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Author Topic: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?  (Read 20466 times)


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2015, 10:12:24 PM »

Severe PMS I think? Would send the link but my iPad gone nuts and won't let me cut and paste tonight (think it may need HRT too!) x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2015, 06:43:59 AM »

Hi all,

I feel slightly better this morning thank goodness. Still tired, achy, weepy, zombie eyes, foggy brain and itchy skin, but about 10% better.

All could change in a nano second though!

I cannot make up my mind at present whether to jump ship on HRT in favour of the pill and see if that works better, or to stick with the 2/10 for another couple of weeks to see if it kicks in. It should kick in I would have thought as I have gradually upped my dose and it has been 3 weeks since I did. I know that is not long in HRT terms , but I have been on half a tablet more for 3 months prior to that.

I just don't know what to do for the best as I have goldfish brain .

Hope you get on ok today Briony .




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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2015, 08:38:14 AM »

Just an update , now feel nauseous and have come up with tiny white heads round the jaw line , also have upset tummy feeling , deep joy.

Pepperminty xx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2015, 09:30:06 AM »

pepperminty - I can't remember if you are still peri meno but if you are, then it could be the increased dose that is making things worse.  When I was peri in my late 30s, a high dose of oestrogen certainly made me feel unwell - sweaty, agitated etc. In hindsight I now realise it was the fluctuating hormones with extra peeks and troughs that were the problem.  I then went to a private meno clinic in London - I think the only one of it's kind at the time (this was over 20 years ago) and they put me on just one pump of Oestrogel per day with separate progesterone for 10 days each calendar month. This seemed to stabilise how I felt and then I increased to 2 pumps per day when I was about 43 and obviously well into post meno. I still had problems with the progesterone phase but I think I switched to Dydrogesterone which I found a bit better.  These days there is Provera or Utrogestan which can suit some women better.
Maybe ask if you could try Oestrogel with Provera (MPA) - look under the TREATMENTS section.  DG x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2015, 09:30:44 AM »

Oh dear. Hope you feel brighter very soon. Are you still seeing your GP today?


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2015, 04:00:07 PM »

Hi ladies,

thankyou. I have had a god awful day. I have felt panicky ( first time in months), teary, sick , teary, manic but exhausted, blurred vision, despair.I had to take a diazepam to get through the morning.
I am not taking another 2/10 , I will go back to 1/10 tonight. I have a GP appointment on Thursday morning which is the earliest they could see me. I am going to tell the doctor to give me the pill, I am so desperate, I don't know what I would do if she said no. I feel that bad.
My head is in a vice .



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2015, 04:32:57 PM »

thanks briony :-)

pepperminty - i know how you feel.. i was exactly the same a few weeks ago... but to give u somme hope today i went shopping for household bits and bobs and a new handbag..and it felt so different from a few weeks ago.. when i couldnt walk out of the house without feeling anxious and desperate and just wanted to run from the shops... youll get there once sorted xx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2015, 05:04:34 PM »

Thanks LW44,

I am up and down like a yoyo today. I have just had a panic attack and luckily I telephoned a friend.  I was fine a week ago and have been for months. I am now suffering severe hormonal symptoms. I am convinced it's the extra oestrogen . All I know is that I am an intelligent normally confident and calm woman. As well as the physical symptoms , which are nigh on impossible to live a normal life with , the desperate panic ain't no picnic either.

I am happy, I am not stressed , so it is the hormones.

I was so well a week ago and have been for months , the only change is the increase in oestrogen.

Thank goodness for this forum as I think I would have gone mad without the ability to pour it all out to ladies that understand.

I have now all the 34 symptoms of menopause and feel like I have invented a few new ones to add!!



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2015, 05:46:01 PM »

if you look at my previous posts. when i started the hrt i was asking if had too much oestrogen aswell.. in fact stopped taking for a day felt that bad... tearful anxious.. awful... i know you have increased and taking different hrt..but do u think its maybe body getting used to it and it will even out? i am convinced thats what happened with me..increased symptoms  now fingers crossed things slowly evening out... i felt like on edge of panic attack  constantly for a week... and YES. 100% agree its not a mental form its hormones ! xx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2015, 05:58:07 PM »

Hi LW44,

It has got worse day by day while taking the extra oestrogen. It is not like when I started HRT , the symptoms got worse around period time and it was PMT. This is permanent all the time and not around my period.
This has been getting steadily worse over 3 weeks. It shouldn't be this bad , as I am not going from zero to 60 as before , this is from 45 to 60 miles an hour, so the effects should be minimal as so gradual an increase.
I know everyone says , more oestrogen is good, but surely not always.

Before I could see gradual improvement, I am just seeing downhill and so desperate I am verging on manic, never had that before. Anxiety yes, never manic !!

Just washed my face and my skin which is normally good , looks like I have rosacea or an allergy. I have a red drinkers nose ( I am t total) and eczema around my eyes . " days ago I had nice skin.

Something is amiss,- at least stopped crying now!


« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 06:09:20 PM by pepperminty »


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2015, 07:24:34 PM »

can you get in at drs? emergency appointment? is there progestrone in yr hrt? x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2015, 08:16:44 PM »

Hi LW44,

I can't get in until Thursday to the doctors, but They probably wont have a clue about what to do with the HRT anyway. I have an appointment with the meno nurse in 2 weeks , but that is too long. I will have to wait until Thursday morning.
If I am going to take the pill I will have to wait for my period anyway to start taking it I think , so that will not be for another week anyway as I have started my period round about day 21 of the pack in the last 2 months.
My period has lasted for 10 days also so that has probably tired me out!

Just feel crap now , so that is better than crap and desperate!

Thanks for listening and supporting , it's a mare when you are on your own, dealing with all this.



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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2015, 08:46:11 PM »

glad yr feeling calmer... it is crap when dealing with on yr own... that in itself can make u more anxious..  im thinking about the pill aswell... got my appointment with consultant in 2 weeks... i work in private healthcare so luckily get insurance.. i cant stay on this oestrogen only indefinately as peri.. so dreading my switch around of hrt... im progestrone intolerant.. so god knows what im going to be offered...just want to get on even keel before they started changing everything.. x


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2015, 10:13:30 PM »

lW44 - brilliant news about the shopping. I knew I had a problem the day I no longer wanted to go shopping. You usually can't stop me, but when peri hit, opening the garden gate was an ordeal, let alone battling the High Street!

Pepperminty, just wanted to give you a big hug. It's so hideous and isolating, isn't it? You're probably fed up with us saying this, but are you sure it's too much estrogen and not a dip which has happened to occur at the same time as the switch? The reason I say this is that, reading through my old posts, I had exactly the same thing. I would rip off 50mcg patches in desperation when in fact I needed more. If you do ask for the pill, you'll be on a higher dose of estrogen and it will be synthetic, so even more potent. (You're on 2mg of bio identical, pill will probably be 3mg of synthetic unless you have Qlaira - which has same sort of estrogen as Femeston).

Really hope things settle soon, but in the meantime, remember we're here, and we get it. You're not alone xxx


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Re: does more oestrogen mean exhaustion?
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2015, 07:57:07 AM »

Hi Briony,

Thanks .I took the first combined pill last night and I went back to the old 1/10 dose. I feel knackered this morning , but not so wired. Still teary , but more in control.
I really don't know at this point regarding the oestrogen.
I just know that I am unable to wait months to find an HRT solution at present. I am starting a new relationship and I cannot expect my new man to put up with me like this, he has been used to the real me happy and fun. I am not turning into a horrible person , just feeling ill and pathetic, the worse point being that it is difficult to control!
I was expecting to feel just as crap this morning , but I appear - so far - not to be as bad!!

All I know is that yesterday was the worst for a very long time and the only change is the oestrogen dose .

Again thanks for your support as without it things would be even worse.

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