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Author Topic: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?  (Read 20467 times)


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2015, 08:30:21 AM »

Glad you feel a bit calmer this morning Pepperminty.

I am keeping everything crossed for you that you can soldier through okay until you see the meno nurse.

One day, we shall look back at this hideousness and it will just seem like a bad dream. As a young teen I can remember my Mum having panic attacks thanks to hormones. Incredibly stressful at the time. 30 years later she genuinely can barely remember any of it.

She's a very active and positive 70 something. So there is hope.


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2015, 09:09:21 AM »

Thanks GRL,

feeling much better today so far!

I took the lesser dose last night , surely that cannot be a coincidence?
I do not feel so ill thank goodness.

Fingers crossed.



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2015, 09:28:13 AM »

Great news you're feeling better  :) :) :)

If you're not so wired today, that does sound like less estogen suits you better ? What were your symptoms that made you want to go up a dose? Xx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2015, 10:48:15 AM »

Hi Briony,

I was taking 1/10 and still not having much energy , although feeling better. No tears , skin good, down below better etc. I was also taking a half tablet to top up the oestrogen every day and from an old pack and the meno nurse suggested I go up to 2/10. Which seems logical I suppose as I was only a half tablet away from the full Monty anyway.
Also my periods were 10 days long and that makes you more knackered.

So I thought I would give it a go , the first attempt after 3 days my eyelids swelled and I stopped and went back to 1/10 , then had another go when I got the aches back at the end of the progesterone phase.
I don't think it's me imagining it as I thought it would take a while for it to clear my system - not over night! Of course this could all change by lunch time, who knows?? :-\ ::)

I do feel better in myself as I am sure you can see by my posts! But I still look a bit zombie like, so taking it easy today and just pottering.

It's a mare.

I am still seeing the GP Thursday and I am still in 2 minds as to whether I should try the pill again and see? Or just see if the 1/10 will stabilize again  ( but have too long periods) . I hope she will give me some advice. I like the idea of no periods as to be honest when entering new relationship to be bleeding for nigh on half the month is not very nice, as well as the tiredness aspect.

So what to do?

I wish someone could tell me what is the best course of action. It is so difficult being objective when it is yourself . I can be the voice of calm and reason for others in my life , but myself = noooo :o :-\ :-\



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2015, 06:33:42 PM »

Ok so today I have felt normal .A bit tired, been out to shops , did a few bits and although I haven't as much energy as I would like I am not a jittery wreck, who feels like she will collapse at any moment or throw up.

This has to be the extra oestrogen , I am obviously sensitive to the build up? Who knows , I knew progesterone could do that too you but not oestrogen.

I am praying this carries on improving .

Thanks everyone for the support.



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2015, 06:53:50 PM »

great pepperminty :-) step at a time.. thats how i started feeling more comfortable within myself , think the body was getting used to the extra oestrogen..2 weeks ago i was beside myself.. my mood flipping min by min.. now seem to just have a touch of anx in the morning... feel fine at work.. then bit of drop in mood when get home..tired i think... then settle down early evening..   it feels good to "normal" things doesnt it? are u off work ? x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2015, 07:01:50 PM »

yes I am in between jobs, and giving myself some time to recover, I couldn't work like that. I just hope that going back to a lower dose works , or I may try the pill. Can't make my mind up,


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2015, 08:05:26 PM »

i took two weeks off sick.. i just couldnt face work. was too exhausted with the anxiety.. im at consultant in 2 weeks..decision time for me aswell.. x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2015, 09:43:17 PM »

Glad things a bit calmer Pepperminty. Do let us know how Thursday goes. Will be keeping everything crossed that you get a good solution  :) x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2015, 06:49:33 AM »

Thanks ladies,

Scary what your hormones can do. I am ok like this , still achy, tired and a bit sensitive, but I can cope. The only major spanner in the works today is the almost 2 week periods and the tiredness.

So I may give it another month on the lower dose and maybe after discussing it with my GP go on the pill ? It's a difficult decision.

One of my meno symptoms is that I can't make decisions!!



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2015, 08:30:42 AM »

I also think you should keep a diary to see whether any patterns emerge. It's unusual that estrogen causes tiredness - that's why we usually feel so uplifted at ovulation when it's at a peak. Makes me wonder if it's actually your progesterone level that's adding to the problems? I remember Hurdity saying high progesterone can cause fatigue. Also, people on the pill rarely have exhaustion as a side effect even though the estrogen is higher and more potent than HRT?
With me, I think my problems come when my own progesterone adds to what I am taking in the pill.

Whatever the cause, it's bloody hideous and ruins everything. Hope it stays away xxxxx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #41 on: August 26, 2015, 07:37:25 PM »

Hi Briony,

thanks- I am keeping a dairy, and I seem to be ok on the progesterone phase, just a bit spotty and tired on the last few pills.

Perhaps the GP or meno nurse can explain. 



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #42 on: August 26, 2015, 07:39:00 PM »

I haven't read all of this thread but oestrogen should not cause exhaustion! That is not its function -as you say Briony otherwise we would never get pregnant because we would be so tired at ovulation we wouldn't be bothered! This would not be a good reproductive strategy! Yes progesterone is a sedative so can cause fatigue, as can low oestorgen cause tiredness/depression. Testosterone plays a role too, not to mention thyroid hormones! What a wonderful system the endocrine system is! So complex!

When you are peri-menopausal also it is more difficult to get things right and to work out what effect or symptoms to atrribute to what hormone or treatment.

Hope you feel better soon pepperminty...

Hurdity x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2015, 07:47:59 PM »

Thanks Hurdity ,

 I am better now I have reduced the oestrogen and I am taking the progesterone - so am I a medical phenomenon ?

Just my luck if I was !



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2015, 07:48:49 PM »

What are you like after the prog phases? That was the real killer for me (psychologically) and is why I am worried about returning to sequential treatment. I'd be OK on prog but suffer afterwards. Weird because I had never really had PMS before all this chaos! So confusing isnt it? I've learnt it's exhausting even trying to make sense of it. My diary showed, above all, that there is no logic to my hormones!     :-\

Good luck if you do go on the pill. DO post with your progress - it's really interesting and useful. Seems to be a good choice for GRL so fingers crossed it could work for you too. I so wish I could have upped my dose too (Q is only 2mg and is bio identical so not half as potent as the est in the BCP) but got a feeling even my own GP will say no (wouldn't look good on my records if locum said no, GP over rode that, then I did have a stroke) so am trying to get my head around other possibilities. Driving me nuts as I'd finally convinced myself to switch to the  'full' pill and was not expecting a total refusal  >:(
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