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Author Topic: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again  (Read 9772 times)


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Scuse this rather gloomy post - wonder if anyone else can relate..

Until 4 years ago (roughly)  was the picture of health, a slim and fit yoga teacher with long hair and a zest for life.. The first 'symptoms' I had were my hair beginning to thin and fall out... gradually and then suddenly (about a year ago I lost over 2/3's of it)

My periods were getting heavier, and the doctors weren't at all interested and just said 'it's your age'
Finally, I became so ill and anaemic that I had to stop work, had put on weight and my periods had gone mental, lasting for a month sometimes.
I was so tired I couldn't get out of bed, let alone teach or practice yoga.

Turns out I had/have thyroid antibodies, but again the doctors won't prescribe thyroid meds (so I bought some and started self-medicating - I do feel better energy wise and that has definitely helped.

I was prescribed norithisterone (yuck!) which stopped the non-stop bleeding
I changed doctors (after a huge fight) and finally got investigated for fibroids - yes I have a small one
Was prescribed Esmya for that and took for 3 months but refused a further 3.. am still waiting a year on for either an ablation or re-section

I have started HRT (Oestrogel +Uterogestan) but decided to stop after amonth. I feel awful, my boobs are huge and I have put on even more weight, lost the urge to exercise and I feel just so depressed and fed up..

I feel like a shadow of who I was.. and my relationship has all but broken down because of it
I want to get a menopause specialist's opinion and exactly WHAT is going on in my body. All the GP's ever said is its difficult to test because your hormone levels are all over the place, but surely its easy enough to test my progresterone and oestrogen and testosterone levels?

I think actually at one point my testosterone (but not the other two!) was tested and it came back quite high, as did my prolactin

I feel like I'm just swimming in the dark, if that makes any sense, I think I've always suffered terrible PMS and I feel like at 51, y periods and terrible moods have ruined my entire adult life, I really want shot of them/it
Would having a hysterectomy help? I worry that I can't take the time off work to recover and that it is so drastic, but maybe would be the best solution for me

any help/support gratefully received. I can't even bear to look in the mirror as I see my once lovely hair reduced to bald patches and wisps.. I feel so unnattractive and that's whats making my relationsihp break down, my partner is sick and tired of me talking about it and he won't support me



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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 12:21:09 PM »

Hi Abby, I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that you are not alone.

I could have written much of what you have said. I to was a fit, active, vibrant person until 4 years ago when the nightmare that is peri menopause hit.  I also had Hashimoto's thyroiditis which complicated things as everyone thought my problems were down to that but after having my thyroid removed I realised that they weren't!

Have a look at the thyroid uk website. You will see that doctors place too much emphasis on the reference ranges in relation to levels. They should be guided by your symptoms. My endocrinologist was excellent and agreed that it was about how you felt rather than what your levels said.

I have been on hrt for coming up 2 years but to be honest it doesn't seem to have helped much but I think you have to persevere for longer than 1 month to see the benefits. You don't say what dose of estradot you are on but perhaps you could try a lower dose and increase gradually.

I have put on lots of weight too and at times can barely leave the house or be bothered with anything but I am lucky as my husband has been amazing as have my family and friends.

Please keep persevering and hopefully you will get some help. I think we all just have to keep fighting with the knowledge that hopefully things will improve.

Marie xx


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2015, 01:25:04 PM »

Hi Abby

I too identify with so much of what you say, even down to the fact that before 'all this' I too was very sporty (would run 40 miles a week and was never ever exhausted; hadn't seen doc in years). My first symptoms were very physical - extreme back ache, tingling and painful ankles.

The doctors insisted that it was a sports injury at first and put the low mood down to not being able to be active - I knew this wasnt the case but no one would listen. They said I was only 40- and still having periods (albeit crazy random ones) so dismissed hormonal causes for ages.

Fast forward three hideous years - which included extreme fatigue, stomach issues, tingling and a lot of panic -  and I ended up getting HRT (initially Utrogestan and 50mcg patches) and, after about three months, I began to feel better and more like old me (with the occasional blip). I started to want to do things again and, on balance, life was mainly good rather than mainly bad. Yes, I have gone up a dress size and now have a bust (quite a novelty!) but anything is better than the place I found myself in a few years back.

With this in mind, please dont take this the wrong way but I think one month is a very short time to 'trial' HRT. It takes ages to kick in, especially for the psychological issues.

Eventually I decided I needed something to control my fluctuation hormones rather than just top them up, so switched to the pill. Again, was worse before it got better, but now I feel more positive about life.

If it's only sore boobs and weight gain putting you off HRT, I would give it a little longer before you rule it out. If you get your joie de vivre back, you'll be able to exercise again anyway.

Good luck what ever you decide, B x


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 02:42:28 PM »

Hi Abby, I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that you are not alone.

I could have written much of what you have said. I to was a fit, active, vibrant person until 4 years ago when the nightmare that is peri menopause hit.  I also had Hashimoto's thyroiditis which complicated things as everyone thought my problems were down to that but after having my thyroid removed I realised that they weren't!

Yes, I have Hashimoto's although my doc's refuse to acknowledge! saying my level of antibodies could'n't possibily be a problem.. However, I know better and so have bought natural dessicated thyroid and yes, feel much better!

Have a look at the thyroid uk website. You will see that doctors place too much emphasis on the reference ranges in relation to levels. They should be guided by your symptoms. My endocrinologist was excellent and agreed that it was about how you felt rather than what your levels said.

THyroid uk is a great site, as well as Health Unlocked, have learned loads from both ;-)

I have been on hrt for coming up 2 years but to be honest it doesn't seem to have helped much but I think you have to persevere for longer than 1 month to see the benefits. You don't say what dose of estradot you are on but perhaps you could try a lower dose and increase gradually.

Yes, I realise. I'm only on 1 pump of oestrogel and 100mgs uterogestan.. will give it a bit longer I guess and see how i feel..

I have put on lots of weight too and at times can barely leave the house or be bothered with anything but I am lucky as my husband has been amazing as have my family and friends.

Please keep persevering and hopefully you will get some help. I think we all just have to keep fighting with the knowledge that hopefully things will improve.

Marie xx

Thanks Marie, I really appreciate the above.. it's good to know we are not alone !! I think it's just feeling un supported by GP's and having to scrabble around trying to find out what the matter is that has shaken me so much.



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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 02:44:45 PM »

Hi Abby

I too identify with so much of what you say, even down to the fact that before 'all this' I too was very sporty (would run 40 miles a week and was never ever exhausted; hadn't seen doc in years). My first symptoms were very physical - extreme back ache, tingling and painful ankles.

The doctors insisted that it was a sports injury at first and put the low mood down to not being able to be active - I knew this wasnt the case but no one would listen. They said I was only 40- and still having periods (albeit crazy random ones) so dismissed hormonal causes for ages.

Fast forward three hideous years - which included extreme fatigue, stomach issues, tingling and a lot of panic -  and I ended up getting HRT (initially Utrogestan and 50mcg patches) and, after about three months, I began to feel better and more like old me (with the occasional blip). I started to want to do things again and, on balance, life was mainly good rather than mainly bad. Yes, I have gone up a dress size and now have a bust (quite a novelty!) but anything is better than the place I found myself in a few years back.

With this in mind, please dont take this the wrong way but I think one month is a very short time to 'trial' HRT. It takes ages to kick in, especially for the psychological issues.

Eventually I decided I needed something to control my fluctuation hormones rather than just top them up, so switched to the pill. Again, was worse before it got better, but now I feel more positive about life.

If it's only sore boobs and weight gain putting you off HRT, I would give it a little longer before you rule it out. If you get your joie de vivre back, you'll be able to exercise again anyway.

Good luck what ever you decide, B x

Thanks Briony, I will give it longer.. I just suddenly thought maybe I should stop taking EVERYTHING and give myself a chance to recover from the onslaught of the last year (of taking loads of different versions of hormones basically)

and then get some specialist advice and see what they say

thanks so much for the support.

Abby xx


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 02:49:50 PM »

Poor you.  You are not alone in these feelings though, 3.5 years for me I was a different person.  I only just realised why though.  Just been to see my GP who was a sack of poo to put it bluntly.  I am going to wait for results of my bladder scan and then go see another GP there, while I am making enquiries in the area to change to one who just 'might' have more of a clue about meno issues.

sorry no info about hysterectomy or much other help.  But does sound to me like you could do with looking for an improved GP.

Good Luck.


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 04:51:11 PM »

In the short term, you might want to consider emailing Dr. Currie on here. I found her to be really helpful. It costs £25 xx


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2015, 05:03:47 PM »

Thanks Briony, I was thinking I might do that.. How do I find her email? is it pinned somewhere?



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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2015, 06:17:21 PM »

Home page, then 'email Dr Currie'. Takes about three days for reply x


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2015, 09:13:15 PM »


I just wanted to say I understand much of what you describe. I just wanted to let you know that if you have always suffered with bad PMS it makes you much more likely to suffer with increased anxiety and low mood as you become menopausal.

One month on HRT is really nothing. The rule of thumb is to trial it for 3 months at the very least.

If you try HRT again, it might help stabilise your mood so that you feel better able to exercise and take back some control of your body.

Please keep posting, everyone here is so helpful and supportive.


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2015, 02:54:48 PM »

Hi abbyH

When I read your symptoms I immediately thought of thyroid problems - the weight gain, thinning hair, extreme tireness - then I read you have thyroid antibodies and the docs won't treat you? Why not?!!!!!!

It sounds to me like you definitely need to get the right balance of thyroid meds -  to help you function normally and then look at HRT to deal with the menopausal symptpoms - eg flushes and sweats, and other symptoms if you have them? Are your periods irregular or just regular and very heavy? An ablation sounds like a good idea.

Some women with fibroids are given a Mirena coil which can lessen bleeding and prevents fibroids form becoming overstimulated from adding oestrogen. Here is the info on this site:

    Fibroids are benign smooth muscle tumours of the uterine (womb) wall and are dependant on estrogen. They tend to shrink after the menopause but shrinkage may not occur, or they may even increase in size with HRT use. Increase is thought to occur in 25% of HRT users and mainly occurs in the first six months of therapy. There is some evidence that transdermal (patch or gel) but not tablet HRT nor tibolone may promote fibroid growth. [ref 24] Fibroid size can be monitored by regular examinations and sometimes by ultrasound scans. There is some evidence that the use of the progestogen releasing intra-uterine system, Mirena may cause fibroids to reduce in size. Mirena is often used in the perimenopause by women who have heavy periods and/or require contraception and can provide the progestogen part of their HRT.

 Adding oestrogen will have some initial side effects ( eg boobs) but these should settle so that you feel better generally - if oestrogen deficiency is the cause of your problems.

Do go back to the doc and see if you can get referred initially for thyroid - or have you already seen an endocrinologist?

Hurdity x


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2015, 05:17:26 PM »

It might be 'your age' but that is to be expected  ::) - symptoms however should be treated by your GP and if not, the GP should refer you to a Specialist.  Maybe go back and speak to your Practice Nurse to find out how the Practice treats thyroid problems?  Then ask for a referral! 


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2015, 07:41:33 AM »

Thanks CKD and Hurdity

Yes, I've been through the ringer with the DOC, she is really nice and did help to get my fibroid sorted but refuses to acknowledge that having TPO antibodies (that are low, according to her) can mean Hashitomot's (which it does!)

I took matters in my own hands and got natural dessicated thyroid and I feel so much better in my energy, the hair loss has not stopped though, so I think I might need to up my dose a bit now..  and I think I've lost a bit of weight (someone told me I had yesterday)  However it's been such an uphill battle to get to even a fraction of how I used to feel..

I think the HRt will help, so I'm going to persevere.. Just finished my first month... and I think the boobs are settling down

Thank you for your support it really helps...

Abby x


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2015, 11:53:16 AM »

Hello Abby and welcome to the forum.  Reading your post and the replies I think you have been given good sound support and advice.

Can I just ask you how you came by the Armour if your doctor is not prescribing thyroid meds.  As far as I can tell you can't just buy it.  Did you go to a private practitioner.

I am interested in looking into Armour as I am on T4/T3 combination and having trouble splitting the tiny little 20mcg T3 tablets.


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Re: Feeling really down - and wondering if I will ever be 'myself' again
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2015, 07:56:51 AM »

BabyJane I bought Naturethroid (after reading a lot of other people's experience on Health Unlocked) from International Pharmacy... They ship to the UK no problem

I think I may have to increase my dose as my hair is still falling out.. but generally in other areas (energy, depression etc) feel much better..

But as I said, my doc is not interested in an antibody level of <78  she says a lot of people have this and are fine!!!

(which is really not true, once you have antibodies, you have antibodies!)

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