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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?  (Read 122331 times)

Mary G

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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #180 on: October 28, 2016, 02:41:42 PM »

Thank you Elizabethrose, enjoy your holiday!

renee, please see other thread for my reply.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #181 on: October 28, 2016, 02:56:10 PM »

Hi Menomale - I haven't heard of Reza Band for reflux. What exactly is it and is it available Uk? Thank you :)


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #182 on: October 28, 2016, 03:16:28 PM »

Wow! me too! I recognise, and can relate to, most of this list. The one that really strikes a chord is eyesight... I paint a lot and when I'm doing detailed, close up work, it feels like my eyes keep 'slipping' out of the boundaries  :o. I'm struggling to paint 'in the lines'. i wonder if its the meno or the hrt I'm on.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #183 on: October 28, 2016, 03:26:13 PM »

Hi Menomale, thank you - I have just looked up where to get this from. The device costs over £200.00 but I would pay it to be free of this, as I'm sure others would. If it's bought privately the applicance and info need to go to your Dr or someone who can fit it safely for your own future use. God, wish I could get one now!  I have applied to see if I can use it for 30 days to see if it works for me. Fingers crossed. Sparkle, anyone with this horrible condition - could this be our answer :)

Arty, I am not on HRT but have had same as you when painting, so could be meno, maybe.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #184 on: October 28, 2016, 03:42:54 PM »

Oh I hope so Menomale. It is actually more than I said - £372.00 but if it works it will be worth it. I have phoned the UK company who supply it and someone is ringing me back, but may be Monday now. I am so excited this could work!  Thank you for bringing this up here xx



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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #185 on: October 28, 2016, 11:26:54 PM »

Hello Elizabethrose, lovely to 'see' you and thank you.  Hope you're still having a fab holiday, walking backwards!!  ;D. Are you well?

S x

Hi Sparkle

Yes thank you, we're having a wonderful time. Sun's disappeared so no need for walking backwards at the moment!!  ;D

We've done lots of wonderful walking: this coast is an absolute delight and my all time favourite place. I find it truly relaxing: there is something about the sea! I've managed to keep the migraines at bay: I'd saved up meds this month so have taken them the few days I've needed to here and they have either despatched the head or calmed it sufficiently to get by.

Still doing the banana before bed and it still seems to be working. I'm still waking with the night flushes but not the overwhelming wakefulness I always usually get and I'm falling back to sleep really easily. I've missed three nights since I started it, been out with friends and completely forgot, and those nights it reverted back to the wretched wakefulness which lingers for hours. I'm assuming that a drop in blood sugar is affecting this adrenal surge, I'll check out the science when I'm back. But actually who cares why it's working, I'm just getting some decent sleep which is a gift especially as I'm still on an oestrogen low with the flushes day and night.

Thinking of you ladies as I've had acid reflux for the past week and a half which is very unusual for me. My diet is different here: despite eating lots of wonderful shellfish, crustaceans etc there are rather too many naughty additions i.e. cakes and scones and clotted cream, and Roskilly's ice cream, shall I continue? It becomes a compulsion: we went to the NT's Glendurgan and had tea and cake there, then drove to the gallery and garden at Trelissick and had to have tea and cake there too. When we return I'm going to have to get tough!

Wishing you well xx



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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #186 on: October 29, 2016, 07:11:26 AM »

Thanks Menomale! What is it about girls and cake?  ;) x


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #187 on: October 29, 2016, 12:43:48 PM »

Elizabethrose - your holiday sounds wonderful, mainly due to the opportunity to eat delicious cakes and scones! I love huge slices of cake, preferably with chocolate as an ingredient lols. When we went to Devon a few years ago we popped into Newquay for the day. On the way back to Devon we got lost and ended up in some woods. But it turned out well as hidden away was a little restaurant, all olde worlde with some of the biggest cakes I have ever seen. We had the most delicious cream tea with the scones still warm. I could just eat one now! Now wonder I have this acid problem!

But I have cut all that out now. I do have a treat once a week and hoping I will get away with one when out for a meal tonight. Fingers crossed. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Menomale, what an awful experience with the endoscopy! Sounds awful. Sorry to here about the hereditary condition, but it's brilliant the reflux stopped like it did. Did you suffer with it for long? I doubt mine will go on its own after 12 years, but hoping for a miracle with the bands you told us about! 

Even so, we can live in hope Sparkle, lols. I can feelmy hormones changing at the moment as my little hot flushes are returning. You wouldn't think we'd still get the up and downs after the menopause but I always tell when mine are on the go.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #188 on: October 29, 2016, 12:56:31 PM »

I feel like the devil tempting you lovely ladies, or the wicked witch in Hansel and Gretel! Come here my lovelies..................x



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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #189 on: November 18, 2016, 09:53:22 AM »

Just worked my way through this thread and identify with quite a bit but I have an odd one with the tinnitus. It came on around 7yrs ago, (so during the peri, although at the time I didn't know that's where I was), and I started hearing a low hum when I was in rooms that had lights on dimmer switches. At the time we hadn't long moved and we have dimmers in our lounge, so I thought this was 'normal'.

Now I have a very low level hum most days and it's more obvious if our light are on. I also find the background noise from fridges louder than I used to.

I also think I might have a form of hyperacusis, set off by a work colleagues voice. When she talks at a normal volume it's OK, but she has a tendency to raise her voice when excited or nervous (which is quite often), and her laugh is like 'Nursey' in 'Blackadder'.  Not too bad if you hear it once, but numerous times through an 8hr day and it's like nails down a blackboard for me.  I've actually resorted to wearing earplugs on occasions it's and one of the reasons I'm going part time at the end of this year.  Actually being around her makes me really angry, I could scream   :diablo:

One good thing, I used to regularly get cold sores, always before a period, and it increased during the peri to maybe 50% of the time.  Post menopause I've just had 2 attacks in 3yrs!

So come on anyone else have a 'good' menopause effect?


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #190 on: November 18, 2016, 10:09:01 AM »

Haha Sooze,

I had the dimmer switch conversation just last night with my husband! The buzzing drives me nuts but he can't hear anything. We stood underneath the offending light and for me it was really loud but he could hear nothing!! Deaf as a post!


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #191 on: November 19, 2016, 10:34:07 PM »

Just reading through the posts and was funny to read posts about Newquay and cornwall, I live in Truro which is about 12 miles from there. I have acid reflux and a small hernia and it's so hard not being able to eat  pastys, scones and saffron cake , I would be in agony. I just have to stand and smell the aromas lol xx


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #192 on: November 21, 2016, 02:26:19 PM »

Just saw your post Dennylou48. I love Truro, such a pretty town and that's where we do our 'last' M and S food shop on the way down to the Lizard. The Cornish treats very nearly finished me off this year!! On the way home, we popped in to the Great Cornish Food Store in the new Waitrose and stocked up on saffron cake and buns to pop into the freezer when home as well of lots of other locally grown and prepared goodies. Love Cornwall!! x


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #193 on: December 04, 2016, 05:00:11 PM »

I have just joined this forum. I thought it was just me having all these weird symptoms. I am 59yrs old and have gone through the menopause, though very late. I had awful bleeding in my early fifties, but waited until the children had left for university, before sorting myself out and seeing a doctor. I had the Mirena coil for five years, which, for me, saved my life, very little bleeding and got me through five years. I had it removed a year ago. A bit of a drama few weeks ago, as I had some spotting. Back to the doctor, who sent me to have an ultrasound. All well, except they thought that the edge of my womb looked a bit uneven, sort of lumpy. Of course I worried myself sick. Was sent for a hysteroscopy, but all was well, thank goodness. However, I have been feeling unusually tired, even after a good night's sleep. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I feel so tired, and could just crawl back into bed. I don't feel weak in my limbs or anything, just overwhelming tiredness. I was in town the other day, not exactly rushing around, but I felt as though I was drunk and spaced out. It was a horrible feeling. Has anyone else felt like this at my age? Thank you for reading.


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Re: List of more unusual menopause symptoms - what are yours?
« Reply #194 on: December 06, 2016, 06:05:20 PM »

Hi pipsqueak

 :welcomemm: from me too. It is common as sparkle says to feel tired - at this age and stage as well as this time of year. Do make sure your diet is good so that you do not become deficient in minerals or vitamins - especially if you have any digestive conditions which prevent/limit absorption.

I also suggest you go to the doc - and if they are testing things generally - they should do everything ie a full blood count, thyroid function tests etc. Also do ask them to measure oestrogen levels although they probably won't as you are post-menopausal but very low oestrogen levels can cause tiredness/fatigue as well as some of the other things. Also low testosterone although they probably won't measure this (as well as tiredness, muscle aches after exercise, and lethargy, the obvious symptoms of this is lack of libido).

As you have had a late menopause and presumably don't know when you actually became menopausal due to the Mirena - it could also be that you are now feeling the effects of the drop in oestrogen - which falls quite rapidly from the date of the last periods ie when the ovaries pack up - over the next couple of years, until it reaches an all time low. Some women only begin to experience symptoms at this point.

Did you suffer from flushes and sweats at all (not everyone  does!) - or maybe you are taking other medication which masks these (some other medications do this)? Are you generally well, fit and healthy - as lack of exercise and excess weight can also cause more tiredness - although maybe you don't feel like taking exercise either!

Please get your sudden onset of tiredness checked out - it could be something really simple.

Hurdity x
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