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Author Topic: How low can you go?  (Read 11461 times)


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2015, 10:47:42 AM »

Thanks UnHinged, yesterday was bad for me too, day before was worse.  Not finished work yet, and that does keep my mind off for a bit.  I think I might be Sparkle's twin sister, as its just like what she said but also with the darkest of thoughts thrown in.

Must look up this Charles Linden fellow then?  I do have some books, I am reading the Clare Weeks one at the moment when I can.

My DD is also having a really rough time with her pre-natal depression and relationship problems.

Another thank you from me for the great support here, it really helps.  :thankyou:


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2015, 11:07:15 AM »

Try taking half a day at a time.  Also, I found that making lists in the evening and having something to tick off the next day, showed me exactly what I did manage to achieve.  Anything not done went on the next list  ;)


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2015, 01:01:05 PM »

Hi sparkle, yes I get that feeling too, think it's mental fatigue to be honest, bloody horrible, yeah I will let you know unhinged how I get on with it.....if you have an email address I can forward the virtual copy of it to you as I got it on eBay for a fiver, but wanted to use the CDs and DVD too to ordered a copy on Amazon for 30 something quid.......I did aqua aerobics yesterday and feel a bit better today, still anxious but better.....period week!!!!! Gaaaah......horrible thoughts paranoia, palps, sinking guys know the script....I have an audition with a ladies drumming group tonight so wish me luck.....scared, but really want to do it, will give me something positive to focus on :-)......we are a brave bunch.....hugs all round xxx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2015, 02:30:58 PM »

One thing I forgot to mention was how I felt my mind closing in on itself - has anyone else had that feeling, almost like you're disappearing into your own body.  Very odd feeling!  Also the constant mind chatter that you can't just switch off - that's exhausting!

S x

YES. :'(


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2015, 02:33:04 PM »

 :-\ twins  ???


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2015, 05:46:29 AM »

Hi sparkle, yeah it went really well, I think I'm in :-).....had so much anxiety last night though, wired, thirst, don't know if I've just done too much as hugely wired this morning and not coping, keeping DD off school and just feel freaked out and panicky.....this is so frustrating trying to keep going through all of this shit and so trying to build myself a life, so upset and just want to cry...hope you ladies are OK this morning xxx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2015, 09:38:58 AM »

TropicalVon, I feel just like that today I think, just totally rotten.  Took every effort to get out of bed I am just so tired too, I wondered if it was the adrenaline from the last few days, wish I could just go back to bed, but shopping next, then another walking job, then parents and docs after that so no chance of a much needed rest.  But if you can rest today then please do so.

Morning Sparkletwin :)


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2015, 09:52:18 AM »

Sorry to hear it's a grim day for you ladies so far, good luck at the docs later Lynda, maybe you will get some encouragement and some help.
TropicalVon - that is so kind of you, but no worries, I'm going to get the full one too, but thanks so much for the offer. Congratulatons of your drumming - maybe it'll help beating ten bells out of something!
Sparkle & Lynda, yes the mind closing in feeling, it feels like everything is imploding inwards and there's some sort of barrier that won't let me see anything from the outside, only my dark bad thoughts.
I too am on the edge today, I'm going to force myself to go out, see if I can make my mind thing about something else x


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2015, 09:56:23 AM »

well done on mastering the effort to get out Unhinged - have a good day, get some fresh air and hope you feel better for it.

Will be interested to hear how you get on with the Charles LInden, I did take a look and too pricey for me after my financial cock up remember LOL.  Wish I could have a go on the drums too.

Hope the sun is out for you all too today and you can try some 'me time' and have a little treat of some sort to cheer you.

I will update about my GP visit on 'my story' later - thank you again for all your support :-*


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2015, 10:14:57 AM »

Thanks Lynda, yes do let us know what happens at the docs, I will check in on your other thread. I will let you know re the Linden stuff, when you're a bit more 'flush' apparently you can pick them up real cheap on eBay sometimes.

I'm going to the shops to get a couple of bits for my holiday to the Highlands early Sept, as soon as I go away all the anxiety just stops and I could bungee jump off Ben Nevis - well maybe not but you get my drift ha ha! I feel right back to my old self when I'm away, can drive hundreds of miles, nothing fazes me - 'anxiety, what's that?', even the physical symptoms seem barely noticeable. Which is telling me that it is my mind that is really letting me down ....

Hope you all find good parts in the day x


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2015, 04:08:45 PM »

Can i hide in your suitcase Unhinged? not had a holiday for some time, think I might need one.

I have updated my 'story'.  Clue is I feel worse than ever now :'(

(sorry to be such a whingebag of late, but I hide it to everyone else)


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2015, 04:41:49 PM »

You can SadLynda! A holiday does wonders, even if you don't go far, just a break from the routine ...

Yes I replied on your other thread, I know you haven't yet got the help you wanted, I really hope you do soon.

You are NOT a whingebag! I too hide it from everyone else, and that's the whole point of us being on this forum - we can all speak honestly knowing that everyone else here understands how bad things can be, we don't have to put on a brave face, hide fears, worry about what people think of us or anything, it's a wonderful place to be so you keep 'whingeing' x


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2015, 06:01:18 PM »

Thanks sparkle, had that hyper real feeling too... yeah I think it was the after effects of adrenaline combined with my worst time end of period and a few days after....dreading the next few days....what a way to live eh!!!!....some days it's all just too much.    .I know you all know....does anyone also feel they have an acidic feeling in your head?.....and pulsing behind their ears?....if any of you want me to email you the linden method, add me as a friend...sad Lynda, hope you feel a little better now......just going to read your post...a holiday sounds fabulous unhinged....sure you will have a lovely time xxx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2015, 06:19:18 PM »

Hi Tropical, thankyou, I am really looking forward to my holiday. With regards to head symptoms, I do have acid reflux due to a hernia anyway, so my throat and mouth are always feeling 'acidy', I don't get the pulsing behind the ears (yet) but I do have a frequent 'jangling' around my salivary glands which then runs along my whole jawbone, I don't know what that's about! Other than that head-wise, apart from light headaches (no migraines) I sometimes feel like my whole  head is pressured, as though it's clamped in one of those old full face metal battle helmets - that's the best I can describe it!

What I do know for sure is that a huge number of these weird symptoms we get have not made it onto the 'official menopause list of symptoms' - probably why we all feel half-mad half of the time! xx


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Re: How low can you go?
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2015, 08:42:39 PM »

Yeah absolutely get the head pressure too unhinged, its a horrible feeling like your brain is being squeezed lol....don't get the jangling jaw bone but I do get burning in my chest which I think may be acid reflux least we have each other to compare symptoms with, think of the women who haven't found menopause sites.......hey I have a huge positive for the day.....other women who get the weirdness :-) xxx
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