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Author Topic: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?  (Read 20483 times)


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2015, 10:47:54 AM »

That's a thought jedigirl. Though I don't intend having a break from the Pill after 21 days so wouldn't have thought I would get any dips?

Unless you mean they can cause mood swings even if you don't have a break from them.

I would hesitate to go back to see my GP for a change in BCP as he was hugely skeptical it would work anyway.


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #61 on: August 28, 2015, 10:48:23 AM »

This seems to explain well the difference between a normal cycle and one with a contraceptive pill.  I have no idea what the site is though.

Basically, the high levels of progestogen/progestin and oestrogen which you start to take on day 7 fool the body into thinking that ovulation has already taken place, so the hormones needed to ripen a follicle decline.

HRT does not contain anywhere near this amount of hormone.  There is oestrogen to supplement your own and there is enough progesterone to prevent a build up of the endometrium that this may cause.


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #62 on: August 28, 2015, 12:54:35 PM »

GRL, BCP pills on their own can cause mood swings. If you are having no other physical symptoms of hormonal fluctuations maybe it is the actual pill itself causing them, it is a side effect for some. Just a thought. If that is the case maybe a more oestrogen dominant pill would be better for you or progesterone dominant whichever you feel you are more emotionally stable on?
jedigirl xxx

I think you're right. The pill you take is one of the safest but most progesterone dominant ones available. The progesterone PM will be taking is less likely to have side effects. Still early days, GRL but nice to know you have more options if ever required! X


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #63 on: August 28, 2015, 01:00:30 PM »

Just called doc. Apparently spotting on a 2mg BCP is a sign the estogen is too low for a BCP. Apparently more likely on Qlaira as it's the less potent form of estrogen too. My own period would be due about now  but I have skipped the two blank pills to avoid a bleed whilst away. Woke up this morning with four great spots. I feel 16, but for all the wrong reasons! X


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2015, 01:50:56 PM »


Im now a little confused myself.

As I understand it - too higher oestrogen can cause major problems too and what is too high for one might not be too high for another depending on where they are at meno wise.

That explains why I was so ill on the increased dose.

Found this :
in general with breakthrough bleeding, it is worth trying a higher dose of oestrogen (of course pathology such as a cervical problem or a sexually transmitted inf ection (STI) needs to be excluded first). Certain progesterones are associated with better cycle control than others (LNG better than NET, GSD better than DSG) but if a woman finds a particular progesterone suits her, for example DSG, but she experiences breakthrough bleeding with a low dose 20 mcg EE (Mercilon), then you can try moving up the same ladder staying with the same progesterone but increasing to a 30 mcg EE pill (Marvelon).

Oestrogen and Progestogen effects of combined oral contraceptive (COC)

Oestrogen Effects:
 cervical ectopy
 breast fullness
 migraine type headaches
 fluid retention, weight gain (fluid)
 tiredness, irritability

 Try changing to:
 lower oestrogen or higher progestogen pill or pill with some androgenic activity  problems related to a relative oestrogen excess may be helped by prescribing a more progesterone dominant pill such as Microgynon 30 or Ovranette; or Loestrin 30,

 Progestogen Effects:
 scanty menses
 leukorrhoea, dry vagina
 breast tenderness
 dull type of headache - often of pill withdrawal
 appetite increase, weight gain
 premenstrual depression
 leg cramps, softening of ligaments
 acne, greasy hair
 vaginal dryness
low mood
low libido especially if associated with low mood

Crikey it is a mine field.

Yes the pill can cause side effects as above GRL, so it is whether the moods are less and better on the pill. You can always try a different pill type later. My GP said give it 6 weeks , so I would give it 2 months and see what the improvements are.

 I am feeling much better which is good- thanks for the support ladies. Even my skin is looking better and I am on the progesterone phase of 1/10 ( and normally it goes a bit dodgy , but it is far less dodgy than it was on the femoston 2/10!!

Will keep you all updated on the saga ( was hoping for a light read , but peri meno is not a Jackie Collins novel - it's more War and Peace!! - Does War and Peace have a happy ending?




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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2015, 01:51:27 PM »

I have been spotting on the Pill pretty much every day for the last 2 weeks. Does this mean I'm still not getting enough oestrogen for Heaven's sake???


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2015, 02:06:40 PM »

This seems to explain well the difference between a normal cycle and one with a contraceptive pill.  I have no idea what the site is though.

Basically, the high levels of progestogen/progestin and oestrogen which you start to take on day 7 fool the body into thinking that ovulation has already taken place, so the hormones needed to ripen a follicle decline.

HRT does not contain anywhere near this amount of hormone.  There is oestrogen to supplement your own and there is enough progesterone to prevent a build up of the endometrium that this may cause.

What a great page dahliagirl - thanks for posting this!

To suppress ovulation oestrogen needs to be maintained at a high enough level for long enough to prevent (ultimately) the pituitary gland from producing FSH etc, so the follicle does not ripen and therefore ovulation is inhibited. The fine details are all rather complex aren't they?!

Sorry to hear about all your problems Briony and GypsyRoseLee and hope you manage to sort it soon! Glad you're still "up" pepperminty  :)

Hurdity x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2015, 02:51:51 PM »


Im now a little confused myself.

As I understand it - too higher oestrogen can cause major problems too and what is too high for one might not be too high for another depending on where they are at meno wise.

That explains why I was so ill on the increased dose.


It's strange that you've gone 'up' from Femeston with 2 mg of bio identical oestrogen to the BCP with 2 mg of more potent, synthetic oestrogen and feel better - but felt worse when you went from just 1 to 2 mg oestrogen (in Femeston)? I wonder if it was the increased progesterone in the Femeston which your body didn't like? The progesterone you're now taking is the one I'd choose to take as it's not too androgenic. Or perhaps your body prefers a synthetic oestrogen? I read on here the other day how some people are better with synthetic forms.

Isn't it interesting how our bodies all  respond so differently? I've given up looking for any logic to it - I just pray for good days and try not to dwell on the bad ones! x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #68 on: August 28, 2015, 03:21:01 PM »

I agree Briony. There doesn't seem to be any logic to peri menopausal fluctuations. I've given up trying to plot or plan ahead. All you can know and count on is how you feel right this moment (which for me is tired, headachy and very flat but also agitated).

holly d

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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #69 on: August 28, 2015, 05:06:59 PM »

  Hi Pepperminty,

  Sorry I don't take HRT, but have found Magnesium taken at night really helpfull. Best of luck with it x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #70 on: August 28, 2015, 08:21:55 PM »

Hi Briony,

I am still on the Femeston = lower dose and wont start the pill until I have finished the pack . I didn't feel well on the oestrogen only bit in femeston 2/10 and after 2 weeks of that went onto 1/10 in the combined phase. I was having 2 week periods on HRT and I am hoping the pill sorts this out.

It may not work , in which case I will go back and either get another type or go back to HRT .

I am fine on the progesterone bit now.



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #71 on: August 28, 2015, 09:35:44 PM »

Ah ha - sorry PM, I'd got the wrong end of the stick totally!   :-X

On a different note, I still don't get why/how the Femeston 2/10 has 2 mg of estrogen but doesn't suppress ovulation or act as a contraceptive, yet the same dose in Qlaira (only 2 days are more than 2mg) and even Mercilon will function as a contraceptive? It'll be interesting to see how your body reacts to the higher dose but in contraceptive form. I'm wondering if I could swap to the same pill as you as it's only 2mg, not 3mg, albeit a more potent version of estrogen. Like you, I'd take it back to back which is tricky with Q as it's a four phase pill. Hopefully it'll kick your two week periods where they belong Xx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #72 on: August 29, 2015, 01:29:27 PM »

Hi Ladies,

my moods and tiredness are still ok , but just my luck , I have a sore and painful throat. One of my glands is swollen and painful so either I am fighting something off or I am coming down with something!!
If it isn't one thing it's another!!

Anyone remember the days when you didn't even think about being /feeling ill?

Drinking lemsip and going to have a snooze.

All I need is my period now and that would be the icing on the cake!! I was hoping for a nice Bank holiday weekend where I could enjoy myself , not have the lurgy !!



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #73 on: August 31, 2015, 06:39:03 AM »

Hi Ladies,

It's a case of when one door closes another one slams you in the face at the moment. I have never had a throat like this , painful , swollen and you can visibly see my lymph nodes bulging out of my neck! It is painful to swallow and I feel crap.

And on top of that I am getting stomach cramps signalling that my period is due around day 21 again in the pack.

I feel so tired on top of the usual tired from the peri meno.
You know when you have the feeling that everything is conspiring against you!!

My general health anxiety caused by the meno is looming around me.



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #74 on: August 31, 2015, 09:19:17 AM »

 :foryou: :hug:
PM, sending you sympathy. When you're already under the weather, everything hormonal seems to be multiplied (especially the anxiety). Pants timing with the bank hol too. Hope things ease soon .

Ps This was meant to cheer you up, but reading it back, it's not exactly an uplifting post!  ???
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