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Author Topic: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)  (Read 14826 times)


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Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« on: August 25, 2015, 11:33:07 AM »


Same hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) but the pill 'overrides' our own cycles and prevents ovulation and our own hormones/cycles, and yet - HRT 'adds' to our own hormones/cycles...

Is it just the amounts of oestrogen and progesterone that are different ? How on earth do our body's know to 'add' instead of 'override' ?

If we 'add and add' will we eventually override ?

Thanks for any info



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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 11:50:42 AM »

Hi Pollie

The hormones are much stronger in the Pill, effectively shutting down your ovaries.

The levels in HRT are much lower. I tried HRT for 4 months to try and quell my awful mood swings, insomnia and random anxiety.

It helped. A bit. But my symptoms were still all over the place.

Just over 2 weeks ago I swapped to the Pill in desperation. The first few days symptoms were still a nightmare. But then it was like someone had flipped a switch. Symptoms stopped overnight. Zap. Gone.

Praying like mad that it's the Pill at work.


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 02:09:38 PM »

If you work out how much progestogen there is (difficult because of the different sorts), there is a huge amount in the combined pill and this stops ovulation.  The oestrogen is a much stronger synthetic one too.

Progestogen only pills have much less progestogen in them, but do not stop ovulation.  Cerazette contains more (not as much as the combined) and does stop ovulation but has poor cycle control.


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 03:18:13 PM »

Doesn't the progestogen affect the thickness of the womb lining, making it thinner so it can't support a pregnancy.


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2015, 03:26:04 PM »

The womb lining does get thinner and you do get much less of a bleed.  Which was why I was happy to take it  :)


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2015, 09:17:53 PM »

Patches from 100-200mcg will suppress ovulation too. It's something I'm considering since I can't go on a pill stronger than my current one which is 2mg on average - ie same as eg Femeston in estrogen, but different progesterone.


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2015, 10:13:54 PM »

can i just clarify something ? if i couldnt tolerate the progrestrone in the elleste duet.. the pill wouldnt be an option for me then?  xx


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2015, 08:18:38 AM »

It depends which pill. Do a google search for Avon Pill Ladder. It's brilliant as it sets out the differences. You would need one that's not progesterone dominant - probably a third or fourth generation . Do read the whole article - it's excellent. Xx


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2015, 10:21:33 AM »

Hi ladies

was just flicking through and noticed this post. so thought id put my 2 peneth in :)

Im currently back on the mini pill Micronor a progesterone only pill, i decided to go back on it even though im 52 its been a godsend for the periods as i suffered really heavy bleeding  and ive been on it for over 3 months now and no bleeding at all.

Although its great for stopping periods it hasnt quite stopped my hot sweats or aching joints and other symptoms!

im thinking perhaps il start the everol patchs doc has given me,as they have the same type of progestrogen in then as my pill but with the added oestrogen. im not sure how il get on with oestrogen as when i tried the combined contraceptive pill way back in the past i didnt seem to get on with oestrogen ..

any thoughts or advice please would be great, is the contraception oestragen the same as the hrt patches in everol??

Tricia x



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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2015, 10:26:06 AM »

Libra, are you sure it wasnt the progesterone in the combined pill that caused you problems? I think that seems to cause more issues than estrogen? If your'e taking a POP then the balance between your estrogen and progesterone will probably be knocked - hence when you're still getting low estrogen issues. The patch with the same progesterone you currently take seems like a good idea, if it's available? You're lucky as a lot of ladies struggle with this progesterone.

This might be of interest to people who are considering the pill but prefer the lower risks of HRT:

As premenstrual depression and other cyclical disorders of this syndrome are related to ovulation, it is logical that the mainstay of treatment should be the suppression of ovulation and the removal of the cyclical hormonal changes (whatever they are) which produce the cyclical symptoms of this condition. It is likely that the essential cause of premenstrual depression is the intolerance to endogenous progesterone following ovulation, and it is regrettable that such patients are also progestogen intolerant to any gestogens administered (20), and these progestogenic side effect are both dose and duration dependant (21). Any progestogen used for endometrial protection in these patients should be one that produces the least symptoms given in the lowest effective dose and the least number of days.

It is for this reason that the birth control pill, although suppressing ovulation and cycles, is not so effective because of the daily progestogen for twenty-one days a month. Even taking the birth control pill back-to-back without a break removes all fluctuations, but in some patients the progestogen component remains a problem and the PMS type symptoms become continuous rather than cyclical. The progestogen drosperinone is a less androgenic gestogen contained in the oral contraceptives Yasmin and Yas. These have been claimed to be effective for the treatment of PMS (22) and have been recommended by some to be suitable as first-line therapy (23).

An effective hormone therapy for severe PMS is the use of transdermal oestrogens for suppression of ovulation (24). This can be by gel (2.5-5.0g grams daily), patch (200 mcgs twice weekly) or --in those patients who have already responded well to transdermal oestrogens -- an oestradiol implant of 50 mgs every six-months, which gives long term therapy (25). They should be warned that they may feel less well in the first two weeks -- rather like the mood changes seen in early pregnancy -- and that it may not work for the first month until ovulation has been suppressed. Oral oestrogens may also be effective, but there are no published studies to support this.

The patients will need progestogen to prevent endometrial hyperplasia and irregular bleeding, but because of the progestogen intolerance found in these women, a smaller dose of shorter duration is recommended, usually in the form of 2.5 mgs of Norethisterone or 100 mgs of Utrogestan for the first seven days of each calendar month; this will produce a regular withdrawal bleed on about day ten of each calendar month. Re-setting the periods in this way prevents abnormal bleeding ; instead normal , usually scanty bleeding occurs at a predictable time of the month. Another minor advantage of this regimen is that periods now occur 12 times a year rather than 13.[/b
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 10:28:04 AM by Briony »


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2015, 05:04:04 PM »

Nick panays team have done some research on bone protection and.other things bcp v hrt.  The hrt was far.superior.  there is a presentation.via.daisy network but you have to be a member


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2015, 07:10:06 PM »

Hi libra62

The oestrogen in the Pill is different to the oestrogen in HRT. The former is synthetic and much stronger. HRT oestrogen now is mostly bio-identical to our own ie estradiol so how you reacted to the old CCP is not an indication of how you will react to HRT.

As you say the POP will keep the lining thin and reduce bleeding therefore control heavy periods but not the symptoms of menopause caused by low oestrogen. If you can tolerate the Micronor with few or no side effects then it sounds like the Evorel sequi patches might be just the thing - especially if you are getting near to menopause.

I would give them a go...

Hurdity x


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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2015, 11:19:04 AM »

Hi hurdity

do you think it would be ok to just use my everol sequi patches ,even though ive been taking micronor (pop) for 3 months, can i just use them or do i need to stop pill for a while first?
Also i know the sequi patches bring on a bleed. will i get the periods again, as havent had periods since taking the pill  which i really want to avoid as hate them .



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Re: Difference between HRT and BCP (the pill)
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2015, 07:53:55 PM »

Hi libra - I would have thought you can just start the patches. The dose of progestogen in Micronor is lower than that of HRT. Also you don't know where your cycle is I presume if it's stopped your periods. Perhaps you are near the menopause now?

Yes you will get a monthly withdrawal bleed on Evorel sequi, so if you don't want a bleed then it might be worth starting on the Evorel conti part of your patches (which is like continuous combined HRT) - especially as you've already been taking a lower dose of progestogen in tablet form and not had a bleed. Then make an appointment with your doc and ask if your prescription can be changed to Evorel conti.

You may well start to get some spotting though despite the progestogen, because your body has been deprived of oestrogen - this should settle though within a few months - so don't throw away those tampons and towels yet!

Good luck

Hurdity x