/usual' to me ………. do you need to use the Rescue Remedy when out and about?  I carried a tube for years 'in case', having it to hand really helped!

HORMONES  >:(  ::)


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 09:21:04 AM »

Hi no I don't actually use it, just feel I need to take it, usually I'm ok when out, there have been afew times when I've had to turn back or felt a bit shaky anxious when out and had to calm myself, daft isn't it? I used to walk quite a lot and didn't even think about it


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2015, 12:06:25 PM »

Not daft at all! give yourself a pat on the back each time you manage to be out and about, with or without anxiety.  I always breath a sigh of relief once home  ::) and occasionally stand still, simply enjoying being out without feeling nervous.  It is what it is.  You have your 'safety' regime, in case  ;)


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 01:30:01 PM »

I know the feeling I'm worrying about everything at the moment it's driving me crazy, I'm due to go on holiday next week, can't stop worrying, what if something happens while I'm there, it's spoiling the build up to the holiday xx


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2015, 04:45:28 PM »

Hi Karenja

I know exactly how your feeling ;) I'm in a dark place at the moment with anxiety ect......

I met with a councillor today who was really good and she told me although I may never be the person I was before meno set in 5 years ago I will get to feel better than I do now and with help enjoy life again.

I too am going on holiday week after next, been thinking about cancelling but feel better after todays appointment.

Remember your not alone, and you will get better even though there may be a 'change'



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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 05:01:01 PM »

Yep unfortunately it's not called the change for nowt  ;)


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 05:42:38 PM »

There is hope Karenja.

My Mum suffered terribly with hormonal anxiety as she went into her 40s. I was only a little girl at the time but I still remember her becoming highly agitated and at least once my poor Dad had to call out the emergency GP in the middle of the night because she was in such a dreadful state.

But that was over 30 years ago and she can barely remember how she suffered and has led a very busy and outgoing life for well over 20 years.


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2015, 11:51:14 AM »

I have just ordered some 'rescue remedy' you can get gum now too, and rescue remedy night for sleep ordered that  - I knew I had read it somewhere.

today's anxiety is pretty bleak, and the irritation with everybody and everything is off the scale.  Hopefully I just have to go out one more time today.


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2015, 12:03:24 PM »

will let you all know :)  I take Quiet Life, but I am not convinced they are working so well today :(


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2015, 09:39:15 PM »

I'm also have attacks of the collywobbles.   Everything seems to worry or frighten me at the moment and I'm driving myself nuts.   I have lived alone for a long LOONG while and it never bothered me.  Now I get twitchy and nervous at the drop of a hat.   Just today I thought my beloved cat had got out - he's deaf so I have raised him as a housecat.   Within half an hour I'd convinced myself he'd been squashed on the road or kidnapped or something.   I drove myself absolutely demented right up until a family member I called on to help me search found him snoozing safely under the bed.   Me, I was in bits.   

I hate that I've been reduced to this from a common sensible, calm and practical person.   Is this it for the rest of my natural or will it pass?   


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2015, 09:42:50 PM »

With the cat, probably won't pass  ::) - I was always looking for our 2 who were raised inside.  Top of the airing cupboard was the place one would get, when she was deaf in old age she didn't hear me calling for her  ::)

I got over that by keeping all bedroom doors shut ………. less chance of them hiding, I almost beheaded the same cat when she was younger; she had crawled up the back of the kitchen drawer and was asleep - it was half open and I almost shut it, hard: don't know why I looked first  :o ……….

I get nervous about having a panic attack that will stop me doing anything  :'(


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2015, 08:19:36 AM »

Hi,  I am exactly the same - I get anxious over some many things & it's driving me mad!  >:(  In the week before my last period (& during it), I was waking up in the early hours & had the panicky feelings & rumbling stomach.  It definitely gets worse during PMS but it is still there at other times.  I panic over making decisions & 'chop & change' my mind from one day to the next.  :-\  My adult son has autism & I am really anxious at the moment because he is having a trial at our local college this week & I am on tenterhooks, waiting to see if it all works out.  He gets agitated by many things so my nerves are jangling & my DH is being driven mad by the pair of us but he still manages to stay calm.  I only wish I could be calmer for everyone else's sakes but there are times when I find that impossible. 
I get 'jittery' when my DH is driving (and he is not a reckless driver) - a car came zooming up to the roundabout we were about to go over on Saturday & I was terrified it was going to hit us even though DH could see he had plenty of time.   When DH has been running a little bit late coming home from work because of traffic, I find myself worrying that he has been in an accident  & when he first started playing golf last year & was out for hours (because he was hooked on it & still is), I got myself in a terrible state, convinced he was 'up to no good' (he definitely wasn't!)
I also felt panicky before going on holiday & took diazapam for the flights which helped.  Once I was there, though, I was better so it was worth the wait.  Diazapam is useful for 'emergencies' but definitely must not be used on a regular basis as it is highly addictive.  I have heard that CBT is very helpful & am currently (still) on the waiting list for treatment - it cannot come soon enough!    Has anyone had any success with this and with 'Rescue Remedy?


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2015, 09:34:10 AM »

Oh yes, forgot that one - if DH is late I am a wreck, convinced he is in a ditch.

Rescue Remedy chewing gum did nothing at all for me, and I tried it for the day.  The spray's have not arrived yet.  Will report when I try them out.

Also considering CBT when I get to the new GP.


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Re: Gone so nervous not the same anymore
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2015, 11:12:59 AM »

Hi...I haven't been on here for a few years now, but my daily fix was a life saver when I began peri. 14 years later I am now 4 years post menopause and although I still get anxiety and depression I have come along way. The reason I am on here today is again for reassurance as I have just recently had to come off my anti-depressant Dosulepin as it is linked to arrhythmyia's and I think was aggravating my palpitations. Consequently I spiralled down a bit and the anxiety, especially health anxiety went berserk!
However, I am now on a new AD called Mirtazepine 15mg and it seems to be helping. I have also started using Oestrogel HRT again, but doing so sparingly. I think this is the wonder medicine!!
Anyway, what I wanted to convey which I tell myself, although anxiety and panic is awful I tell my self everyone has it, it's a mechanism built in all of us, but it is just a feeling and nothing worse is going to happen and when I feel it rising I just say stop worrying it's just a bit of stress caused by a hormone fluctuation, lots of others have the same. This usually helps. I have also started Holland & Barratt Busy B Complex Which helps supports the adrenal glands and the body's energy levels I'll warn you now though if you have trouble swallowing tablets, they are very thick...I need to chew them! Don't know if they have made a difference yet.
It is so reassuring reading all the posts on here, like I thought it was just me who doesn't look forward to holidays as it seems an added stress and just recently I was meant to be looking after my granddaughter for one day a week while my daughter goes back to work, but I haven't got the energy or the inclination. Also having had spinal surgery in March this year I find it difficult picking up a one year old all the time. I'm now trying to use the time to get out and exercise, it's taken me nearly all morning to prepare myself to go for a swim, even now I could quite easily talk myself out of it. :) happy days eh.....

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