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Author Topic: Newbie and struggling with all these changes  (Read 3254 times)


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Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« on: August 25, 2015, 08:21:38 PM »

I am delighted to have found this page as I would love some advice from you lovely ladies, I am 42 and really struggling at the moment with a huge change in my body and state of mind.
I have suffered with severe endometriosis for 10 years and had several surgeries and been on so much medication over the years, I was always told that it may go once menapause kicks in but didn't believe it would happen! Well here I am and for the past year my periods have become irregular and from having one every month to them arriving every 2-3 months, the upside is that I have felt much better with less pain. I have been having mild flushes which I am not too concerned about as they don't last long but the main problems I am having are brain fog, terrible anxiety and just feel like the life has been sucked out of me. My facial skin is absolutely terrible and every couple of weeks it erupts into extremely dry, tight and flaky under my eyes and around my mouth and it's so bad I don't want to go out.
I just feel like I have aged dramatically overnight and wrinkles have just appeared and I've lost my confidence and get panicky in normal everyday situations, my moods are up and down and one minute I love my hubby the next I can't Stand him and I know it's do with this.
Just wondered if this is normal and can anyone recommend some products/supplements, I don't want to try hrt at the moment as I've been told it can reactivate the endo,many advice greatly appreciated.


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 09:20:37 PM »

Hi Bonnie and welcome to MM
What you are experiencing does sound like typical peri menopausal symptoms - these can be very distressing.
At 42 you are still quite young and the peri stage can go on for a few years. If you do go into post meno (your periods stop completely for over 12 months) in the next 2-3 of years then it might be important you have some HRT to protect your heart and bones in the long term.
As you have had endometriosis,you are right, HRT could trigger problems with this again so some advice from a  specialist would be advisable.  Have they ever offered you a Mirena?
I hope you have a good GP with whom you can discuss things - I'd ask for a referral to a gynae or menopause clinic so you can look into your options.
Many of us have tried all sorts of alternative remedies with no real success - I've spent a fortune over the years - I could have had a luxury holiday instead!!
I would make sure you take Vitamin D - perhaps ask to be tested for this.  I also find that Omega 3 helps with skin and aching joints.
Do read up all the info on this site to get really clued up.
Keep posting DG x


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 10:48:10 PM »

Thank you dancinggirl for your reply, mirena has never been discussed so I may have to see my gp but unfortunately my lovely female gp recently left our practice and so don't feel I have the same rapport with anyone else? I have been offered a hysterectomy for the past several years due to the endo but just didn't want to put my body through it and to be honest I'm glad I didn't as I'm feeling so much better. My mother began having menapause symptoms similar to mine at age 40 so not sure if it's hereditary, she had an awful time so I am preparing myself! I feel I have never been away from doctors and gynaecologists for years and you know when you feel you've got to the point where you think they're sick of you? Well that's how I feel but I know I need to go back. I had bloods taken a couple of years ago and was told my hormone levels were low but that was about it, I didn't even realise there was such a thing as a menapause clinic so will look into that and also get some vitamins as I'm not taking any. Thanks so much for the information and very happy that I have others to talk to.


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 10:59:00 PM »

Hi Sparkle, thank you for your reply, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the OH one minute and hates him the next lol, it's really awful we've been together 25 years and love him to bits but then the slightest thing just really annoys me and I just need to be away from him, but I now realise when these feelings come over me and try to remember it's hormonal and I will be back to normal soon as it can pass in a couple of days, he says he can tell when I change and he is trying to be more understanding but it's awful for him, he has put up with the endo for years and now this!
I haven't had any blood tests for a couple of years when I was told I had low hormone levels so may have to have some taken, I'm definitely going to try some vitamins to see if that helps with some symptoms.
I too have had fibroids and also have cysts on ovaries so really don't want hrt at the moment but I know I may have to consider it in the future to protect myself.
Thanks again for you lovely message, so glad I have others to talk to.


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2015, 09:23:32 AM »

Hi Bonnie




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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2015, 08:29:42 PM »

Hi Sparkle
Sorry for the delay in replying just managed to sort out notifications!
Yes cysts have been awful, when I've had surgery in the past I've had large chocolate cyst which have had to be drained. My endo was diagnosed in 2005 after years of pain, most people think endo pain is just before your period but for me the only time I didn't have pain was around day 2 of my period and then as soon as it finished the pain would creep back in, and it would be daily to be honest I've had a dreadful time with it as it's also on my bowel. I did have really bad stabbing pains during ovulation like yourself and it's not good. I do still have a cyst on my left ovary and that can really give me excruciating pain. Apart from the way I feel at the moment I am so happy to be starting menapause (how many women would say that!) compared to the endo I'd take this any day, however it's swings and roundabouts I suppose.
I will definitely get my levels checked and see what I can take to help, I haven't had any aching muscles or anything like you've had.
Take care x


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2015, 08:33:18 PM »

Hi SadLynda
Thank you for the welcome 😀 it's nice to have some place to share experiences with others who understand.



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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2015, 08:08:36 AM »

Hi Bonnie41

 :welcomemm: from me too.

So sorry to hear about the rough time you are having and also that you are netering early menopause.

Is it possible for you to be referred to a menopause clinic due to your early menopause? As you say oestrogen replacement is important at your age but difficult due to your history especially re endometriosis. As Dancinggirl says some gyanes may permit the Mirena coil along with oestrogen for women in your position.

This is what it says oin this site about endometriosis and menopause:

    There is a small risk of reactivation of endometriosis with HRT use and any recurrence of symptoms should be reported. If a hysterectomy has been performed for endometriosis, the choice of HRT use thereafter should be influenced by the extent of endometriosis at the time of the operation. Since hysterectomy often causes a premature menopause, it is often advised to take HRT until the average age of the menopause; 51 years. HRT after hysterectomy usually consists of estrogen only. However, in the presence of endometriosis, estrogen may cause stimulation of residual deposits and consideration should be given to using continuous combined (estrogen plus daily progestogen) therapy, or tibolone, though little research has been done on the effect of different types and duration of therapy. Medical treatment of endometriosis often involves ovarian suppression which, along with ovarian removal, may increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Good luck!  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Newbie and struggling with all these changes
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2015, 09:56:58 AM »

Hi Hurdity
Many thanks for your kind welcome and message, I have made an appointment with my doctor to see if I can have some bloods taken and a referral to a menapause clinic but unfortunately I couldn't get an appointment for 3 weeks which is the norm with my surgery!
Thank you for the information with regards to hrt and endo, it's quite daunting as I really don't want the endo to flare up again as it finally seems to have subsided with the lack of periods, so for me that in itself is fantastic as it really has dominated my life for the past 10 years.
I will report back once I've seen my doctor and had bloods taken.

Bonnie x